In many applications, you may want to use the current date in your procedure by retrieving the system value QDATE and placing it in a variable. You may also want to change the format of that date for use in your procedure.
To convert the format of a date in a CL procedure, use the Convert Date (CVTDAT) command.
The format for the system date is the system value QDATFMT. The shipped value of QDATFMT varies according to country or region. For example, 062488 is the MDY (monthdayyear) format for June 24 1988. You can change this format to the YMD, DMY, or the JUL (Julian) format. For Julian, the QDAY value is a 3-character value from 001 to 366. It is used to determine the number of days between two dates. You can also delete the date separators or change the character used as a date separator with the Convert Date (CVTDAT) command.
The format for the Convert Date (CVTDAT) command is:
CVTDAT DATE(date-to-be-converted) TOVAR(CL-variable) + FROMFMT(old-format) TOFMT(new-format) + TOSEP(new-separators)
The DATE parameter can specify a constant or a variable to be converted. Once the date has been converted, it is placed in the variable named on the TOVAR parameter. In the following example, the date in variable &DATE, which is formatted as MDY, is changed to the DMY format and placed in the variable &CVTDAT.
The date separator remains as specified in the system value QDATSEP.
The Convert Date (CVTDAT) command can be useful when creating objects or adding a member that uses a date as part of its name. For example, assume that a member must be added to a file using the current system date. Also, assume that the current date is in the MDY format and is to be converted to the Julian format.
If the current date is 5 January 1988, the added member would be named MBR88005.
Remember the following when converting dates:
July 28, 1978 would be written as 072878.
July 28, 1978 would be written as 07-28-78.
July 28, 1978 would be written as 07281978.
July 28, 1978 would be written as 07-28-1978.
December 31, 1996 would be written as 96365.
December 31, 1996 would be written as 96-365.
February 4, 1997 would be written as 1997035.
February 4, 1997 would be written as 1997-035.
Error messages are sent for converted characters that do not fit in the variable. If the converted date is shorter than the variable, it is padded on the right with blanks.
The following is an alternative program that uses the ILE bindable API, Get Current Local Time (CEELOCT), to convert a date to Julian format. To create this program, you must use the Create Bound Control Language Program (CRTBNDCL) command alone, or the Create Control Language Module (CRTCLMOD) command and the Create Program (CRTPGM) command together.
PGM DCL &LILDATE *INT LEN(4) DCL &PICTSTR *CHAR LEN(5) VALUE(YYDDD) DCL &JULDATE *CHAR LEN(5) DCL &SECONDS *CHAR 8 /* Seconds from CEELOCT */ DCL &GREG *CHAR 23 /* Gregorian date from CEELOCT */ /* */ CALLPRC PRC(CEELOCT) /* Get current date and time */ + PARM(&LILDATE /* Date in Lilian format */ + &SECONDS /* Seconds field will not be used */ + &GREG /* Gregorian field will not be used */ + *OMIT) /* Omit feedback parameter */ + /* so exceptions are signalled */ CALLPRC PRC(CEEDATE) + PARM(&LILDATE /* Today's date */ + &PICTSTR /* How to format */ + &JULDATE /* Julian date */ + *OMIT) ADDPFM LIB1/FILEX MBR('MBR' *CAT &JULDATE') ENDPGM