You can use a generic user ID to track problems with undeliverable
e-mail. This method can be useful for both e-mail delivery and configuration
- Select or create a user ID to receive notification. In the character-based
interface, type CRTUSRPRF (the Create User Profile
command) and press Enter.
- Type WRKDIRE (the Work with Directory Entries
command) and press Enter.
- Type 1 to add the user to the system distribution
- Ensure that the Mail Store value is 2 and the Preferred Address
value is 3.
- Press F19 (Add Name for SMTP).
- Type NONDELIVERY@localhost.domain as the
SMTP address for any POP user.
This user receives a copy of the undeliverable e-mail.
Note: The
user ID you enter must be an actual ID so that it can effectively monitor
nondelivery notices. The sender receives a copy of the nondelivery notice
with a list of the recipients who did not receive the e-mail.