The CREATE TABLE statement defines a table at the current server. The definition must include its name and the names and attributes of its columns. The definition may include other attributes of the table such as primary key.


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared.


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

If SQL names are specified and a user profile exists that has the same name as the library into which the table is created, and that name is different from the authorization ID of the statement, then the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

To define a foreign key, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following on the parent table:

If the LIKE clause or select-statement is specified, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following on the tables or views specified in these clauses:

If a distinct type is referenced, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

For information on the system authorities corresponding to SQL privileges, see Corresponding System Authorities When Checking Privileges to a Table or View and Corresponding System Authorities When Checking Privileges to a Distinct Type.


Click to skip syntax diagram
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram                                  .-,------------------------------------------.
                                  V                                            |
>>-CREATE TABLE--table-name--+-(----+-column-definition----------------------+-+--)-+-->
                             |      +-LIKE--+-table-name-+--+--------------+-+      |
                             |      |       '-view-name--'  '-copy-options-' |      |
                             |      +-unique-constraint----------------------+      |
                             |      +-referential-constraint-----------------+      |
                             |      '-check-constraint-----------------------'      |
                             |       '-view-name--'  '-copy-options-'               |
   .-NOT VOLATILE--+-------------+-.
   |           .-CARDINALITY-.     |  +-distribution-clause-+
   '-VOLATILE--+-------------+-----'  '-partitioning-clause-'
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramcolumn-definition:
                |      .-COLUMN-.                     |
   V                                                         | (3)
     | .-GENERATED ALWAYS-----. (1)                        |
     | '-GENERATED BY DEFAULT-'       '-identity-options-' |
     |                  (2)                                |
     +-NOT NULL--------------------------------------------+
  1. GENERATED can be specified only if the column has a ROWID data type (or a distinct type that is based on a ROWID data type), or the column is an identity column.
  2. The datalink-options can only be specified for DATALINKs and distinct-types sourced on DATALINKs.
  3. The same clause must not be specified more than once.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrambuilt-in-type:
   | +-+-INTEGER-+--+                                                                                               |
   | | '-INT-----'  |                                                                                               |
   | '---BIGINT-----'                                                                                               |
   |                  .-(5,0)------------------------.                                                              |
   | | '-DEC-----' |  |             .-,0--------.    |                                                              |
   | '-NUMERIC-----'  '-(--integer--+-----------+--)-'                                                              |
   |                                '-, integer-'                                                                   |
   |          .-(--53--)------.                                                                                     |
   | |        '-(--integer--)-' |                                                                                   |
   | +-REAL---------------------+                                                                                   |
   | |         .-PRECISION-.    |                                                                                   |
   | '-DOUBLE--+-----------+----'                                                                                   |
   |                    .-(--1--)-------.                                                                           |
   | | | '-CHAR------'  '-(--integer--)-'                               |  +-FOR BIT DATA---+                     | |
   | | '-+-+-CHARACTER-+--VARYING-+--(--integer--)--+-----------------+-'  +-FOR SBCS DATA--+                     | |
   | |   | '-CHAR------'          |                 '-allocate-clause-'    +-FOR MIXED DATA-+                     | |
   | |   '-VARCHAR----------------'                                        '-ccsid-clause---'                     | |
   | |                                          .-(--1M--)-------------.                                          | |
   | '-----+-+-CHARACTER-+--LARGE OBJECT-+------+----------------------+--+-----------------+--+----------------+-' |
   |       | '-CHAR------'               |      '-(--integer--+---+--)-'  '-allocate-clause-'  +-FOR SBCS DATA--+   |
   |       '-CLOB------------------------'                    +-K-+                            +-FOR MIXED DATA-+   |
   |                                                          +-M-+                            '-ccsid-clause---'   |
   |                                                          '-G-'                                                 |
   |                .-(--1--)-------.                                                                               |
   | |              '-(--integer--)-'                            |  '-ccsid-clause-'                                |
   | +-+-GRAPHIC VARYING-+--(--integer--)--+-----------------+---+                                                  |
   | | '-VARGRAPHIC------'                 '-allocate-clause-'   |                                                  |
   | |             .-(--1M--)-------------.                      |                                                  |
   | '---DBCLOB----+----------------------+--+-----------------+-'                                                  |
   |               '-(--integer--+---+--)-'  '-allocate-clause-'                                                    |
   |                             +-K-+                                                                              |
   |                             +-M-+                                                                              |
   |                             '-G-'                                                                              |
   |             .-(--1--)-------.                                                                                  |
   | | |         '-(--integer--)-'                              |                 |                                 |
   | | '-+-BINARY VARYING-+--(--integer--)--+-----------------+-'                 |                                 |
   | |   '-VARBINARY------'                 '-allocate-clause-'                   |                                 |
   | |                              .-(--1M--)-------------.                      |                                 |
   | '---+-BLOB----------------+----+----------------------+--+-----------------+-'                                 |
   |     '-BINARY LARGE OBJECT-'    '-(--integer--+---+--)-'  '-allocate-clause-'                                   |
   |                                              +-K-+                                                             |
   |                                              +-M-+                                                             |
   |                                              '-G-'                                                             |
   | |       .-(--0--)-.      |                                                                                     |
   | +-TIME--+---------+------+                                                                                     |
   | |            .-(--6--)-. |                                                                                     |
   | '-TIMESTAMP--+---------+-'                                                                                     |
   |             .-(--200--)-----.                                                                                  |
   |             '-(--integer--)-'  '-allocate-clause-'  '-ccsid-clause-'                                           |
                   .-NOT NORMALIZED-.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdefault-clause:
                      |                                                 (1)  |
|--AS IDENTITY--+-------------------------------------------------------+--|
                |    .-,-------------------------------------------.    |
                |    V               .-1----------------.     (2)  |    |
                '-(----+-START WITH--+-numeric-constant-+---+------+--)-'
                       |               .-1----------------. |
                       +-INCREMENT BY--+-numeric-constant-+-+
                       | .-NO MINVALUE----------------.     |
                       | .-NO MAXVALUE----------------.     |
                       | .-NO CYCLE-.                       |
                       | .-CACHE--20------.                 |
                       +-+-NO CACHE-------+-----------------+
                       | '-CACHE--integer-'                 |
                       | .-NO ORDER-.                       |
|--+-----------------------------+--+-+-PRIMARY KEY-+--------------+--|
   '-CONSTRAINT--constraint-name-'  | '-UNIQUE------'              |
  1. This form of the DEFAULT value can only be used with columns that are defined as a distinct type.
  2. The same clause must not be specified more than once.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdatalink-options:
   .-LINKTYPE URL-.  .-NO LINK CONTROL--------------------------.
                     '-FILE LINK CONTROL--+-file-link-options-+-'
                                          '-MODE DB2OPTIONS---'
   V                                      | (1)
|------+-INTEGRITY ALL----------------+---+---------------------|
       +-+-READ PERMISSION FS-+-------+
       | '-READ PERMISSION DB-'       |
       +-+-WRITE PERMISSION FS------+-+
       +-RECOVERY NO------------------+
       '-+-ON UNLINK RESTORE-+--------'
         '-ON UNLINK DELETE--'
  1. All five file-link-options must be specified, but they can be specified in any order.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramas-subquery-clause:
                     |      .-COLUMN-.                     |
>--AS--(--select-statement--)--+-+-WITH NO DATA-+--+--------------+-+--|
                               | '-WITH DATA----'  '-copy-options-' |
                           .-COLUMN ATTRIBUTES-.                 .-COLUMN-.               (1)
|----+-EXCLUDING IDENTITY--+-------------------+-+--+-EXCLUDING--+--------+--DEFAULTS-+---------|
     |                     .-COLUMN ATTRIBUTES-. |  |            .-COLUMN-.           |
     '-INCLUDING IDENTITY--+-------------------+-'  +-INCLUDING--+--------+--DEFAULTS-+
                                                    '-USING TYPE DEFAULTS-------------'
                                                   V  (2)                                    |
   '-DATA INITIALLY IMMEDIATE-'                           | .-ENABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION--. |
                                                          '-+-DISABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION-+-'
  1. The clauses can be specified in any order.
  2. The same clause must not be specified more than once. MAINTAINED BY USER must be specified.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramunique-constraint:
|--+-----------------------------+--+-PRIMARY KEY-+--(---------->
   '-CONSTRAINT--constraint-name-'  '-UNIQUE------'
   V             |
|--+-----------------------------+--FOREIGN KEY----------------->
      V             |
                           |    .-,-----------.    |
                           |    V             |    |
                +-SET NULL----+
                '-SET DEFAULT-'
                           |                        .-,-----------.    |
                           |                        V             |    |
                           '-DISTRIBUTE BY HASH--(----column-name-+--)-'
  1. The ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses may be specified in either order.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrampartitioning-clause:
|--PARTITION BY--+-+-------+--range-partition-spec-+------------|
      .-,----------------------------.          .-,--------------------------------------------.
      V              .-NULLS LAST--. |          V                                              |
                     '-NULLS FIRST-'          |   '-PARTITION--partition-name-'                          |
      V             |
             .-FROM-.       V              |       .-INCLUSIVE-.
                       |      +-MINVALUE-+      |  '-EXCLUSIVE-'
                       |      '-MAXVALUE-'      |
           .-AT-.       V              |       .-INCLUSIVE-.
                   |      +-MINVALUE-+      |  '-EXCLUSIVE-'
                   |      '-MAXVALUE-'      |


Names the table. The name, including the implicit or explicit qualifier, must not identify an alias, file, index, table, or view that already exists at the current server.

If SQL names were specified, the table will be created in the schema specified by the implicit or explicit qualifier.

If system names were specified, the table will be created in the schema that is specified by the qualifier. If not qualified:


Defines the attributes of a column. There must be at least one column definition and no more than 8000 column definitions.

The sum of the row buffer byte counts of the columns must not be greater than 32766 or, if a VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC column is specified, 32740. Additionally, if a LOB is specified, the sum of the row data byte counts of the columns must not be greater than 3 758 096 383 at the time of insert or update. For information on the byte counts of columns according to data type, see Notes.

Names a column of the table. Do not qualify column-name and do not use the same name for more than one column of the table or for a system-column-name of the table.
FOR COLUMN system-column-name
Provides an i5/OS name for the column. Do not use the same name for more than one column of the table or for a column-name of the table.

If the system-column-name is not specified, and the column-name is not a valid system-column-name, a system column name is generated. For more information about how system column names are generated, see Rules for Column Name Generation.

Specifies the data type of the column.
For built-in-types, use:
For a small integer.
For a large integer.
For a big integer.
DECIMAL(integer,integer) or DEC(integer,integer)
DECIMAL(integer) or DEC(integer)
For a packed decimal number. The first integer is the precision of the number; that is, the total number of digits; it can range from 1 to 63. The second integer is the scale of the number (the number of digits to the right of the decimal point). It can range from 0 to the precision of the number.

You can use DECIMAL(p) for DECIMAL(p,0), and DECIMAL for DECIMAL(5,0).

For a zoned decimal number. The first integer is the precision of the number, that is, the total number of digits; it may range from 1 to 63. The second integer is the scale of the number, (the number of digits to the right of the decimal point). It may range from 0 to the precision of the number.

You can use NUMERIC(p) for NUMERIC(p,0), and NUMERIC for NUMERIC(5,0).

For a double-precision floating-point number.
For a single- or double-precision floating-point number, depending on the value of integer. The value of integer must be in the range 1 through 53. The values 1 through 24 indicate single-precision, the values 25 through 53 indicate double-precision. The default is 53.
For single-precision floating point.
For double-precision floating point.
CHARACTER(integer) or CHAR(integer)
For a fixed-length character string of length integer. The integer can range from 1 through 32766 (32765 if null capable). If FOR MIXED DATA or a mixed data CCSID is specified, the range is 4 through 32766 (32765 if null capable). If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 character is assumed.
CHARACTER VARYING (integer) or CHAR VARYING (integer) or VARCHAR(integer)
For a varying-length character string of maximum length integer, which can range from 1 through 32740 (32739 if null capable). If FOR MIXED DATA or a mixed data CCSID is specified, the range is 4 through 32740 (32739 if null capable).
CLOB(integer[K|M|G]) or CHAR LARGE OBJECT(integer[K|M|G]) or CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT(integer[K|M|G])
For a character large object string of the specified maximum length. The maximum length must be in the range of 1 through 2 147 483 647. If FOR MIXED DATA or a mixed data CCSID is specified, the range is 4 through 2 147 483 647. If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 megabyte is assumed. A CLOB is not allowed in a distributed table.
The maximum value for integer is 2 147 483 647. The maximum length of the string is integer.
integer K
The maximum value for integer is 2 097 152. The maximum length of the string is 1024 times integer.
integer M
The maximum value for integer is 2 048. The maximum length of the string is 1 048 576 times integer.
integer G
The maximum value for integer is 2. The maximum length of the string is 1 073 741 824 times integer.
For a fixed-length graphic string of length integer, which can range from 1 through 16383 (16382 if null capable). If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 character is assumed.
For a varying-length graphic string of maximum length integer, which can range from 1 through 16370 (16369 if null capable).
For a double-byte character large object string of the specified maximum length.

The maximum length must be in the range of 1 through 1 073 741 823. If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 megabyte is assumed. A DBCLOB is not allowed in a distributed table.

The maximum value for integer is 1 073 741 823. The maximum length of the string is integer.
integer K
The maximum value for integer is 1 028 576. The maximum length of the string is 1024 times integer.
integer M
The maximum value for integer is 1 024. The maximum length of the string is 1 048 576 times integer.
integer G
The maximum value for integer is 1. The maximum length of the string is 1 073 741 824 times integer.
For a fixed-length binary string of length integer. The integer can range from 1 through 32766 (32765 if null capable). If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 character is assumed.
BINARY VARYING (integer) or VARBINARY(integer)
For a varying-length binary string of maximum length integer, which can range from 1 through 32740 (32739 if null capable).
BLOB(integer[K|M|G]) or BINARY LARGE OBJECT(integer[K|M|G])
For a binary large object string of the specified maximum length. The maximum length must be in the range of 1 through 2 147 483 647. If the length specification is omitted, a length of 1 megabyte is assumed. A BLOB is not allowed in a distributed table.
The maximum value for integer is 2 147 483 647. The maximum length of the string is integer.
integer K
The maximum value for integer is 2 097 152. The maximum length of the string is 1024 times integer.
integer M
The maximum value for integer is 2 048. The maximum length of the string is 1 048 576 times integer.
integer G
The maximum value for integer is 2. The maximum length of the string is 1 073 741 824 times integer.
For a date.
For a time.
For a timestamp.
For a DataLink of the specified maximum length. The maximum length must be in the range of 1 through 32717. If FOR MIXED DATA or a mixed data CCSID is specified, the range is 4 through 32717. The specified length must be sufficient to contain both the largest expected URL and any DataLink comment. If the length specification is omitted, a length of 200 is assumed. A DATALINK is not allowed in a distributed table.

A DATALINK value is an encapsulated value with a set of built-in scalar functions. The DLVALUE function creates a DATALINK value. The following functions can be used to extract attributes from a DATALINK value.


A DataLink cannot be part of any index. Therefore, it cannot be included as a column of a primary key, foreign key, or unique constraint.

For a row ID. Only one ROWID column is allowed in a table. A ROWID is not allowed in a partitioned table.
Specifies that the data type of the column is a distinct type (a user-defined data type). The length, precision, and scale of the column are respectively the length, precision, and scale of the source type of the distinct type. If a distinct type name is specified without a schema name, the distinct type name is resolved by searching the schemas on the SQL path.
Specifies for VARCHAR, VARGRAPHIC, VARBINARY, and LOB types the space to be reserved for the column in each row. Column values with lengths less than or equal to the allocated value are stored in the fixed-length portion of the row. Column values with lengths greater than the allocated value are stored in the variable-length portion of the row and require additional input/output operations to retrieve. The allocated value may range from 1 to maximum length of the string, subject to the maximum row buffer size limit. For information on the maximum row buffer size, see Maximum row sizes. If FOR MIXED DATA or a mixed data CCSID is specified, the range is 4 to the maximum length of the string. If the allocated length specification is omitted, an allocated length of 0 is assumed. For VARGRAPHIC, the integer is the number of DBCS, UTF-16, or UCS-2 characters. If a constant is specified for the default value and the ALLOCATE length is less than the length of the default value, the ALLOCATE length is assumed to be the length of the default value.
Specifies that the values of the column are not associated with a coded character set and are never converted. FOR BIT DATA is only valid for CHARACTER or VARCHAR columns. The CCSID of a FOR BIT DATA column is 65535. FOR BIT DATA is not allowed for CLOB columns.
Specifies that the values of the column contain SBCS (single-byte character set) data. FOR SBCS DATA is the default for CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB columns if the default CCSID at the current server at the time the table is created is not DBCS-capable or if the length of the column is less than 4. FOR SBCS DATA is only valid for CHARACTER, VARCHAR, or CLOB columns. The CCSID of FOR SBCS DATA is determined by the default CCSID at the current server at the time the table is created.
Specifies that the values of the column contain both SBCS data and DBCS data. FOR MIXED DATA is the default for CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB columns if the default CCSID at the current server at the time the table is created is DBCS-capable and the length of the column is greater than 3. Every FOR MIXED DATA column is a DBCS-open database field. FOR MIXED DATA is only valid for CHARACTER, VARCHAR, or CLOB columns. The CCSID of FOR MIXED DATA is determined by the default CCSID at the current server at the time the table is created.
CCSID integer
Specifies that the values of the column contain data of CCSID integer. If the integer is an SBCS CCSID, the column is SBCS data. If the integer is a mixed data CCSID, the column is mixed data and the length of the column must be greater than 3. For character columns, the CCSID must be an SBCS CCSID or a mixed data CCSID. For graphic columns, the CCSID must be a DBCS, UTF-16, or UCS-2 CCSID. If a CCSID is not specified for a graphic column, the CCSID is determined by the default CCSID at the current server at the time the table is created. For a list of valid CCSIDs, see Appendix E. CCSID values.

CCSID 1208 (UTF-8) or 1200 (UTF-16) data can contain combining characters. Combining character support allows a resulting character to be comprised of more than one character. After the first character, up to 300 different non-spacing accent characters (umlauts, accent, etc.) can follow in the data string. If the resulting character is one that is already defined in the character set, that character has more than one representation. Normalization replaces the string of combining characters with the hex value of the defined character. This ensures that the same character is represented in a single consistent way. If normalization is not performed, two strings that look identical will not compare equal.

The data should not be normalized when passed from the application.
The data should be normalized when passed from the application.
Specifies a default value for the column. This clause cannot be specified more than once in a column-definition. DEFAULT cannot be specified for a ROWID column or an identity column (a column that is defined AS IDENTITY). The database manager generates default values for ROWID columns and identity columns. If a value is not specified following the DEFAULT keyword, then:

Omission of NOT NULL and DEFAULT from a column-definition is an implicit specification of DEFAULT NULL.

Specifies the constant as the default for the column. The specified constant must represent a value that could be assigned to the column in accordance with the rules of assignment as described in Assignments and comparisons. A floating-point constant must not be used for a SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, or NUMERIC column. A decimal constant must not contain more digits to the right of the decimal point than the specified scale of the column.
Specifies the value of the USER special register at the time of INSERT or UPDATE as the default value of the column. The data type of the column must be CHAR or VARCHAR with a length attribute that is greater than or equal to the length attribute of the USER special register.
Specifies null as the default for the column. If NOT NULL is specified, DEFAULT NULL must not be specified within the same column-definition.

NULL is the only default value allowed for a datalink column.

Specifies the current date as the default for the column. If CURRENT_DATE is specified, the data type of the column must be DATE or a distinct type based on a DATE.
Specifies the current time as the default for the column. If CURRENT_TIME is specified, the data type of the column must be TIME or a distinct type based on a TIME.
Specifies the current timestamp as the default for the column. If CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is specified, the data type of the column must be TIMESTAMP or a distinct type based on a TIMESTAMP.
This form of a default value can only be used with columns defined as a distinct type, BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP data types. The following table describes the allowed uses of these cast-functions.
Data Type Cast Function Name
Distinct type N based on a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP N (the user-defined cast function that was generated when N was created) **
Distinct type N based on other data types N (the user-defined cast function that was generated when N was created) **

* The name of the function must match the name of the data type (or the source type of the distinct type) with an implicit or explicit schema name of QSYS2.

** The name of the function must match the name of the distinct type for the column. If qualified with a schema name, it must be the same as the schema name for the distinct type. If not qualified, the schema name from function resolution must be the same as the schema name for the distinct type.

Specifies a constant as the argument. The constant must conform to the rules of a constant for the source type of the distinct type or for the data type if not a distinct type. For BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP functions, the constant must be a string constant.
Specifies the value of the USER special register at the time of INSERT or UPDATE as the default value for the column. The data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be CHAR or VARCHAR with a length attribute greater than or equal to the length attribute of the USER special register.
Specifies the current date as the default for the column. If CURRENT_DATE is specified, the data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be DATE.
Specifies the current time as the default for the column. If CURRENT_TIME is specified, the data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be TIME.
Specifies the current timestamp as the default for the column. If CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is specified, the data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be TIMESTAMP.

If the value specified is not valid, an error is returned.

Specifies that the database manager generates values for the column. GENERATED may be specified if the column is to be considered an identity column (defined with the AS IDENTITY clause). It may also be specified if the data type of the column is a ROWID (or a distinct type that is based on a ROWID). Otherwise, it must not be specified.
Specifies that the database manager will always generate a value for the column when a row is inserted into the table. ALWAYS is the recommended value.
Specifies that the database manager will generate a value for the column when a row is inserted only if a value is not specified for the column. If a value is specified, the database manager uses that value.

For a ROWID column, the database manager uses a specified value, but it must be a valid unique row ID value that was previously generated by DB2 UDB for z/OS or DB2 UDB for iSeries.

For an identity column, the database manager inserts a specified value but does not verify that it is a unique value for the column unless the identity column has a unique constraint or a unique index that solely specifies the identity column.

Specifies that the column is an identity column for the table. A table can have only one identity column. An identity column is not allowed in a partitioned table or distributed table. AS IDENTITY can be specified only if the data type for the column is an exact numeric type with a scale of zero (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, or NUMERIC with a scale of zero, or a distinct type based on one of these data types). If a DECIMAL or NUMERIC data type is specified, the precision must not be greater than 31.

An identity column is implicitly NOT NULL.

START WITH numeric-constant
Specifies the first value that is generated for the identity column. The value can be any positive or negative value that could be assigned to the column without non-zero digits existing to the right of the decimal point.

If a value is not explicitly specified when the identity column is defined, the default is the MINVALUE for an ascending sequence and the MAXVALUE for a descending sequence. This value is not necessarily the value that a sequence would cycle to after reaching the maximum or minimum value of the sequence. The START WITH clause can be used to start a sequence outside the range that is used for cycles. The range used for cycles is defined by MINVALUE and MAXVALUE.

INCREMENT BY numeric-constant
Specifies the interval between consecutive values of the identity column. The value must not exceed the value of a large integer constant without any non-zero digits existing to the right of the decimal point. The value must be assignable to the column. The default is 1.

If the value is zero or positive, the sequence of values for the identity column ascends. If the value is negative, the sequence of values descends.

MAXVALUE numeric-constant
Specifies the numeric constant that is the maximum value that is generated for this identity column. This value can be any positive or negative value that could be assigned to this column, but the value must be greater than the minimum value.

If a value is not explicitly specified when the identity column is defined, this is the maximum value of the data type for an ascending sequence; or the START WITH value, or -1 if START WITH was not specified, for a descending sequence.

MINVALUE numeric-constant
Specifies the numeric constant that is the minimum value that is generated for this identity column. This value can be any positive or negative value that could be assigned to this column, but the value must be less than the maximum value.

If a value is not explicitly specified when the identity column is defined, this is the START WITH value, or 1 if START WITH was not specified, for an ascending sequence; or the minimum value of the data type (and precision, if DECIMAL) for a descending sequence.

Specifies whether to keep some preallocated values in memory. Preallocating and storing values in the cache improves the performance of inserting rows into a table.
CACHE integer
Specifies the number of values of the identity column sequence that the database manager preallocates and keeps in memory. The minimum value that can be specified is 2, and the maximum is the largest value that can be represented as an integer. The default is 20.

In certain situations, such as system failure, all cached identity column values that have not been used in committed statements are lost, and thus, will never be used. The value specified for the CACHE option is the maximum number of identity column values that could be lost in these situations.

Specifies that values for the identity column are not preallocated.
Specifies whether this identity column should continue to generate values after reaching either the maximum or minimum value of the sequence.
Specifies that values continue to be generated for this column after the maximum or minimum value has been reached. If this option is used, after an ascending sequence reaches the maximum value of the sequence, it generates its minimum value. After a descending sequence reaches its minimum value of the sequence, it generates its maximum value. The maximum and minimum values for the column determine the range that is used for cycling.

When CYCLE is in effect, duplicate values can be generated by the database manager for an identity column. If a unique constraint or unique index exists on the identity column, and a non-unique value is generated for it, an error occurs.

Specifies that values will not be generated for the identity column once the maximum or minimum value for the sequence has been reached. This is the default.
Specifies whether the identity values must be generated in order of request.
Specifies that the values are generated in order of request.
Specifies that the values do not need to be generated in order of request. This is the default.
Specifies the options associated with a DATALINK data type.
Defines the type of link as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Specifies that there will not be any check made to determine that the linked files exist. Only the syntax of the URL will be checked. There is no database manager control over the linked files.
Specifies that a check should be made for the existence of the linked files. Additional options may be used to give the database manager further control over the linked files.

If FILE LINK CONTROL is specified, each file can only be linked once. That is, its URL can only be specified in a single FILE LINK CONTROL column in a single table.

Additional options to define the level of database manager control of the linked files.
Specifies the level of integrity of the link between a DATALINK value and the actual file.
Any file specified as a DATALINK value is under the control of the database manager and may NOT be deleted or renamed using standard file system programming interfaces.
Specifies how permission to read the file specified in a DATALINK value is determined.
The read access permission is determined by the file system permissions. Such files can be accessed without retrieving the file name from the column.
The read access permission is determined by the database. Access to the file will only be allowed by passing a valid file access token, returned on retrieval of the DATALINK value from the table, in the open operation. If READ PERMISSION DB is specified, WRITE PERMISSION BLOCKED must be specified.
Specifies how permission to write to the file specified in a DATALINK value is determined.
The write access permission is determined by the file system permissions. Such files can be accessed without retrieving the file name from the column.
Write access is blocked. The file cannot be directly updated through any interface. An alternative mechanism must be used to perform updates to the information. For example, the file is copied, the copy updated, and then the DATALINK value updated to point to the new copy of the file.
Specifies whether or not the database manager will support point in time recovery of files referenced by values in this column.
Specifies that point in time recovery will not be supported.
Specifies the action taken on a file when a DATALINK value is changed or deleted (unlinked). Note that this is not applicable when WRITE PERMISSION FS is used.
Specifies that when a file is unlinked, the DataLink File Manager will attempt to return the file to the owner with the permissions that existed at the time the file was linked. In the case where the user is no longer registered with the file server, the result depends on the file system that contains the files. If the files are in the AIX® file system, the owner is "dfmunknown". If the files are in IFS, the owner is QDLFM. This can only be specified when INTEGRITY ALL and WRITE PERMISSION BLOCKED are also specified.
Specifies that the file will be deleted when it is unlinked. This can only be specified when READ PERMISSION DB and WRITE PERMISSION BLOCKED are also specified.
This mode defines a set of default file link options. The defaults defined by DB2OPTIONS are:
Prevents the column from containing null values. Omission of NOT NULL implies that the column can be null.
CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Names the constraint. A constraint-name must not identify a constraint that was previously specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and must not identify a constraint that already exists at the current server.

If the clause is not specified, a unique constraint name is generated by the database manager.

Provides a shorthand method of defining a primary key composed of a single column. Thus, if PRIMARY KEY is specified in the definition of column C, the effect is the same as if the PRIMARY KEY(C) clause is specified as a separate clause.

This clause must not be specified in more than one column definition and must not be specified at all if the UNIQUE clause is specified in the column definition. The column must not be a LOB or DATALINK column.

When a primary key is added, a CHECK constraint is implicitly added to enforce the rule that the NULL value is not allowed in the column that makes up the primary key.

Provides a shorthand method of defining a unique constraint composed of a single column. Thus, if UNIQUE is specified in the definition of column C, the effect is the same as if the UNIQUE (C) clause is specified as a separate clause.

This clause cannot be specified more than once in a column definition and must not be specified if PRIMARY KEY is specified in the column definition. The column must not be a LOB or DATALINK column.

The references-clause of a column-definition provides a shorthand method of defining a foreign key composed of a single column. Thus, if a references-clause is specified in the definition of column C, the effect is the same as if that references-clause were specified as part of a FOREIGN KEY clause in which C is the only identified column. The references-clause is not allowed if the table is a partitioned table or a distributed table.
The CHECK(check-condition) of a column-definition provides a shorthand method of defining a check constraint whose check-condition only references a single column. Thus, if CHECK is specified in the column definition of column C, no columns other than C can be referenced in the check-condition of the check constraint. The effect is the same as if the check constraint were specified as a separate clause.

ROWID or DATALINK with FILE LINK CONTROL columns cannot be referenced in a CHECK constraint. For additional restrictions see, check-constraint.


table-name or view-name
Specifies that the columns of the table have exactly the same name and description as the columns of the identified table (table-name) or view (view-name). The name must identify a table or view that exists at the current server.

The use of LIKE is an implicit definition of n columns, where n is the number of columns in the identified table or view. The implicit definition includes the following attributes of the n columns (if applicable to the data type):

If the LIKE clause is specified immediately following the table-name and not enclosed in parenthesis, the following column attributes are also included, otherwise they are not included (the default value and identity attributes can also be controlled by using the copy-options):

The implicit definition does not include any other optional attributes of the identified table or view. For example, the new table does not automatically include primary keys, foreign keys, or triggers. The new table has these and other optional attributes only if the optional clauses are explicitly specified.

If the specified table or view is a non-SQL created physical file or logical file, any non-SQL attributes are removed. For example, the date and time format will be changed to ISO.


Names a column in the table. If a list of column names is specified, it must consist of as many names as there are columns in the result table of the select-statement. Each column-name must be unique and unqualified. If a list of column names is not specified, the columns of the table inherit the names of the columns of the result table of the select-statement.

A list of column names must be specified if the result table of the select-statement has duplicate column names or an unnamed column. An unnamed column is a column derived from a constant, function, expression, or set operation (UNION or INTERSECT) that is not named using the AS clause of the select list.

FOR COLUMN system-column-name
Provides an i5/OS name for the column. Do not use the same name for more than one column of the table or for a column-name of the table.

If the system-column-name is not specified, and the column-name is not a valid system-column-name, a system column name is generated. For more information about how system column names are generated, see Rules for Column Name Generation.

Specifies that the columns of the table have the same name and description as the columns that would appear in the derived result table of the select-statement if the select-statement were to be executed. The use of AS (select-statement) is an implicit definition of n columns for the table, where n is the number of columns that would result from the select-statement.

The implicit definition includes the following attributes of the n columns (if applicable to the data type):

The following attributes are not included (the default value and identity attributes may be included by using the copy-options):

The implicit definition does not include any other optional attributes of the identified table or view. For example, the new table does not automatically include a primary key or foreign key from a table. The new table has these and other optional attributes only if the optional clauses are explicitly specified.

The select-statement must not refer to variables or include parameter markers.

The select-statement must not contain a PREVIOUS VALUE or a NEXT VALUE expression. The UPDATE, READ ONLY, and OPTIMIZE clauses may not be specified.

Specifies that the select-statement is executed. After the table is created, the result table rows of the select-statement are automatically inserted into the table.
Specifies that the select-statement is used only to define the attributes of the new a table. The table is not populated using the results of the select-statement.
Specifies that the table is a materialized query table and the REFRESH TABLE statement can be used to populate the table with the results of the select-statement.

A materialized query table whose select-statement contains a GROUP BY clause is summarizing data from the tables referenced in the select-statement. Such a materialized query table is also known as a summary table. A summary table is a specialized type of materialized query table.

When a materialized query table is defined, the following select-statement restrictions apply:

When a materialized query table is defined with ENABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION, the following additional select-statement restrictions apply:

Specifies that the data is not inserted into the materialized query table when it is created. Use the REFRESH TABLE statement to populate the materialized query table, or use the INSERT statement to insert data into a materialized query table.
Specifies that the data is inserted into the materialized query table when it is created.
Specifies that the data in the table can be refreshed at any time using the REFRESH TABLE statement. The data in the table only reflects the result of the query as a snapshot at the time when the REFRESH TABLE statement is processed or when it was last updated.
Specifies that the materialized query table is maintained by the user. The user can use INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or REFRESH TABLE statements on the table.
Specifies whether this materialized query table can be used for optimization. The default is ENABLE QUERY OPTIMIZATION.
Specifies that the materialized query table can be used for query optimization. If the select-statement specified does not satisfy the restrictions for query optimization, an error is returned.
Specifies that the materialized query table cannot be used for query optimization. The table can still be queried directly.


Specifies whether identity column attributes are inherited.
Specifies that the table inherits the identity attribute, if any, of the columns resulting from select-statement, table-name, or view-name. In general, the identity attribute is copied if the element of the corresponding column in the table, view, or select-statement is the name of a table column or the name of a view column that directly or indirectly maps to the name of a base table column with the identity attribute. If the INCLUDING IDENTITY COLUMN ATTRIBUTES clause is specified with the AS select-statement clause, the columns of the new table do not inherit the identity attribute in the following cases:
  • The select list of the select-statement includes multiple instances of an identity column name (that is, selecting the same column more than once).
  • The select list of the select-statement includes multiple identity columns (that is, it involves a join).
  • The identity column is included in an expression in the select list.
  • The select-statement includes a set operation (UNION or INTERSECT).

If INCLUDING IDENTITY is not specified, the table will not have an identity column.

Specifies that the table does not inherit the identity attribute, if any, of the columns resulting from the fullselect, table-name, or view-name.
Specifies whether column defaults are inherited.
Specifies that the column defaults are not inherited from the definition of the source table. The default values of the column of the new table are either null or there are no default values. If the column can be null, the default is the null value. If the column cannot be null, there is no default value, and an error occurs if a value is not provided for a column on INSERT for the new table.
Specifies that the table inherits the default values of the columns resulting from the select-statement, table-name, or view-name. A default value is the value assigned to a column when a value is not specified on an INSERT.


If INCLUDING COLUMN DEFAULTS is not specified, the default values are not inherited.

Specifies that the default values for the table depend on the data type of the columns that result from the select-statement, table-name, or view-name. If the column is nullable, then the default value is the null value. Otherwise, the default value is as follows:
Data type Default value
Numeric 0
Fixed-length character or graphic string Blanks
Fixed-length binary string Hexadecimal zeros
Varying-length string A string length of 0
Date The current date at the time of INSERT
Time The current time at the time of INSERT
Timestamp The current timestamp at the time of INSERT
Datalink A value corresponding to DLVALUE('','URL','')
distinct-type The default value of the corresponding source type of the distinct type.



CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Names the constraint. A constraint-name must not identify a constraint that was previously specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and must not identify a constraint that already exists at the current server.

If the clause is not specified, a unique constraint name is generated by the database manager.

PRIMARY KEY(column-name,...)
Defines a primary key composed of the identified columns. A table can only have one primary key. Thus, this clause cannot be specified more than once and cannot be specified at all if the shorthand form has been used to define a primary key for the table. The identified columns cannot be the same as the columns specified in another UNIQUE constraint specified earlier in the CREATE TABLE statement. For example, PRIMARY KEY(A,B) would not be allowed if UNIQUE (B,A) had already been specified.

Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table. The same column must not be identified more than once. The column must not be a LOB or DATALINK column. The number of identified columns must not exceed 120, and the sum of their byte counts must not exceed 32766-n, where n is the number of columns specified that allow nulls. For information on byte-counts see Table 52.

The unique index is created as part of the system physical file, not a separate system logical file. When a primary key is added, a CHECK constraint is implicitly added to enforce the rule that the NULL value is not allowed in any of the columns that make up the primary key.

UNIQUE (column-name,...)
Defines a unique constraint composed of the identified columns. The UNIQUE clause can be specified more than once. The identified columns cannot be the same as the columns specified in another UNIQUE constraint or PRIMARY KEY that was specified earlier in the CREATE TABLE statement. For determining if a unique constraint is the same as another constraint specification, the column lists are compared. For example, UNIQUE (A,B) is the same as UNIQUE (B,A).

Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table. The same column must not be identified more than once. The column must not be a LOB or DATALINK column. The number of identified columns must not exceed 120, and the sum of their byte counts must not exceed 32766-n, where n is the number of columns specified that allows nulls. For information on byte-counts see Table 52.

A unique index on the identified column is created during the execution of the CREATE TABLE statement. The unique index is created as part of the system physical file, not as a separate system logical file.


CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Names the constraint. A constraint-name must not identify a constraint that was previously specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and must not identify a constraint that already exists at the current server.

If the clause is not specified, a unique constraint name is generated by the database manager.

Each specification of the FOREIGN KEY clause defines a referential constraint. FOREIGN KEY is not allowed if the table is a partitioned table.
The foreign key of the referential constraint is composed of the identified columns. Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table. The same column must not be identified more than once. The column must not be a LOB or DATALINK column. The number of identified columns must not exceed 120, and the sum of their lengths must not exceed 32766-n, where n is the number of columns specified that allow nulls.
REFERENCES table-name
The table-name specified in a REFERENCES clause must identify the table being created or a base table that already exists at the application server, but it must not identify a catalog table, a global temporary table, a partitioned table, or a distributed table.

A referential constraint is a duplicate if its foreign key, parent key, and parent table are the same as the foreign key, parent key, and parent table of a previously specified referential constraint. Duplicate referential constraints are allowed, but not recommended.

Let T2 denote the identified parent table and let T1 denote the table being created.

The specified foreign key must have the same number of columns as the parent key of T2. The description of the nth column of the foreign key and the description of the nth column of that parent key must have identical data types, lengths, and CCSIDs.

The parent key of the referential constraint is composed of the identified columns. Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of T2. The same column must not be identified more than once. The column must not be a LOB or DATALINK column. The number of identified columns must not exceed 120, and the sum of their byte counts must not exceed 32766-n, where n is the number of columns specified that allow nulls. For information on byte-counts see Table 52.

The list of column names must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2. The names need not be specified in the same order as in the primary key; however, they must be specified in corresponding order to the list of columns in the foreign key clause. If a column name list is not specified, then T2 must have a primary key. Omission of the column name list is an implicit specification of the columns of that primary key.

The referential constraint specified by a FOREIGN KEY clause defines a relationship in which T2 is the parent and T1 is the dependent.

Specifies what action is to take place on the dependent tables when a row of the parent table is deleted. There are five possible actions:
  • NO ACTION (default)

SET NULL must not be specified unless some column of the foreign key allows null values.

CASCADE must not be specified if T1 contains a DataLink column with FILE LINK CONTROL.

The delete rule applies when a row of T2 is the object of a DELETE or propagated delete operation and that row has dependents in T1. Let p denote such a row of T2.

  • If RESTRICT or NO ACTION is specified, an error occurs and no rows are deleted.
  • If CASCADE is specified, the delete operation is propagated to the dependents of p in T1.
  • If SET NULL is specified, each nullable column of the foreign key of each dependent of p in T1 is set to null.
  • If SET DEFAULT is specified, each column of the foreign key of each dependent of p in T1 is set to its default value.
Specifies what action is to take place on the dependent tables when a row of the parent table is updated.

The update rule applies when a row of T2 is the object of an UPDATE or propagated update operation and that row has dependents in T1. Let p denote such a row of T2.

  • If RESTRICT or NO ACTION is specified, an error occurs and no rows are updated.


CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Names the check constraint. A constraint-name must not identify a constraint that was previously specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and must not identify a constraint that already exists at the current server.

If the clause is not specified, a unique constraint name is generated by the database manager.

CHECK (check-condition)
Defines a check constraint. At any time, the check-condition must be true or unknown for every row of the table.

The check-condition is a search-condition except:

For more information about search-condition, see Search conditions. For more information about check constraints involving LOB data types and expressions, see the Database Programming book.


Any changes made to the table by INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statements in the same unit of work after the table is created by this statement are not logged (journaled).

At the completion of the current unit of work, the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute is deactivated and all operations that are done on the table in subsequent units of work are logged (journaled).

The NOT LOGGED INITIALLY option is useful for situations where a large result set needs to be created with data from an alternate source (another table or a file) and recovery of the table is not necessary. Using this option will save the overhead of logging (journaling) the data.

ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY is ignored if the table has a DATALINK column with FILE LINK CONTROL.


Indicates to the optimizer whether or not the cardinality of table table-name can vary significantly at run time. Volatility applies to the number of rows in the table, not to the table itself. The default is NOT VOLATILE.

Specifies that the cardinality of table-name can vary significantly at run time, from empty to large. To access the table, the optimizer will typically use an index, if possible.
Specifies that the cardinality of table-name is not volatile. Access plans that reference this table will be based on the cardinality of the table at the time the access plan is built. NOT VOLATILE is the default.


IN nodegroup-name
Specifies the nodegroup across which the data in the table will be distributed. The name must identify a nodegroup that exists at the current server. If this clause is specified, the table is created as a distributed table across all the systems in the nodegroup.

A LOB, DATALINK, or IDENTITY column is not allowed in a distributed table.

The DB2 Multisystem product must be installed to create a distributed table. For more information about distributed tables, see the DB2® Multisystem book.

DISTRIBUTE BY HASH (column-name,...)
Specifies the partitioning key. The partitioning key is used to determine on which node in the nodegroup a row will be placed. Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table. The same column must not be identified more than once. If the DISTRIBUTE BY clause is not specified, the first column of the primary key is used as the partitioning key. If there is no primary key, the first column of the table that is not floating point, date, time, or timestamp is used as the partitioning key.

The columns that make up the partitioning key must be a subset of the columns that make up any unique constraints over the table. Floating point, LOB, DataLink, and ROWID columns cannot be used in a partitioning key.


Specifies that ranges of column values are used to determine the target data partition when inserting a row into the table. The number of partitions must not exceed 256. A table cannot be partitioned if it contains an identity column.
Specifies a column in the partitioning key. The partitioning key is used to determine into which partition in the table a row will be placed. Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table. The same column must not be identified more than once.

Floating point, LOB, DataLink, and ROWID columns cannot be used in a partitioning key.

Indicates that null values are treated as positive infinity for comparison purposes.
Indicates that null values are treated as negative infinity for comparison purposes.
PARTITION partition-name
Names the partition. A partition-name must not identify a data partition that was previously specified in the CREATE TABLE statement.

If the clause is not specified, a unique partition name is generated by the database manager.

Specifies the boundaries of a range partition. The boundaries must be specified in ascending sequence. The ranges must not overlap.
Specifies the low end of the range for a data partition. The number of specified starting values must be the same as the number of columns in the partitioning key.
Introduces the starting-clause.
Specifies a constant that must conform to the rules of a constant for the data type of the corresponding column of the partition key. If the corresponding column of the partition key is a distinct type, the constant must conform to the rules of the source type of the distinct type. The value must not be in the range of any other boundary-spec for the table.
Specifies a value lower than the lowest possible value for the data type of the corresponding column of the partition key. If MINVALUE is specified, all subsequent values in the starting-clause must also be MINVALUE.
Specifies that the specified range values are included in the data partition.
Specifies that the specified range values are excluded from the data partition. This specification is ignored when MINVALUE or MAXVALUE is specified.
Specifies the high end of the range for a data partition. The number of specified ending values must be the same as the number of columns in the data partitioning key.
Introduces the ending-clause.
Specifies a constant that must conform to the rules of a constant for the data type of the corresponding column of the partition key. If the corresponding column of the partition key is a distinct type, the constant must conform to the rules of the source type of the distinct type. The value must not be in the range of any other boundary-spec for the table.
Specifies a value higher than the highest possible value for the data type of the corresponding column of the partition key. If MAXVALUE is specified, all subsequent values in the ending-clause must also be MAXVALUE.
Specifies that the specified range values are included in the data partition.
Specifies that the specified range values are excluded from the data partition. This specification is ignored when MINVALUE or MAXVALUE is specified.
EVERY integer-constant
Specifies that multiple data partitions will be added where integer-constant specifies the width of each data partition range. If EVERY is specified, only a single SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, DATE, or TIMESTAMP column can be specified for the partition key.

The starting value of the first data partition is the specified STARTING value. The starting value of each subsequent partition is the starting value of the previous partition + integer-constant. If the starting-clause specified EXCLUSIVE, the starting value of every partition is EXCLUSIVE. Otherwise, the starting value of every partition is INCLUSIVE.

The ending value of every partition of the range is (start + integer-constant - 1). If the ending-clause specified EXCLUSIVE, the ending value of every partition is EXCLUSIVE. Otherwise, the ending value of every partition is INCLUSIVE.

The number of partitions added is determined by adding integer-constant repeatedly to the STARTING value until the ENDING value is reached. For example:

    (A  INT)
      (STARTING(1) ENDING(10) EVERY(2))

is equivalent to the following CREATE TABLE statement:

    (A  INT)
      (STARTING(1) ENDING(2),
       STARTING(3) ENDING(4),
       STARTING(5) ENDING(6),
       STARTING(7) ENDING(8),
       STARTING(9) ENDING(10))

In the case of dates and timestamps, the EVERY value must be a labeled duration. For example:

    (A  DATE)
      (STARTING('2001-01-01') ENDING('2010-01-01') EVERY(3 MONTHS))
Specifies that the hash function is used to determine the target data partition when inserting a row into the table. A table cannot be partitioned if it contains an identity column.
Specifies the partitioning key. The partitioning key is used to determine into which partition in the table a row will be placed. Each column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table. The same column must not be identified more than once.

The columns that make up the partitioning key must be a subset of the columns that make up any unique constraints over the table. Floating point, LOB, date, time, timestamp, DataLink, and ROWID columns cannot be used in a partitioning key.

Specifies the number of partitions. The number of partitions must not exceed 256.


Table attributes: Tables are created as physical files. When a table is created, the file wait time and record wait time attributes are set to the default that is specified on the WAITFILE and WAITRCD keywords of the Create Physical File (CRTLF) command.

SQL tables are created so that space used by deleted rows will be reclaimed by future insert requests. This attribute can be changed via the command CHGPF and specifying the REUSEDLT(*NO) parameter. For more information about the CHGPF command, see the CL Reference information in the Programming category of the iSeries Information Center.

A distributed table is created on all of the servers across which the table is distributed. For more information about distributed tables, see the DB2 Multisystem book.

Table journaling: When a table is created, journaling may be automatically started.

Table ownership: If SQL names were specified:

If system names were specified, the owner of the table is the user profile or group user profile of the job executing the statement.

Table authority: If SQL names are used, tables are created with the system authority of *EXCLUDE to *PUBLIC. If system names are used, tables are created with the authority to *PUBLIC as determined by the create authority (CRTAUT) parameter of the schema.

If the owner of the table is a member of a group profile (GRPPRF keyword) and group authority is specified (GRPAUT keyword), that group profile will also have authority to the table.

Owner privileges: The owner of the table has all table privileges (see GRANT (Table or View Privileges)) with the ability to grant these privileges to others.

Using an identity column: When a table has an identity column, the database manager can automatically generate sequential numeric values for the column as rows are inserted into the table. Thus, identity columns are ideal for primary keys.

Identity columns and ROWID columns are similar in that both types of columns contain values that the database manager generates. ROWID columns can be useful in direct-row access. ROWID columns contain values of the ROWID data type, which returns a 40-byte VARCHAR value that is not regularly ascending or descending. ROWID data values are therefore not well suited to many application uses, such as generating employee numbers or product numbers. For data that does not require direct-row access, identity columns are usually a better approach, because identity columns contain existing numeric data types and can be used in a wide variety of uses for which ROWID values would not be suitable.

When a table is recovered to a point-in-time (using RMVJRNCHG), it is possible that a large gap in the sequence of generated values for the identity column might result. For example, assume a table has an identity column that has an incremental value of 1 and that the last generated value at time T1 was 100 and the database manager subsequently generates values up to 1000. Now, assume that the table is recovered back to time T1. The generated value of the identity column for the next row that is inserted after the recovery completes will be 1001, leaving a gap from 100 to 1001 in the values of the identity column.

When CYCLE is specified duplicate values for a column may be generated even when the column is GENERATED ALWAYS, unless a unique constraint or unique index is defined on the column.

Creating materialized query tables: To ensure that the materialized query table has data before being used by a query:

The isolation level at the time when the CREATE TABLE statement is executed is the isolation level for the materialized query table. The isolation-clause can be used to explicitly specify the isolation level.

Partitioned table performance: The larger the number of partitions in a partitioned table, the greater the overhead in SQL data change and SQL data statements. You should create a partitioned table with the minimum number of partitions that are required to minimize this overhead. It is also highly recommended that a parallelism degree greater than one be considered when accessing a partitioned table.

Syntax alternatives: The following keywords are synonyms supported for compatibility to prior releases. These keywords are non-standard and should not be used:

Maximum row sizes

There are two maximum row size restrictions referred to in the description of column-definition.

To determine the length of a row buffer and/or row data add the corresponding length of each column of that row based on the byte counts of the data type.

The follow table gives the byte counts of columns by data type for columns that do not allow null values. If any column allows null values, one byte is required for every eight columns.

Table 52. Byte Counts of Columns by Data Type
Data Type Row Buffer Byte Count Row Data Byte Count
DECIMAL( p, s) The integral part of (p/2) + 1 The integral part of (p/2) + 1
NUMERIC( p, s) p p
FLOAT (single precision) 4 4
FLOAT (double precision) 8 8
CHAR( n) n n
VARCHAR( n) n+2 n+2
CLOB( n) 29+pad n+29
GRAPHIC(n) n*2 n*2
VARGRAPHIC (n) n*2+2 n*2+2
DBCLOB( n) 29+pad n*2+29
BINARY( n) n n
VARBINARY( n) n+2 n+2
BLOB( n) 29+pad n+29
DATE 10 4
TIME 8 3
DATALINK( n) n+24 n+24
ROWID 42 28
distinct-type The byte count for the source type. The byte count for the source type.

pad is a value from 1 to 15 necessary for boundary alignment.

Precision as described to the database:


The non-standard syntax of LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC is supported, but deprecated. The alternative standard syntax of VARCHAR(integer) and VARGRAPHIC(integer), is preferred. VARCHAR(integer) and VARGRAPHIC(integer) are recommended. After the CREATE TABLE statement is processed, the database manager considers a LONG VARCHAR column to be VARCHAR and a LONG VARGRAPHIC column to be VARGRAPHIC. The maximum length is calculated in a product-specific fashion that is not portable.

For a varying length character string whose maximum length is determined by the amount of space available in the row.
For a varying length graphic string whose maximum length is determined by the amount of space available in the row.

The maximum length of a LONG column is determined as follows. Let:

The length of each LONG VARCHAR column is INTEGER((32716 - i-((k+7)/8))/j).

The length of each LONG VARGRAPHIC column is determined by taking the length calculated for a LONG VARCHAR column and dividing it by 2. The integer portion of the result is the length.

Rules for System Name Generation

There are specific instances when the system generates a system table, view, index, or column name. These instances and the name generation rules are described in the following sections.

Rules for Column Name Generation

A system-column-name is generated if the system-column-name is not specified when a table or view is created and the column-name is not a valid system-column-name.

If the column-name does not contain special characters and is longer than 10 characters, a 10-character system-column-name will be generated as:

For example:

The system-column-name for LONGCOLUMNNAME would be LONGC00001

If the column name is delimited:

For example:

   The system-column-name for "abc" would be ABC__00001
   The system-column-name for "COL2.NAME" would be COL2_00001
   The system-column-name for "C 3" would be C_3__00001
   The system-column-name for "??" would be Q____00001
   The system-column-name for "*column1" would be QCOLU00001

Rules for Table Name Generation

A system name will be generated if a table, view, alias, or index is created with either:

The SQL name or its corresponding system name may both be used in SQL statements to access the file once it is created. However, the SQL name is only recognized by DB2 UDB for iSeries and the system name must be used in other environments.

If the name does not contain special characters and is longer than 10 characters, a 10-character system name will be generated as:

For example:

   The system name for LONGTABLENAME would be LONGT00001

If the SQL name contains special characters, the system name is generated as:

In addition:

For example:

   The system name for "??" would be "__0001"
   The system name for "longtablename" would be "long0001"
   The system name for "LONGTableName" would be LONG0001
   The system name for "A b   " would be "A_b0001"

SQL ensures the system name is unique by searching the cross reference file. If the name already exists in the cross reference file, the number is incremented until the name is no longer a duplicate.

If a unique name cannot be determined using the above rules, an additional character is added to the counter in the name, and the number is incremented until a unique name can be found or the range is exhausted. For example, if creating "longtablename" and names "long0001" through "long9999" already exist, the name would become "lon00001".


Example 1: Given administrative authority, create a table named 'ROSSITER.INVENTORY' with the following columns:

Part number
Small integer, must not be null
Character of length 0 to 24, allows nulls
Quantity on hand,
Integer allows nulls

    (PARTNO         SMALLINT     NOT NULL,
     DESCR          VARCHAR(24),
     QONHAND        INT)

Example 2: Create a table named DEPARTMENT with the following columns:

Department number
Character of length 3, must not be null
Department name
Character of length 0 through 36, must not be null
Manager number
Character of length 6
Administrative dept.
Character of length 3, must not be null
Location name
Character of length 16, allows nulls

The primary key is column DEPTNO.

    (DEPTNO    CHAR(3)     NOT NULL,
     MGRNO     CHAR(6),
     LOCATION  CHAR(16),

Example 3: Create a table named REORG_PROJECTS which has the same column definitions as the columns in the view PRJ_LEADER.


Example 4: Create an EMPLOYEE2 table with an identity column named EMP_NO. Define the identity column so that DB2 will always generate the values for the column. Use the default value, which is 1, for the first value that should be assigned and for the incremental difference between the subsequently generated consecutive numbers.

      NAME CHAR(30),
      SALARY DECIMAL(5,2),

Example 5: Assume a very large transaction table named TRANS contains one row for each transaction processed by a company. The table is defined with many columns. Create a materialized query table for the TRANS table that contains daily summary data for the date and amount of a transaction.

        FROM TRANS

This option is provided for compatibility with other products. It is recommended that VARCHAR(integer) or VARGRAPHIC(integer) be specified instead.

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