The national language design in i5/OS™ defines the functions your application
software can use to support national languages.
Character representation
Character representation in the server is controlled by the following elements of the Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA).
Character processing
Character processing on i5/OS is controlled by these coding rules
and guidelines that ensure consistent processing of character data.
Character presentation
Character presentation on i5/OS is controlled by coding rules and
algorithms that ensure consistent presentation of character data.
Globalization hardware support
Hardware, in this context, means the physical keyboards, displays,
printers, and controllers that make up an iSeries™ server. The extent to which this
hardware supports national languages might impose limitations on the degree
of support that you can provide with an application.
Character data translation
Translating is changing the meaning of character data from a set of concepts, ideas, and statements in one human language to a culturally similar meaning in another human language.
A locale is an object that can determine how data
is processed, printed, and displayed.