Start the installation from the i5/OS console

To install Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003 on iSeries™, you need *IOSYSCFG, *ALLOBJ, and *JOBCTL special authority. You must have your Windows server license key available. In most cases, it is printed on the back of the installation CD jewel case.

  1. When performing an installation type of *FULL, place the installation CD in the iSeries server optical drive (unless you plan to use an image of the installation CD).

    When performing an Install type of *BASIC, place the ServerGuide™ CD in the attached xSeries® server CD-ROM drive.

  2. Use one of the following methods to begin the installation:
  3. Start of changeIn the Network server description field (see Network server descriptions for more information), type the server name from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters and press Enter.End of change
  4. In the Install type field, type the value (*FULL or *BASIC) that you filled out in the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters.
  5. Start of changeIn the Resource Name field, type the information that you filled out in the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters.End of change
  6. Choose the Windows server version you want to install; press Enter.
    Windows Server 2003 is required for iSCSI attached servers.
  7. If you want to install the server from a stored image instead of the physical CD, specify the path to that image in the Windows source directory field.
  8. In the Install option field, use the default *INSTALL.
  9. Start of changeIf you want the installation to configure TCP/IP properties for any network adapters installed in the iSeries which will be controlled by the new integrated server, specify the Windows TCP/IP configuration values from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters. Otherwise, skip this step and use the default value *NONE.End of change
  10. To install and configure an optional virtual Ethernet port, specify the Windows TCP/IP configuration values for the Virtual Ethernet port field from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters.
  11. Start of changeType the values from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters in these fields: End of change
  12. Start of changeIn the Event log field, specify which event log messages you want i5/OS to receive from the server.End of change
  13. Start of changeIn the fields for the Server storage spaces, type the values from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters: End of change
  14. Start of changeOptional: Specify either a Windows workgroup or domain in the corresponding To workgroup or To domain parameters.End of change
  15. Optional: Specify the name of the user who holds the Windows server license you are installing in the Full Name field.
  16. Optional: Specify the name of the organization that holds the Windows server license you are installing, in the Organization field.
  17. In the Language version field, specify *PRIMARY to have the IBM® i5/OS Integrated Server Support use your primary language. To prevent problems with predefined names that cannot be enrolled, make sure that the integration licensed program and Windows server will be using the same language. If you need to know which languages the command supports, look at Supported language versions.
  18. In the Synchronize date and time field, specify *YES to have i5/OS synchronize the date and time with the integrated server every 30 minutes. If you want i5/OS to synchronize the date and time with the integrated server only when you vary it on, type *NO.
  19. In the Propagate domain user field, specify if this server should be used to propagate and synchronize users to the Windows domain or active directory.
  20. In the Windows license key field, specify the CD key that Microsoft® has provided, including the dash. In most cases, you can find this CD key printed on the back of the Windows installation CD jewel case.
  21. In the License type field, specify the type of Windows server license that you purchased.
  22. If you specified *PERSERVER in the License type field, then in the Client licenses field, specify the number of client licenses that you purchased.
  23. Enter the Terminal services options to install in the Terminal services field.
  24. In the Restricted device resources field, type the value from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters.
  25. Start of changeIn the Shutdown timeout field, specify the integrated server's shutdown time-out value in minutes. This is used to limit the amount of time that the integrated server's operating system is given to shut down before the server is varied off.End of change
  26. Start of changeIf you are installing an IXA attached or IXS server, continue to step 34 and fill out additional parameters. If you are installing an ISCSI attached server, type the values for the iSCSI parameters from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters in the following fields: End of change
  27. Start of changeIn the Storage path field, specify the name of the Network server host adapter to use for iSCSI storage communications. For more information, see Network server host adapters.End of change
  28. Start of changeIn the Virtual Ethernet path field, enter the name of one or more Network server host adapters to use for iSCSI LAN communications. End of change
  29. Start of changeOptional: Specify the Shutdown TCP port and the Virtual Ethernet control port.End of change
  30. Start of changeEnter an existing network server configuration name for the following fields or select the default values. Press Enter.End of change
  31. Start of changeEnter the IP Security (IPSec) rule to use: End of change
  32. Start of changeIf prompted, enter service processor configuration information from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters in these fields, when using the defaulted Service processor NWSCFG name: End of change
  33. Start of changeIf prompted, enter remote system configuration information from the Installation worksheet for i5/OS parameters in these fields, when using the defaulted Remote system NWSCFG name: End of change
  34. Filling out additional parameters allows you to do the following things:

    Provide any other information that seems relevant for your needs and press Enter.

The integrated Windows server starts to install. The second stage of the installation process is Continue the installation from the integrated Windows server console. The process will take approximately 1 hour, depending on your hardware configuration.