You can use the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) command or the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command to display the lock states for objects.
The Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) command displays all the lock state requests in the system for a specified object. It displays both the held locks and the locks being waited for. For a database file, the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) command displays the locks at the file level (the object level) but not at the record level. For example, if a database file is open for update, the lock on the file is displayed, but the lock on any records within the file is not. Locks on database file members can also be displayed using the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) command.
If you use the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command, you can select the locks option on the Display Job menu. This option displays all the lock state requests outstanding for the specified active job, the locks being held by the job, and the locks for which the job is waiting. However, if a job is waiting for a database record lock, this does not appear on the object locks display.
The following command displays all the lock state requests in the system for the logical file ORDFILL:
The resulting display is:
Work with Object Locks System: SYSTEM01 Object: ORDFILL Library: QGPL Type: *FILE-LGL Type options, press Enter. 4=End job 5=Work with job 8=Work with job locks Opt Job User Lock Status Scope Thread _ WORKST04 QSECOFR *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB *SHRRD HELD *JOB More... F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Work with member locks F12=Cancel