Modes describe session characteristics between the local and remote locations. The use of modes over OptiConnect provides greater flexibility than standard mode support over APPC. Modes over OptiConnect are invoked through a mode table. The mode table, QMTABLE, is not shipped with OptiConnect and needs to be created if additional customization is required.
When subsystem QSOC is started, the QSOC library is checked to see if QMTABLE exists. If QMTABLE does exist, the parameters will be used to start any OptiConnect Agents. Otherwise, a default set of values are placed in storage.
To create the OptiConnect Mode table, type the following:
This creates the DDS source file QSOCDDS, with member QSOCDDS, and a sample mode table QMSAMPLE in the QSOC library. The mode table QMTABLE can be created by copying this sample table, or by using the DDS source file. QMTABLE is a physical file and needs to reside in the QSOC library. You can use data file utility (DFU) to alter this table, adding one entry for each mode or location required.
For the Fastpath OptiConnect method, add the following entry:
The mode table is searched each time an agent job is started (DDM target) for a match against the keyed values. There are three keyed fields in QMTABLE: LCLLOC, RMTLOC, and MODE. The following priority scheme determines which table entry will be used. The table is searched for the following:
A specific value for the above three fields can be matched in the table or '*ANY.' A specific value is always taken over '*ANY,' regardless of the order of the entries in the table.
Field | Description |
RMTLOC | Remote location (from the server point of view) |
LCLLOC | Local location (from the server point of view) |
MODE | Mode description from DDM file |
JOBD | Job description for the Agent job |
JOBDLIB | Library for Agent job description |
JOBQ | OptiConnect agent job queue (*JOBD for value from job description) |
JOBQLIB | Library for OptiConnect Agent job queue |
DFTUSER 1, 2 | Default user profile for OptiConnect agent
RCLRSC | *RCLRSC for disable reclaim resource (default) |
JOBPRIOR | *DYNAMIC for change agent job priority when
client job priority is changed (default)
INIJOB 3 | This is the minimum number of agent jobs that are maintained in the agent job pool. This number includes both active and available agent jobs. |
MINJOB 3 | This is the minimum number of available agents that are maintained in the agent job pool. As available agents become active agents, the connection manager submits jobs to maintain the number of available agent jobs. |
USREXIT 4 | Program name - name of exit program if present
USREXITLIB | Library for user exit program |
CONJRNL | Name of journal for connection journaling
CONJRNLLIB | Library for connection journaling |
ROUTING | Routing Data for Job |
JOBSTDLY | This value controls the rate at which prestart jobs are started in milliseconds |
JOBENDDLY | Allows the OptiConnect connection manager to shutdown before all idle jobs have ended. This allows the customer to continue with other operations; for example, backups. The remaining idle agents will end at a rate of 1 per JOBENDDLY milliseconds. |