Performance data files containing time interval data

These files contain performance data that is collected each interval.

To view complete information about a performance data file, select the file you want to view from the list below (shown in alphabetical order).

File Description
QAPMARMTRT Start of changeARM transaction dataEnd of change
QAPMASYN Asynchronous statistics (one per link)
QAPMBSC Binary synchronous statistics (one per link)
QAPMBUS Bus counters (one per bus)
QAPMCIOP Communications IOP data (one per IOP)
QAPMDDI Distributed Digital Interface (DDI) data (one per link)
QAPMDIOP Storage device IOP data (one per IOP)
QAPMDISK Disk storage data (one per read/write head)
QAPMDOMINO Domino® for iSeries™ data (one record per domino server)
QAPMDPS Data port services
QAPMECL Token-ring file entries (one per link)
QAPMETH Ethernet statistics (one per link)
QAPMFRLY Frame relay data (one per link)
QAPMHDLC HDLC statistics (one per link)
QAPMHTTPB Basic data for IBM® HTTP server (powered by Apache) (one per server)
QAPMHTTPD Detailed data for IBM HTTP server (powered by Apache) (one per server component)
QAPMIDLC Integrated services digital network data link control file entries (one per link)
QAPMIOPD Extended IOP data (network server and virtual I/O data)
QAPMJOBMI MI job data (one record per job, task, or thread). You might find information about task type extenders useful when using this document
QAPMJOBOS Job operating system data (one record per job)
QAPMJOBS and QAPMJOBL Job data (one record per job, task, or thread)
QAPMJOBWT Job, task, and thread wait conditions
QAPMJOBWTD A description of the counter sets found in file QAPMJOBWT.
QAPMJSUM Job summary data by job group (one record per job group)
QAPMLAPD Integrated services digital network LAPD file entries (one per link)
QAPMLIOP Twinaxial workstation controller data (one per physical controller)
QAPMLPAR Logical partition (one record per logical partition)
QAPMMIOP Multifunction IOP (one per IOP)
QAPMPOOL and QAPMPOOLL Main storage data (one per system storage pool)
QAPMPOOLB Storage pool data (one per pool)
QAPMPOOLT Storage pool tuning data (one per pool)
QAPMPPP Point-to-Point Protocol data (one per link)
QAPMRESP Local workstation response time (one per workstation)
QAPMRWS Remote workstation response time
QAPMSAP TRLAN, Ethernet, DDI, and Frame Relay SAP file entries (one per SAP entry)
QAPMSNADS SNADS data (one per SNADS job)
QAPMSTND DDI station data
QAPMSTNE Ethernet station file entries
QAPMSTNL Token-ring station file entries
QAPMSTNY Frame relay station file entries
QAPMSYS and QAPMSYSL System performance data
QAPMSYSCPU System CPU usage data
QAPMSYSTEM System-level performance data
QAPMTCPIFC TCP/IP data for individual TCP/IP interfaces
QAPMUSRTNS Start of changeUser-defined transaction and ARM transaction data. (Each job has one record for each type of transaction.)End of change
QAPMX25 X.25 statistics (one per link)