This program example shows how character large object (CLOB)
elements can be retrieved from a table into an external file.
How the sample LOBFILE program works
- Declare host variables. The BEGIN DECLARE SECTION and END DECLARE
SECTION statements delimit the host variable declarations. Host variables
are prefixed with a colon (:) when referenced in an SQL statement. A CLOB
FILE REFERENCE host variable is declared.
- CLOB FILE REFERENCE host variable is set up. The attributes of
the FILE REFERENCE are set up. A file name without a fully declared path
is, by default, placed in the user's current directory. If the path name does
not begin with the forward slash (/) character, it is not qualified.
- Select into the CLOB FILE REFERENCE host variable. The data from
the resume field is selected into the file name that is referenced
by the host variable.
The CHECKERR macro/function is an error checking
utility which is external to the program. The location of this error checking
utility depends on the programming language used:
- C
- check_error is redefined as CHECKERR and
is located in the util.c file.
- CHECKERR is an external program named checkerr.cbl