Plan for your Operations Console install or upgrade

In order to plan for your Operations Console install or upgrade, you need to know this information.

If you are upgrading to V5R4 and you want to replace an existing console with Operations Console, upgrade the system before migrating the console. This will prevent any conflict between the existing console and the Operations Console.

For information and instructions on upgrading i5/OS™ see: i5/OS Upgrades.

Prerequisite information for Operations Console users upgrading to, or installing, V5R4:

You must comply with the following before upgrading or installing your software (i5/OS, Licensed Internal Code) to V5R4:

  1. If your iSeries™ model has a 2771 adapter card in the processing unit and you plan to use Operations Console as either your primary console or as a backup console, it must be installed in the location designated by model for cable connections based on the following table, prior to the upgrade or install. Each model has a different preferred location:
    iSeries model Operations Console asynchronous card location for the cable
    270 C07
    800, 810 C07
    820 C06
    825 C06
    830, SB2 C02
    840, SB3 C02
    870, 890 C02
    Remember: You can find more information on cable connections for the server models in: Install an Operations Console cable.
  2. When you receive the i5/OS release upgrade, all of the user IDs that shipped with the operating system are expired, except for 11111111 (eight 1's). For all upgrades and installs you need to establish a connection between the iSeries server and Operations Console using the service tools user ID of 11111111. This will prevent any of the expired user IDs from preventing a successful re-authentication of the client connection to the server. This is especially important for automated installations and upgrades.
  3. It is recommended that you update iSeries Access for Windows® to V5R4 before you upgrade the i5/OS operating system. For more information about installing iSeries Access for Windows, refer to: Install iSeries Access for Windows.
Note: Failure to comply with the above actions may prevent the console from working correctly during the upgrade or install.
Important: During a manual IPL of the server and if no console has been specified before, you will receive two additional screens to confirm the setting of the console mode. The first will require a F10 to accept your current console type and the second will show that a value did not previously exist (a zero will be present for the old value) and the new value will be shown. Pressing Enter will exit and set the console mode automatically. The IPL will then continue to the IPL or Install the System screen. This condition is most likely to occur during the installation of a new partition but could happen on your first manual IPL of V5R4. For example, during the A-mode IPL following the restore of Licensed Internal Code during the upgrade or install when a console value of zero is found.

Migrating to Operations Console before your server model upgrade

Migrate to Operations Console before your Server Model Upgrade If you are migrating from a different console type to Operations Console on your new iSeries server, it is important that you configure your new Operations Console PC before beginning the server model upgrade. Because the Operations Console features matching the connectivity you plan to use should be specified as part of the order for your new iSeries server, at the point in the server model upgrade instructions where console functions are required on the new iSeries server, you will be able to perform them on your new Operations Console device.

Also, when migrating a former load source device that was used with Operations Console local console on a network configuration, and this load source device is to become a load source device in a new partition, the LAN adapter must be deallocated before removing the device from the old partition and installing it in the new partition.

For instructions on how to deallocate the LAN adapter from use by Operations Console, see: Deallocate the LAN card from use by Operations Console.

Related tasks
Install iSeries Access for Windows
Deallocate or move the LAN adapter card from use by Operations Console
Related reference
Install an Operations Console cable
Related information
Installing the i5/OS release and related software