This example shows a program waiting up to two hours to receive an entry from a data queue.
In the following example, program B specifies to wait up to two hours (7200 seconds) to receive an entry from the data queue. Program A sends an entry to data queue DTAQ1 in library QGPL. If program A sends an entry within two hours, program B receives the entries from this data queue. Processing begins immediately. If two hours elapse without procedure A sending an entry, program B processes the time-out condition because the field length returned is 0. Program B continues receiving entries until this time-out condition occurs. The programs are written in CL; however, either program could be written in any high-level language.
The data queue is created with the following command:
In this example, all data queue entries are 80 bytes long.
In program A, the following statements relate to the data queue:
PGM DCL &FLDLEN *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(80) DCL &FIELD *CHAR LEN(80) . .(determine data to be sent to the queue) . CALL QSNDDTAQ PARM(DTAQ1 QGPL &FLDLEN &FIELD) . . .
In program B, the following statements relate to the data queue:
PGM DCL &FLDLEN *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(80) DCL &FIELD *CHAR LEN(80) DCL &WAIT *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(7200) /* 2 hours */ . . . LOOP: CALL QRCVDTAQ PARM(DTAQ1 QGPL &FLDLEN &FIELD &WAIT) IF (&FLDLEN *NE 0) DO /* Entry received */ . . (process data from data queue) . GOTO LOOP /* Get next entry from data queue */ ENDDO . . (no entries received for 2 hours; process time-out condition) .