System values: Jobs overview

Use i5/OS™ jobs system values to view or change system level job limits and other job defaults.

To access the jobs category of system values, select Configuration and Services in iSeries™ Navigator. Then, select System Values.

If you are familiar with the i5/OS character-based interface, you will notice that iSeries Navigator uses descriptive names for the system values. For a quick overview of the jobs system values available in iSeries Navigator (and their counterparts in the character-based interface), refer to the following table. Follow the links to learn more about each system value.

Jobs system values:

Name in iSeries Navigator Description of system value Name in character-based interface
Allow jobs to be interrupted to run user-defined exit programs Specifies how the system responds to user initiated requests to interrupt a job to run a user-defined exit program in that job. QALWJOBITP
Allocate storage at restart Specifies the storage used at restart for active and total jobs. QACTJOB, QTOTJOB
Allocate additional storage as needed Specifies the storage allocated as needed. QADLACTJ, QADLTOTJ
Maximum jobs Specifies the maximum number of jobs. QMAXJOB
Initial printer output block size Controls the initial size of an internal control block (SCB). QJOBSPLA
Maximum printer output files Specifies the maximum number of printer output files allowed for a job. QMAXSPLF
Maximum job log size Specifies the maximum job log size. QJOBMSGQMX
When a maximum size is reached Specifies the action to take when the maximum job log size is reached. QJOBMSGQFL
Time-out interval for inactive jobs Specifies the time-out interval for inactive jobs. QINACTITV
Produce printer output for job log Specifies how the job log will be produced when a job completes. QLOGOUTPUT
When job reaches time-out Specifies the action to take when an inactive job reaches time-out. QINACTMSGQ
Time-out interval for disconnected jobs Specifies the time-out interval for disconnected jobs. QDSCJOBITV
When a function in a multi-threaded job is not threadsafe Specifies the action to take when a function is not threadsafe. QMLTTHDACN
Detach printer output after jobs have ended Specifies whether spooled files are kept with a job or detached from the job. QSPLFACN
Maximum time for immediate end Specifies the maximum amount of time for application cleanup during the immediate ending of a job. QENDJOBLMT
System values categories
Find an introduction to all the categories of system values found in iSeries Navigator.
Related concepts
Jobs system values: Allocate storage at restart
Jobs system values: Allocate additional storage as needed
Jobs system values: Maximum jobs
Jobs system values: Initial printer output block size
Jobs system values: Maximum printer output files
Jobs system values: Maximum job log size
Jobs system values: When maximum size is reached
Jobs system values: Time-out interval for inactive jobs
Jobs system values: When a job reaches time-out
Jobs system values: Time-out interval for disconnected jobs
Jobs system values: When a function in a multi-threaded job is not threadsafe
Jobs system values: Detach printer output after jobs have ended
Jobs system values: Maximum time for immediate end
Related information
System value finder