The flow chart shows the values and actions of the QUPSDLYTIM system values. The flow chart starts with three boxes across the top of the chart.
The first box on the top is labeled "Utility failure and No uninterruptible power supplyor UPS failure." Two arrows proceed from this box. One arrow points to a box labeled "Internal battery."
The other arrow points to a box labeled "No internal battery." The box that is labeled "Internal battery points to another box labeled "30 second delay." The box that is labeled "30 second delay" points to a box that is labeled "90 second shutdown."
The box that is labeled "No internal battery" points to a box that is labeled "Uncontrolled shutdown."
The second box on the top is labeled "Utility failure and uninterruptible power supplyoperating correctly." An arrow from this box points to another box that is labeled "QUPSDLYTIM SETTING." This box shows the three settings for the QUPSDLYTIM setting, which are *NOMAX, numeric value, and *CALC or *BASIC.
If *NOMAX is selected, an arrow points to another box that is labeled "Return." If numeric value is selected, an arrow from the QUPSDLYTIM SETTING box points to another box that is labeled "User defined delay." Another arrow from the "User defined delay box points to a box that is labeled "Shutdown." If *CALC or *BASIC is selected, an arrow from the QUPSDLYTIM SETTING box points to another box that is labeled "200 second delay." The 200 second delay box points to the box that is labeled "Shutdown."
The third box is labeled "Utility failure and uninterruptible power supplybattery low." This box points to the box that is labeled "Shutdown."