The host print transform is an i5/OS function that converts an SNA character string (SCS) or Advanced Function Presentation (AFP™) data stream into an ASCII data stream. The ASCII data stream is then formatted and sent to an ASCII printer through one or more hardware connections, such as iSeries Access for Windows, or the 3477 or 3487 workstations. This single location of the conversion allows for consistent ASCII printing through any of the hardware connections. The host print transform function can also be used to send the ASCII data stream to a printer or system, by using the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) command, or to an ASCII LAN attached printer.
The host print transform is enabled by selecting certain values for parameters
in the printer device description. If you need more detailed information on
these parameters, see Local Device
, Create Device Description
(Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) or Change Device Description
(Printer) (CHGDEVPRT).
See the following for more information about the host print transform function: