Restore an accidentally deleted item using BRMS

Sharon Jones used BRMS to recover an important file that was deleted from the server.

Nate Anderson is a recent college graduate who was hired by JKL for his Java™ programming and web systems administration skills. His primary duty is to ensure that the JKL web site is easy to use and functions correctly.

In his free time, he likes to work on innovative ideas for the future. He has a library on the JKL development system, JKLDEV, where he stores any programs he is working on for the future-- ideas he hopes to implement one day when the JKL website becomes interactive. Last Thursday, another programmer accidentally deleted this library. Nate called on Sharon to restore the library for him.

Sharon uses the BRMS Restore wizard to restore Nate's library on JKLDEV. Because she uses BRMS to manage the backups on JKLDEV, she can restore the library right from the backup history. The backup strategy for JKLDEV includes a weekly full backup on Saturday night and a changes-only backup every other night of the week.

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