Use error messages

Use error messages to help you fix the errors.

If you request a task that the system cannot run because of an error, an Start of changeerror messageEnd of change appears at the bottom of the display. Depending on the display, the keyboard might also lock. To unlock the keyboard, press the Reset key.

Note: Displays of some application programs might not have message lines on the bottom of the display.

To obtain additional information about the error, take the following steps:

  1. Move the cursor to the same line as the message. If you cannot move the cursor, go to Step 2.
  2. Use option 5 (Display details and reply) to display additional information about the message. Press F9 to see message details such as the program and its instruction number causing the error. You might need to contact the owner of the program to fix the problem described in the error message.
Related tasks
Messages in a Message Queue