How the host print transform function works

The host print transform converts the print data stream just before it is sent from the iSeries server. The spooled file contains the print data and not the converted ASCII data.

The host print transform works with jobs that are sent directly to the printer (SPOOL(*NO) on the printer file).

The following figure shows the data stream origination, flow, and conversion for a spooled file when the host print transform is enabled.

Data stream origination, flow, and conversion for a spooled file when the host print transform is enabled.

The host print transform generates an ASCII printer data stream for a number of IBM® and non-IBM printers. To generate the different ASCII data streams, the host print transform uses iSeries server objects that describe characteristics of a particular ASCII printer. Using the SCS ASCII Transparency (ATRN) command, it passes the ASCII data stream through the existing emulator. The existing emulator deletes the ASCII Transparency commands and passes the ASCII data stream that is generated by the host print transform to the personal printer. iSeries Access, PC5250, and IBM Personal Communications do not support partial ASCII transparency printing.

The emulator must support the SCS ASCII Transparency (ATRN) command to use it with the host print transform. All the emulators described under host print transform support the ATRN command.

To enable the host print transform, you work with the printer device description.