Define which users can or can not take a survey

See this topic for information on how you can define which users can or can not take your survey.

You can specify which users can or can not take your survey by selecting the Require participants to login before taking the survey checkbox. You can also give users other than yourself survey owner authority to the survey you created.

To search for survey takers, perform these steps:

  1. To access the IBM® Survey Creator owner pages, enter the following URL in your Web browser:

    where is the name of the server where IBM Survey Creator is installed and port is the port number for this application server.

  2. Click IBM Survey Creator.
  3. Click Create Survey or select an existing survey and click Update.
  4. In the Security section, define which users can take or own your survey by clicking Add on any of these optional choices:
    • Additional Owners - This field represents the list of users in addition to yourself that you want to have survey owner authority for your survey
    • Restricted Participants - This field represents the list of users restricted from taking a survey. The fields Require participant to log in before taking the survey and Restrict the following participants from taking my survey must be selected to activate this field
    • Allowed Participants - This field represents the list of users allowed to take a survey. The fields Require participant to log in before taking the survey and Allow the following participants to take my survey must be selected to activate this field
  5. In the search field, specify the users name and click Search. Search for users by using one of the following methods:
    • Enter the name of the user in the format of last name or last name, first name in the text field.
    • Enter a single letter or a string of letters in the text field to search the entire directory for users. For example, type "A" in the text field to find every last name in the directory beginning with that letter.
  6. Select a user and click OK. The user is added to the specified list box.