Create a guest user profile for iSeries NetServer

Start of changeBefore you can apply code fixes and system upgrades to the Windows environment on iSeries™, you must be signed on with a Windows account and an iSeries user profile with the same password, or you must have a guest NetServer™ user profile configured for iSeries NetServer. You must have *SECADM special authority to perform this task.End of change

If you have iSeries Navigator on your system, you can use the graphical interface to set up a guest user profile for iSeries NetServer with no special authorities and no password.

If you do not have iSeries Navigator, follow these steps to set up a guest user profile for iSeries NetServer:

  1. On i5/OS™, create a user profile with no special authorities and no password:

    See the iSeries Security Reference Link to PDF. for information about user profiles.
  2. Enter the following command, where username is the name of the user profile that you created:

    CALL QZLSCHSG PARM(username X'00000000')
  3. To stop iSeries NetServer, enter the following command:

  4. To restart iSeries NetServer, enter the following command:


You can go back to Enable iSeries NetServer or to the Prepare for the installation of integrated Windows servers.