Prepare for the installation of integrated Windows servers

The installation will go smoothly if you perform some preliminary tasks.

  1. Verify that you have the necessary authority to perform the installation. You must have *IOSYSCFG, *ALLOBJ, and *JOBCTL special authority on i5/OS™. *SECADM special authority is required to perform step 8 of this checklist. For information about special authorities, refer to the iSeries™ Security Reference Link to PDF..
  2. Verify Machine pool size requirements.
  3. Ensure that time synchronization is correctly configured. See Time synchronization.
  4. Configure i5/OS TCP/IP for integrated Windows servers.
  5. Decide how many integrated Windows servers and subnets you need for your particular business.

    Start of changeIf you are installing an iSCSI attached server, each iSCSI HBA for iSeries requires two fixed IP addresses and each hosted xSeries® system or IBM® BladeCenter™ requires at least two IP addresses for iSCSI. For more information about IP address requirements, see Networking concepts.End of change

    If your organization uses fixed IP addresses (organizations that use DHCP may configure the integrated Windows server to be assigned an IP address automatically just like any standard PC server), obtain TCP/IP addresses from your network administrator. These include:

    If you are running TCP/IP on your iSeries system, the last two items in the above list have already been supplied to the system. Specify *SYS for those parameters while performing the Install Windows server (INSWNTSVR) command.

  6. Decide whether you want to use iSeries Access for Windows, which allows you to use iSeries Navigator and run Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) as a Windows service. See the iSeries NetServer™ versus iSeries Access for Windows topic in the Information Center.
  7. Enable NetServer and set up a guest user profile, so you can perform maintenance tasks on your integrated server. Refer to Enable iSeries NetServer and Create a guest user profile for iSeries NetServer.
  8. It's possible to eliminate the need for a physical CD-ROM during installation. For example, to avoid the delay and expense of shipping the CD-ROM to a remote site if you need to reinstall a server, or to slipstream a Microsoft® service pack or hotfix into your install source to avoid virus infections (MS Knowledge base article 828930). Store the image of the installation CD, then use the Windows source directory field during the installation to specify the path name to that image. If you need directions, refer to the Redbook Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Integration with iSeries, SG24-6959 Link outside the Information Center. .
    Contents of the installation CD may be subject to licenses from their respective authors and distributors. Compliance with these licenses is your responsibility. By offering this function, IBM takes no responsibility for compliance with or enforcement of any CD license agreement.
  9. You can customize the installation by using a configuration file to change the default values in the Windows unattended install setup script file (unattend.txt). See Network server description configuration files.
  10. Start of changeIf the server will be installed on an external xSeries server using an Integrated xSeries Adapter, refer to the following links: End of change
  11. If the server will be installed on an Integrated xSeries Server, see IXS install read me first Link outside the Information Center..
  12. Start of changeIf the server will be installed on an external xSeries or IBM BladeCenter server using an iSCSI HBA, you need to prepare the xSeries or IBM BladeCenter server. For more information, see iSCSI install read me first Link outside the Information Center..
    End of change
  13. Start of changeIf the server will be installed on an external xSeries or IBM BladeCenter server using an iSCSI HBA, make sure that the i5/OS QRETSVRSEC system is set to 1. You can do this with the Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) command.End of change
  14. If you use logical partitions on your iSeries server, recall that you need to install IBM i5/OS Integrated xSeries Server Support only on the logical partition that you will use to vary on the server. There is no requirement to install the licensed program on all the logical partitions. For example, one logical partition might have the i5/OS Integrated xSeries Server Support and one or more integrated Windows servers installed while another logical partition has neither i5/OS Integrated xSeries Server Support nor any integrated servers installed.
  15. When you install a Windows server on i5/OS, a network server description (NWSD) object is created containing configuration information such as the version of Windows and the hardware resource to be used. However, you can have only one NWSD varied on (running) for a given hardware resource at any given time.