
Overlays are a collection of predefined data such as lines, shading, text, boxes, or logos. They can be merged with variable data on a sheet while a spooled file is being processed.

You can use the licensed program IBM® Infoprint® Designer for iSeries, the licensed program Advanced Function Printing™ Utilities for iSeries™, the licensed program IBM Infoprint Server for iSeries, or the Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™) printer drivers provided for Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP to create overlays on the iSeries server. Overlays can also be downloaded from other operating systems, such as the zSeries®.

When overlay data is received from the zSeries, you place it in a data file. To convert the page overlay data to a format that can be used by i5/OS, use the Create Overlay (CRTOVL) CL command.

Related tasks

Obtain AFP resources

Specify an overlay

Related reference

Create Overlay (CRTOVL) CL command