Performance data files: QAPMRWS

The QAPMRWS file is created when the performance monitor database files are migrated with the Convert Performance Data (CVTPFRDTA) command to a newer release.

Collection Services does not create this file. This data includes remote workstation response time file entries and contains transaction information based on data collected within the remote workstation controller.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds during which these transactions occurred. PD (7,0)
IOPRN IOP resource name. C (10)
RWIOP Reserved C (1)
RWBKT1 Transactions in first response time monitor bracket: The number of transactions greater than 0 up to and including n seconds for this workstation during the snapshot interval. The n value is the upper limit for the first response time monitor bracket, and is specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the iSeries™ Navigator interface. A transaction is defined as the time from when the keyboard locked because the Enter key or a function key was pressed to the time the keyboard is unlocked because the display was refreshed. PD (7,0)
RWBKT2 Transactions in second response time monitor bracket: The number of transactions greater than the response time monitor 1 and up to and including response time monitor 2 limit. PD (7,0)
RWBKT3 Transactions in third response time monitor bracket: The number of transactions greater than the response time monitor 2 and up to and including the response time monitor 3 limit. PD (7,0)
RWBKT4 Transactions in fourth response time monitor bracket: The number of transactions greater than the response time monitor 3 and up to and including the response time monitor 4 limit. PD (7,0)
RWBKT5 Transactions in fifth response time monitor bracket: The number of transactions longer than the limit for the response time monitor 4. PD (7,0)
RWTRNS The total of all the individual times for all exchanges measured and reported by this record including overflows (RWBKT5). The total time in seconds for all transactions. PD (7,0)
RWPORT Workstation port number. PD (3,0)
RWSTN Workstation number for this port. PD (3,0)
RWCUD Controller description: The name of the controller this workstation is attached to. C (10)
RWLND Line description: Name of the communications line this workstation and its controller are attached to. C (10)