After you change a hardware feature, you may need to perform the
following tasks:
- If you have changed the disk configuration, perform disk unit management
to first protect and then configure the disks on your server. To do this,
you can use the Work with Disk Units option from the Dedicated Service Tools
display. To learn how, see Chapter 18. "Procedures for Configuring Disks and
Disk Protection" of the Backup and Recovery Guide.
Note: Once you have completed
your disk configuration, you can remove any unused disk units from the configuration
using dedicated service tools (DST). For information, see "How to Remove a
Disk unit from an Auxiliary Storage Pool" in Chapter 19. "Working with Auxiliary
Storage Pools" of the Backup and Recovery Guide. Disk units that you remove
from the configuration should also be physically removed to prevent them from
being added back into the configuration during an IPL.
- Update workstations, communications, removable media, LAN, WAN, or Integrated xSeries® Server
(IXS) hardware resource names as necessary. For information about changing
hardware resource names, see Fix hardware resource names after an upgrade.
- If you have changed your console type, perform the IPL and resource management
tasks in Prepare the server for production.
- If you have made changes to enable clusters or independent disk pools,
use the information in Configure a cluster and Configure independent disk