You can change in which national language information is presented on the system.
The i5/OS™ licensed program supports different national languages on the same system. This allows information in one national language to be presented to one user while information in a different national language is presented to another user.
The language used for user-readable information (displays, messages, printed output, and online help information) is controlled by the library list for the job. By adding a national language library to the system portion of the library list, different national language versions of information can be presented. For the primary language, a national language version is the running code and textual data for each licensed program entered. For the secondary language, it is the textual data for all licensed programs.
The language information for the primary language of the system is stored in the same libraries as the programs for IBM® licensed programs. For example, if the primary national language of the system is English, then libraries such as QSYS, QHLPSYS, and QSSP contain information in English. Libraries QSYS and QHLPSYS are on the system portion of the library list. Libraries for other licensed programs (such as QRPGLE for ILE RPG for i5/OS*) are added to the library list by the system when they are needed.
National language versions other than the system primary language are installed in secondary national language libraries. Each secondary language library contains a single national language version of the displays, messages, commands prompts, and help for all IBM licensed programs. The name of a secondary language library is in the form QSYSnnnn, where nnnn is a language feature code. For example, the feature code for French is 2928, so the secondary national language library name for French is QSYS2928.
PGM CHGSYSLIBL LIB(QSYS2928) /* Use French information */ ENDPGM