Obtain AFP resources

There are many sources of Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™) resources. Some of the resources are included with the system. You can download resources from another system, or they can come inline with the data that is to be printed. Form definitions, fonts, page segments, overlays, and page definitions are examples of resources that can come from another system. Additionally, you can create overlays and page segments yourself using the IBM® Infoprint® Designer for iSeries licensed program (5733-ID1). You can generate page segments and overlays from existing images using the IBM Infoprint Server for iSeries licensed program (5722-IP1).

Fonts provided by i5/OS
This topic describes the fonts that are included with the i5/OS operating system.

Create AFP resources
This topic describes different methods of creating AFP resources.

Receive AFP resources from another system
This topic provides information about receiving AFP resources from another system.