Identification Division. Program-ID. "lobfile". Data Division. Working-Storage Section. copy "sqlenv.cbl". copy "sql.cbl". copy "sqlca.cbl". EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC. 1 01 userid pic x(8). 01 passwd. 49 passwd-length pic s9(4) comp-5 value 0. 49 passwd-name pic x(18). 01 resume USAGE IS SQL TYPE IS CLOB-FILE. 01 lobind pic s9(4) comp-5. EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC. 77 errloc pic x(80). Procedure Division. Main Section. display "Sample COBOL program: LOBFILE". * Get database connection information. display "Enter your user id (default none): " with no advancing. accept userid. if userid = spaces EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample END-EXEC else display "Enter your password : " with no advancing accept passwd-name. * Passwords in a CONNECT statement must be entered in a VARCHAR * format with the length of the input string. inspect passwd-name tallying passwd-length for characters before initial " ". EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample USER :userid USING :passwd END-EXEC. move "CONNECT TO" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. move "RESUME.TXT" to resume-NAME. 2 move 10 to resume-NAME-LENGTH. move SQL-FILE-OVERWRITE to resume-FILE-OPTIONS. EXEC SQL SELECT resume INTO :resume :lobind 3 FROM emp_resume WHERE resume_format = 'ascii' AND empno = '000130' END-EXEC. if lobind less than 0 go to NULL-LOB-indicated. display "Resume for EMPNO 000130 is in file : RESUME.TXT". go to End-Main. NULL-LOB-indicated. display "NULL LOB indicated". End-Main. EXEC SQL CONNECT RESET END-EXEC. move "CONNECT RESET" to errloc. call "checkerr" using SQLCA errloc. End-Prog. stop run.