Special characters
Special characters
- calculation (1), (2)
- call
- CALL (Call Program) command
- Call Procedure (CALLPRC) command
- Call Program (CALL) command
- call stack
- call stack entry message queue
- Call Subroutine (CALLSUBR) command
- calling procedure
- calling program
- Callprc (CALL PROCEDURE) command
- CALLPRC (Call Procedure) command
- canceling
- CEELOCT program
- century digit
- parameter value to CPP (command processing program)
- change authority
- Change Command (CHGCMD) command
- Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB) command
- Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) command (1), (2)
- Change Debug (CHGDBG) command
- Change Job (CHGJOB) command
- Change Library List (CHGLIBL) command (1), (2)
- Change Message Description (CHGMSGD) command (1), (2)
- Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ) command (1), (2)
- Change Program Variable (CHGPGMVAR) command
- Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL) command
- Change Variable (CHGVAR) command
- changing
- character
- character length error
- Check Object (CHKOBJ) command (1), (2)
- checking
- CHGCMD (Change Command) command
- CHGCURLIB (Change Current Library) command
- CHGDBG (Change Debug) command
- CHGDTAARA (Change Data Area) command (1), (2)
- CHGJOB (Change Job) command
- CHGLIBL (Change Library List) command (1), (2)
- CHGMSGD (Change Message Description) command (1), (2)
- CHGMSGQ (Change Message Queue) command (1), (2)
- CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable) command
- CHGSYSLIBL (Change System Library List) command
- CHGVAR (Change Variable) command
- CHKOBJ (Check Object) command (1), (2)
- choice for parameter
- CL command
- CL procedure
- CL program
- CL variable
- Clear Library (CLRLIB) command
- Clear Trace Data (CLRTRCDTA) command
- clearing
- CLRLIB (Clear Library) command
- CLRTRCDTA (Clear Trace Data) command
- CMD (command) parameter
- CMD (Command) statement
- combined authority
- command
- command, CL (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14)
- Add Breakpoint (ADDBKP)
- Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE)
- Add Message Description (ADDMSGD)
- Add Program (ADDPGM)
- Add Trace (ADDTRC)
- ADDBKP (Add Breakpoint)
- ADDLIBLE (Add Library List Entry)
- ADDMSGD (Add Message Description)
- ADDPGM (Add Program)
- ADDTRC (Add Trace)
- attribute
- CALL (Call Program) (1), (2)
- Call Procedure (CALLPRC)
- Call Program (CALL) (1), (2)
- Call Subroutine (CALLSUBR)
- calling
- CALLPRC (Call Procedure) (1), (2)
- Change Command (CHGCMD)
- Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB)
- Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) (1), (2)
- Change Debug (CHGDBG)
- Change Job (CHGJOB)
- Change Library List (CHGLIBL) (1), (2)
- Change Message Description (CHGMSGD) (1), (2)
- Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ) (1), (2)
- Change Program Variable (CHGPGMVAR)
- Change System Library List (CHGSYSLIBL)
- Change Variable (CHGVAR)
- changing
- changing program control command
- Check Object (CHKOBJ) (1), (2)
- CHGCMD (Change Command)
- CHGCURLIB (Change Current Library)
- CHGDBG (Change Debug)
- CHGDTAARA (Change Data Area) (1), (2)
- CHGJOB (Change Job)
- CHGLIBL (Change Library List) (1), (2)
- CHGMSGD (Change Message Description) (1), (2)
- CHGMSGQ (Change Message Queue) (1), (2)
- CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable)
- CHGSYSLIBL (Change System Library List)
- CHGVAR (Change Variable)
- CHKOBJ (Check Object) (1), (2)
- Clear Library (CLRLIB)
- Clear Trace Data (CLRTRCDTA)
- CLRLIB (Clear Library)
- CLRTRCDTA (Clear Trace Data)
- CMD (Command) statement
- command processing program (CPP)
- Convert Date (CVTDAT) (1), (2)
- Create Bound Control Language (CRTBNDCL)
- Create Command (CRTCMD) (1), (2)
- Create Control Language Module (CRTCLMOD) (1), (2)
- Create Data Area (CRTDTAARA) (1), (2)
- Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ)
- Create Library (CRTLIB)
- Create Message File (CRTMSGF)
- Create Message Queue (CRTMSGQ)
- Create Program (CRTPGM)
- Create Service Program (CRTSRVPGM)
- creating
- CRTCLMOD (Create Control Language Module) (1), (2)
- CRTCMD (Create Command) (1), (2)
- CRTDTAARA (Create Data Area) (1), (2)
- CRTDUPOBJ (Create Duplicate Object)
- CRTLIB (Create Library)
- CRTMSGF (Create Message File)
- CRTMSGQ (Create Message Queue)
- CVTDAT (Convert Date) (1), (2)
- DCL (Declare CL Variable)
- DCLF (Declare File)
- Deallocate Object (DLCOBJ)
- Declare CL Variable (DCL)
- Declare File (DCLF)
- defined, authority needed
- defining
- Delete Command (DLTMCD)
- Delete Data Area (DLTDTAARA)
- Delete Library (DLTLIB)
- Delete Program (DLTPGM)
- Display Breakpoints (DSPBKP)
- Display Command (DSPCMD)
- Display Data Area (DSPDTAARA) (1), (2)
- Display Debug (DSPDBG)
- Display Job (DSPJOB)
- Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG)
- Display Library (DSPLIB)
- Display Library Description (DSPLIBD)
- Display Log (DSPLOG)
- Display Message Descriptions (DSPMSGD) (1), (2)
- Display Messages (DSPMSG)
- Display Object Description (DSPOBJD)
- Display Program Variable (DSPPGMVAR)
- Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF)
- Display Trace (DSPTRC)
- Display Trace Data (DSPTRCDTA) (1), (2)
- displaying
- DLCOBJ (Deallocate Object)
- DLTCMD (Delete Command)
- DLTDTAARA (Delete Data Area)
- DLTLIB (Delete Library)
- DLTPGM (Delete Program)
- DO (Do)
- Do For (DOFOR) (1), (2)
- Do Until (DOUNTIL) (1), (2)
- Do While (DOWHILE) (1), (2)
- DOFOR (Do For) (1), (2)
- DOUNTIL (Do Until) (1), (2)
- DOWHILE (Do While) (1), (2)
- DSPBKP (Display Breakpoints)
- DSPCMD (Display Command)
- DSPDBG (Display Debug)
- DSPDTAARA (Display Data Area) (1), (2)
- DSPJOB (Display Job)
- DSPJOBLOG (Display Job Log)
- DSPLIB (Display Library)
- DSPLIBD (Display Library Description)
- DSPLOG (Display Log)
- DSPMSG (Display Messages)
- DSPMSGD (Display Message Descriptions) (1), (2)
- DSPOBJD (Display Object Description)
- DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable)
- DSPSPLF (Display Spooled File)
- DSPTRC (Display Trace)
- DSPTRCDTA (Display Trace Data) (1), (2)
- effect of changing definition
- End Do (ENDDO) (1), (2)
- End Program (ENDPGM)
- End Receive (ENDRCV)
- End Request (ENDRQS)
- End Select (ENDSELECT) (1), (2)
- ENDDO (End Do) (1), (2)
- ENDPGM (End Program)
- ENDRCV (End Receive)
- ENDRQS (End Request)
- ENDSELECT (End Select) (1), (2)
- example of creating
- frequently used in CL procedure
- functions
- GOTO (Go To) (1), (2)
- Iterate (ITERATE)
- ITERATE (Iterate) (1), (2)
- Leave (LEAVE)
- LEAVE (Leave) (1), (2)
- Load and Run Media Program (LODRUN)
- LODRUN (Load and Run Media Program)
- logging CL procedure
- Merge Message File (MRGMSGF) (1), (2)
- Monitor Message (MONMSG) (1), (2)
- MONMSG (Monitor Message) (1), (2)
- Move Object (MOVOBJ)
- MOVOBJ (Move Object)
- MRGMSGF (Merge Message File) (1), (2)
- online help information, providing
- Otherwise (OTHERWISE)
- OTHERWISE (Otherwise) (1), (2)
- Override with Message File (OVRMSGF)
- OVRMSGF (Override with Message File)
- Print Command Usage (PRTCMDUSG)
- processing program (CPP)
- PRTCMDUSG (Print Command Usage)
- RCLRSC (Reclaim Resources)
- RCVF (Receive File) (1), (2)
- RCVMSG (Receive Message)
- Receive File (RCVF) (1), (2)
- Receive Message (RCVMSG)
- Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC)
- Remove Breakpoint (RMVBKP)
- Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE)
- Remove Message (RMVMSG) (1), (2)
- Remove Message Description (RMVMSGD)
- Remove Program (RMVPGM)
- Rename Object (RNMOBJ)
- Resume Breakpoint (RSMBKP)
- Retrieve Configuration Source (RTVCFGSRC) (1), (2)
- Retrieve Configuration Status (RTVCFGSTS) (1), (2)
- Retrieve Data Area (RTVDTAARA) (1), (2)
- Retrieve Job Attributes (RTVJOBA) (1), (2)
- Retrieve Library Description (RTVLIBD)
- Retrieve Member Description (RTVMBRD) (1), (2)
- Retrieve Message (RTVMSG) (1), (2)
- Retrieve Network Attributes (RTVNETA)
- Retrieve Object Description (RTVOBJD)
- Retrieve System Value (RTVSYSVAL) (1), (2)
- Retrieve User Profile (RTVUSRPRF) (1), (2)
- RMVBKP (Remove Breakpoint)
- RMVLIBLE (Remove Library List Entry)
- RMVMSG (Remove Message) (1), (2)
- RMVMSGD (Remove Message Description)
- RMVPGM (Remove Program)
- RNMOBJ (Rename Object)
- RSMBKP (Resume Breakpoint)
- RTVCFGSRC (Retrieve Configuration Source) (1), (2)
- RTVCFGSTS (Retrieve Configuration Status) (1), (2)
- RTVDTAARA (Retrieve Data Area) (1), (2)
- RTVJOBA (Retrieve Job Attributes) (1), (2)
- RTVLIBD (Retrieve Library Description)
- RTVMBRD (Retrieve Member Description) (1), (2)
- RTVMSG (Retrieve Message) (1), (2)
- RTVNETA (Retrieve Network Attributes)
- RTVOBJD (Retrieve Object Description)
- RTVSYSVAL (Retrieve System Value) (1), (2)
- RTVUSRPRF (Retrieve User Profile) (1), (2)
- Select (SELECT)
- SELECT (Select) (1), (2)
- selective prompting
- Send Break Message (SNDBRKMSG)
- Send File (SNDF) (1), (2)
- Send Message (SNDMSG)
- Send Program Message (SNDPGMMSG)
- Send/Receive File (SNDRCVF) (1), (2)
- Send Reply (SNDRPY) (1), (2)
- Send User Message (SNDUSRMSG) (1), (2)
- setting CL procedure limits command
- SNDBRKMSG (Send Break Message)
- SNDF (Send File) (1), (2)
- SNDMSG (Send Message)
- SNDPGMMSG (Send Program Message)
- SNDRCVF (Send/Receive File) (1), (2)
- SNDRPY (Send Reply) (1), (2)
- SNDUSRMSG (Send User Message) (1), (2)
- specifying prompt override program
- Start Debug (STRDBG) (1), (2)
- Start Programmer Menu (STRPGMMNU)
- STRDBG (Start Debug) (1), (2)
- STRPGMMNU (Start Programmer Menu)
- TFRCTL (Transfer Control) (1), (2)
- Transfer Control (TFRCTL) (1), (2)
- used frequently in CL procedure
- used in CL procedure
- using the prompter
- When (WHEN)
- WHEN (When) (1), (2)
- Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK)
- WRKOBJLCK (Work with Object Locks)
- command (CMD) parameter
- Command (CMD) statement
- command, Display Audit Journal Entries
- command analyzer exit points
- command default
- command definition (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16)
- command documentation, CL
- Command Entry display
- command help, CL
- command processing procedure
- command processing program (CPP)
- command prompters
- command usage
- comment delimiter (/*)
- communicate
- compiler, CL
- compiler error
- compiler listing
- compiling
- completion message (1), (2)
- compressing
- conditional breakpoint
- conditional processing of command
- conditional prompting
- configuration source
- configuration status
- constant value
- control
- control language (CL) (1), (2), (3)
- command
- menu
- procedure
- program
- control processing with CL command
- controlling
- Convert Date (CVTDAT) command (1), (2)
- converting
- CPP (command processing program)
- create
- Create Bound Control Language (CRTBNDCL) command
- Create Command (CRTCMD) command
- Create Control Language Module (CRTCLMOD) command (1), (2)
- Create Data Area (CRTDTAARA) command (1), (2)
- Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command
- Create Library (CRTLIB) command
- Create Message File (CRTMSGF) command
- Create Message Queue (CRTMSGQ) command
- Create Program (CRTPGM) command
- Create Service Program (CRTSRVPGM) command
- creating
- CRTBNDCL (Create Bound Control Language) command
- CRTCLMOD (Create Control Language Module) command (1), (2)
- CRTCMD (Create Command) command
- CRTDTAARA (Create Data Area) command (1), (2)
- CRTDUPOBJ (Create Duplicate Object) command
- CRTLIB (Create Library) command
- CRTMSGF (Create Message File) command
- CRTMSGQ (Create Message Queue) command
- CRTPGM (Create Program) command
- CRTSRVPGM (Create Service Program) command
- current library
- CVTDAT (Convert Date) command (1), (2)
- data area
- data area, command to work with
- data authority
- data queue
- data type error
- database file
- date
- DBCS (double-byte character set)
- DCL (Declare CL Variable) command
- DCLF (Declare File) command
- Deallocate Object (DLCOBJ) command
- deallocating
- debug
- debug command
- debugging
- decimal length error
- Declare (DCL) command
- Declare CL Variable (DCL) command
- Declare File (DCLF) command
- decompressing
- default delivery of message
- default handling
- default program
- default value
- default value table
- defined variables
- defining
- definition object, command
- definition statement, command
- delete authority
- Delete Command (DLTCMD) command
- Delete Data Area (DLTDTAARA) command
- Delete Library (DLTLIB) command
- Delete Program (DLTPGM) command
- deleting
- DEP (Dependent) statement
- detailed message
- detecting unused object on system
- diagnostic message (1), (2)
- display
- Display Audit Journal Entries (DSPAUDJRNE) command
- Display Breakpoints (DSPBKP) command
- Display Call Stack display
- Display Command (DSPCMD) command
- Display Data Area (DSPDTAARA) command (1), (2)
- Display Debug (DSPDBG) command
- display file
- Display History Log Contents display
- Display Job (DSPJOB) command
- Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG) command
- Display Library (DSPLIB) command
- Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) command
- Display Log (DSPLOG) command
- Display Message Description (DSPMSGD) command
- Display Message Descriptions (DSPMSGD) command (1), (2)
- Display Messages (DSPMSG) command
- Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command
- Display Program Variable (DSPPGMVAR) command
- Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF) command
- Display Trace (DSPTRC) command
- Display Trace Data (DSPTRCDTA) command (1), (2)
- displaying
- DLCOBJ (Deallocate Object) command
- DLTCMD (Delete Command) command
- DLTDTAARA (Delete Data Area) command
- DLTLIB (Delete Library) command
- DLTPGM (Delete Program) command
- DO (Do) command (1), (2)
- Do For (DOFOR) command (1), (2)
- DO group
- Do Until (DOUNTIL) command (1), (2)
- Do While (DOWHILE) command (1), (2)
- documentation aid
- DOFOR (Do For) command (1), (2)
- double-byte character set (DBCS)
- double-byte data
- double-byte message
- DOUNTIL (Do Until) command (1), (2)
- DOWHILE (Do While) command (1), (2)
- DSPBKP (Display Breakpoints) command
- DSPCMD (Display Command) command
- DSPDBG (Display Debug) command
- DSPDTAARA (Display Data Area) command (1), (2)
- DSPJOB (Display Job) command
- DSPJOBLOG (Display Job Log) command
- DSPLIB (Display Library) command
- DSPLIBD (Display Library Description) command
- DSPLOG (Display Log) command
- DSPMSG (Display Messages) command
- DSPMSGD (Display Message Descriptions) command (1), (2)
- DSPOBJD (Display Object Description) command
- DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable) command
- DSPSPLF (Display Spooled File) command
- DSPTRC (Display Trace) command
- DSPTRCDTA (Display Trace Data) command (1), (2)
- duplicate object
- job
- job attribute
- job log
- job message queue (1), (2)
- job queue
- RCLRSC (Reclaim Resources) command
- RCVF (Receive File) command (1), (2)
- RCVMSG (Receive Message) command
- read authority
- receive
- Receive File (RCVF) command (1), (2)
- Receive Message (RCVMSG) command
- receiving
- Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command
- reclaiming
- recovery
- reference key
- relational expression
- relationship
- remote data areas
- remote data queues
- Remove Breakpoint (RMVBKP) command
- Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE) command
- Remove Message (RMVMSG) command (1), (2)
- Remove Message Description (RMVMSGD) command
- Remove Program (RMVPGM) command
- Remove Trace (RMVTRC) command
- removing
- Rename Object (RNMOBJ) command
- renaming
- reply
- reply message
- reply to message
- request
- request data (RQSDTA) parameter
- request message (1), (2)
- request-processing procedure
- request processor program
- required parameter
- reserved parameter value
- resource
- restriction
- Resume Breakpoint (RSMBKP) command
- resuming
- Retrieve Configuration Source (RTVCFGSRC) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve Configuration Status (RTVCFGSTS) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve Data Area (RTVDTAARA) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve Job Attributes (RTVJOBA) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve Library Description (RTVLIBD) command
- Retrieve Member Description (RTVMBRD) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve Message (RTVMSG) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve Network Attributes (RTVNETA) command
- Retrieve Object Description (RTVOBJD) command
- Retrieve System Value (RTVSYSVAL) command (1), (2)
- Retrieve User Profile (RTVUSRPRF) command (1), (2)
- retrieving
- Return (RETURN) command (1), (2)
- RETURN (Return) command (1), (2)
- return code
- return code (RTNCDE) parameter
- REXX procedure
- RMVBKP (Remove Breakpoint) command
- RMVLIBLE (Remove Library List Entry) command
- RMVMSG (Remove Message) command (1), (2)
- RMVMSGD (Remove Message Description) command
- RMVPGM (Remove Program) command
- RMVTRC (Remove Trace) command
- RNMOBJ (Rename Object) command
- root source view
- RQSDTA (request data) parameter
- RSMBKP (Resume Breakpoint) command
- RTNCDE (return code) parameter
- RTVCFGSRC (Retrieve Configuration Source) command (1), (2)
- RTVCFGSTS (Retrieve Configuration Status) command (1), (2)
- RTVDTAARA (Retrieve Data Area) command (1), (2)
- RTVJOBA (Retrieve Job Attributes) command (1), (2)
- RTVLIBD (Retrieve Library Description) command
- RTVMBRD (Retrieve Member Description) command (1), (2)
- RTVMSG (Retrieve Message) command (1), (2)
- RTVNETA (Retrieve Network Attributes) command
- RTVOBJD (Retrieve Object Description) command
- RTVSYSVAL (Retrieve System Value) command (1), (2)
- RTVUSRPRF (Retrieve User Profile) command (1), (2)
- run time
- sample program to receive message from QSYSMSG
- searching
- securing
- security
- see='breakpoint'.debug mode (1), (2), (3)
- see='breakpoint'.trace
- see='breakpoint program'.breakpoint (1), (2)
- see='member'.database file
- see='message queue'.message
- see='testing'.debug mode (1), (2)
- see='trace'.breakpoint (1), (2), (3)
- see='trace'.debug mode
- see='user profile'.security
- Select (SELECT) command
- SELECT (Select) command (1), (2)
- selective prompting
- Send Break Message (SNDBRKMSG) command
- Send File (SNDF) command
- Send Message (SNDMSG) command
- Send Message (SNDMSG) display
- Send Program Message (SNDPGMMSG) command
- Send/Receive File (SNDRCVF) command
- Send Reply (SNDRPY) command (1), (2)
- Send User Message (SNDUSRMSG) command (1), (2)
- sender copy message
- sending
- service program
- session
- setting
- severity code
- shared-for-read (*SHRRD) lock state
- shared-for-update (*SHRUPD) lock state
- shared-no-update (*SHRNUP) lock state
- simple list
- skip value
- SNDBRKMSG (Send Break Message) command
- SNDF (Send File) command
- SNDMSG (Send Message) command
- SNDPGMMSG (Send Program Message) command
- SNDRCVF (Send/Receive File) command
- SNDRPY (Send Reply) command (1), (2)
- SNDUSRMSG (Send User Message) command (1), (2)
- source debugger
- source list
- source member
- source view
- spooled file
- stack, call
- Start Debug (STRDBG) command
- start position for compare date
- Start Programmer Menu (STRPGMMNU) command
- starting
- statement
- statement combination table
- statement view
- static variable
- status message
- STRDBG (Start Debug) command
- STRPGMMNU (Start Programmer Menu) command
- subfile
- SUBR command
- subroutine
- Subroutine (SUBR) command
- Subroutine command
- substitution variable
- substring function
- switch function
- syntax checking
- system library (QSYS) (1), (2)
- system library list
- system log
- system operator (QSYSOPR) message queue (1), (2)
- system reply list
- system user
- system value
- test library
- testing
- testing function
- TFRCTL (Transfer Control) command (1), (2)
- timing out (1), (2)
- trace
- trace data
- trailing blank
- Transfer Control (TFRCTL) command (1), (2)
- transferring