Restore authority

When security information is restored, private authorities must be rebuilt. When you restore a user profile that has an authority table, the authority table for the profile is also restored. The Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command rebuilds the private authority in the user profile using the information from the authority table.

The grant authority operation is run for each private authority in the authority table. If authority is being restored for many profiles and many private authorities exist in the authority tables, this can be a lengthy process. The RSTUSRPRF and RSTAUT commands can be run for a single profile, a list of profiles, a generic profile name, or all profiles. The system searches the save media or save file created by the SAVSECDTA or SAVSYS command or the QSRSAVO API to find the profiles you want to restore.

Restoring Field Authority:

The following steps are required to restore private field authorities for database files that do not already exist on the system: The private field authorities are not fully restored until the private object authorities that they restrict are also established again.

Refer to Restore programs for more information.