Restore objects

When you restore an object to the system, the system uses the authority information stored with the object.

The following applies to security of the restored object:

Object ownership:

Primary group:

For an object that does not exist on the system: When an existing object is restored, the primary group for the object is not changed by the restore operation.
Public authority:
Authorization list:
Private authorities:
Object Auditing:
Authority Holder:

Domain Objects: For systems running Version 2 Release 3 or later of the OS/400 licensed program, the system restricts user domain objects (*USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ) to the libraries specified in the QALWUSRDMN system value. If a library is removed from the QALWUSRDMN system value after a user domain object of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, or *USRQ is saved, the system changes the object to system domain when it is restored.

Function Registration Information: The function registration information can be restored by restoring the QUSEXRGOBJ *EXITRG object into QUSRSYS. This restores all of the registered functions. The usage information associated with the functions is restored when user profiles and authorities are restored.

Applications that Use Certificates Registration: The applications that use certificates registration information can be restored by restoring the QUSEXRGOBJ *EXITRG object into QUSRSYS. This restores all of the registered applications. The association of the application to its certificate information can be restored by restoring the QYCDCERTI *USRIDX object into QUSRSYS.

Refer to Restore authority for more information.