Use i5/OS™ jobs system values to view or change system level job limits and other job defaults.
To access the jobs category of system values, select Configuration and Services in iSeries™ Navigator. Then, select System Values.
If you are familiar with the i5/OS character-based interface, you will notice that iSeries Navigator uses descriptive names for the system values. For a quick overview of the jobs system values available in iSeries Navigator (and their counterparts in the character-based interface), refer to the following table. Follow the links to learn more about each system value.
Jobs system values:
Name in iSeries Navigator | Description of system value | Name in character-based interface |
Allow jobs to be interrupted to run user-defined exit programs | Specifies how the system responds to user initiated requests to interrupt a job to run a user-defined exit program in that job. | QALWJOBITP |
Allocate storage at restart | Specifies the storage used at restart for active and total jobs. | QACTJOB, QTOTJOB |
Allocate additional storage as needed | Specifies the storage allocated as needed. | QADLACTJ, QADLTOTJ |
Maximum jobs | Specifies the maximum number of jobs. | QMAXJOB |
Initial printer output block size | Controls the initial size of an internal control block (SCB). | QJOBSPLA |
Maximum printer output files | Specifies the maximum number of printer output files allowed for a job. | QMAXSPLF |
Maximum job log size | Specifies the maximum job log size. | QJOBMSGQMX |
When a maximum size is reached | Specifies the action to take when the maximum job log size is reached. | QJOBMSGQFL |
Time-out interval for inactive jobs | Specifies the time-out interval for inactive jobs. | QINACTITV |
Produce printer output for job log | Specifies how the job log will be produced when a job completes. | QLOGOUTPUT |
When job reaches time-out | Specifies the action to take when an inactive job reaches time-out. | QINACTMSGQ |
Time-out interval for disconnected jobs | Specifies the time-out interval for disconnected jobs. | QDSCJOBITV |
When a function in a multi-threaded job is not threadsafe | Specifies the action to take when a function is not threadsafe. | QMLTTHDACN |
Detach printer output after jobs have ended | Specifies whether spooled files are kept with a job or detached from the job. | QSPLFACN |
Maximum time for immediate end | Specifies the maximum amount of time for application cleanup during the immediate ending of a job. | QENDJOBLMT |