Restore individual items

It is sometimes necessary for you to restore individual items on your system (for example, if a file is corrupted or accidentally deleted).

When you use BRMS backup policies to back up items on your system, you can restore those items from the backup history. When you restore an item from the backup history, you can view details about the item, such as when it was backed up or how large it is. If there are several versions of the item in the save history, you can select which version of the item you want to restore.

To restore individual items on your system, use the Save History panel to find the item or items you want and then click Restore to start the Restore wizard. The items must have been backed up with a BRMS backup policy.

For example, if a mail database was corrupted by a user, you can easily find and restore the database file by following these steps:

  1. Right-click Backup, Recovery and Media Services and select Restore.
  2. On the Save History - Include panel, select Directories or file for Saved items, Type and enter 'userName.nsf' (for example, msmith.nsf) for File and click OK.

    Other include criteria can also be specified to further filter the search.

  3. On the Save History window, find the file, right-click and select Restore.