Checklist: Estimating installation time

Follow these directions to help you estimate the approximate installation time of this release.

This information is provided to assist you in estimating the approximate installation time of this release on your system. Use the following checklist as a guide. The checklist refers you to other information or work sheets to obtain values.

The checklist assumes that you are not changing the primary language of your system. The estimate you arrive at by using this checklist is based on the assumption that your system must perform a single-process installation. If your system is able to use multiprocess installation, your time will be less.

The checklist and supporting work sheets do not include the amount of time that is spent on loading the next volumes, media errors, or recovery procedures. User data is not included. The time needed for INZSYS to complete is also not included.

To estimate your total installation time, follow these steps:

  1. Estimate the amount of time you need to save your system before you install the new release. Time for saving the system depends on how much storage you have and what percentage of the storage you are using. Use the amount of time from the last backup of your system.

    Time: _____________

  2. Estimate the amount of time to replace Licensed Internal Code. Allow 30 minutes for smaller servers. The average time for larger servers is about 15 minutes.

    Time: _____________

  3. Add the estimated amount of time to replace the operating system, which is approximately the same for all systems.
    Note: This installation time is based on using optical installation media. If you install from tape (such as a distribution tape created by a central site), these numbers are not valid. The speed of the optical drive is 600 kilobytes per second, which is the same rate as the 6390 tape drive (8mm). The next closest tape speed is 300 kilobytes per second for the 6380 tape drive (1/4 inch).

    Time: __80 minutes__

  4. Use Times for installing licensed programs to estimate this time. Be sure to include all the licensed programs and optional parts that you intend to install.

    Time: _____________

  5. Add time for object conversions. Follow the steps in Times for conversions to determine how much time you need to add for the following conversions:
  6. If your server uses mirroring or an implementation of a RAID-5 technique on the disk units in the system ASP, add extra time as described in Data protection mechanisms.

    Time: _____________

  7. Consider the time required for your system to perform an IPL. If your system takes more than 20 minutes to perform an IPL, include the amount of time that exceeds 20 minutes. For example, if your system takes 45 minutes to perform an IPL, enter the difference of 25 minutes for the time (45 - 20 = 25).

    Time: _____________

  8. Add time for saving your system after the installation. Be aware that data conversions can occur during the save operation that could increase the time needed for saving your system.

    Time: _____________

  9. Determine the amount of time required to install the cumulative PTF package. Use the timing information in the iSeries™ System PTF Shipping Information Letter.

    Time: _____________

  10. Add time for any extra clean-up work and to re-customize your system.

    Time: _____________

The total of these steps is your estimated time for installing your new release.

Estimated time: _____________

If you have data protection mechanisms, add the value you obtained from the information in Data protection mechanisms): _____________

Total estimated time: _____________