Use this checklist to complete the IBM® i5/OS™ upgrade or replacement processes.
You might be required to perform a server IPL after you apply or remove a PTF on the service partition if that PTF affects the server firmware portion of the Licensed Internal Code. You also might be required to perform a server IPL after you upgrade or install a new level of the Licensed Internal Code on the service partition.
The Display History Log Contents display appears. If you do not see either of the following messages on the display, wait a few minutes and select option 50 again. Find the message Initialize System (INZSYS) started. After this message appears, wait for a period of time and look for the Initialize System (INZSYS) processing completed successfully message (CPC37A9). If you do not see message CPC37A9 on the display, go to Initialize System (INZSYS) recovery to determine the problem.
After updating the license key information, return here and continue with the next step.
To set your usage limit, do the following:
Use the Convert Performance Data (CVTPFRDTA) command to convert the data in the collection library.
If you do not convert your performance database files and do not run Collection Services, you can delete the QAPMxxxx files with the Delete File (DLTF) command (DLTF library/QAPM*).
You have completed upgrading to the new release on your server.