Fastpath for software installation, upgrade, and deletion tasks

Use this information as a shortcut to help you determine the group of tasks you need to perform for your particular installation or upgrade.

Task Steps
Upgrading a release on a server or logical partition (either from V5R2 or V5R3 to V5R4)
  1. Preparing to upgrade or replace software
  2. Use one of the following methods to upgrade or replace an i5/OS™ release:
  3. Installing additional licensed programs
  4. Installing a secondary language
  5. Review Checklist: Completing the upgrade or replacement
Replacing Licensed Internal Code and i5/OS of the same version and release to support new hardware. Replacing Licensed Internal Code and i5/OS of the same version and release
Installing the i5/OS release on a new server or logical partition
  1. Preparing to install the i5/OS release
  2. Perform the following based on your situation:
  3. Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs
  4. Installing a secondary language
  5. Review Checklist: Completing the installation
Installing licensed programs
  1. Installing additional licensed programs
  2. Review Checklist: Completing the installation (certain steps apply)
Installing a secondary language
  1. Review Globalization and software installation
  2. Installing a secondary language
  3. Review Checklist: Completing the installation (certain steps apply)
Changing the primary language using either primary or secondary language media on the same release.
  1. Arrange your media in the order shown in Media labels and their contents
  2. Changing the primary language of your server or logical partition
  3. Review Checklist: Completing the installation
Changing your primary language and upgrading a release using primary language media
  1. Preparing to upgrade or replace software
  2. Use one of the following methods to upgrade or replace an i5/OS release:
  3. Installing additional licensed programs
  4. Installing a secondary language
  5. Review Checklist: Completing the upgrade or replacement
Selecting the primary language or changing your primary language and installing software on a new server.
  1. Preparing to install the i5/OS release
  2. Perform the following based on your situation:
  3. Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs
  4. Installing a secondary language
  5. Review Checklist: Completing the installation
Adding a new disk unit to an existing server before upgrading or replacing a release

If you are currently using mirrored protection, device parity protection, or auxiliary storage pools, refer to the information on working with auxiliary storage pools in the Backup and Recovery Link to PDF manual before you begin these tasks.

  1. Preparing to upgrade or replace software
  2. Upgrading or replacing software using manual installation
  3. Installing additional licensed programs
  4. Installing a secondary language
  5. Review Checklist: Completing the upgrade or replacement
Installing a cumulative program temporary fix (PTF) package
  1. Go to the Support for iSeries family Link outside information center Web site for Internet downloads or PSP information.
  2. Review the iSeries PTF Shipping Information Letter that you received for instructions on how to install a cumulative PTF package.
  3. Optional: Review concept information about how to use and install fixes .
Installing a hardware upgrade For IBM® System i5, System p5, and IBM eServer™ i5 and p5 systems, perform the tasks in the Upgrades topic in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center . For iSeries™ 8xx and earlier models, see Upgrades in the iSeries Information Center .
Deleting software Use either of the following methods: