GOTO statement

The GOTO statement branches to a user-defined label within an SQL function, SQL procedure, or SQL trigger.


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Specifies the label for the GOTO statement. The label name cannot be the same as another label within the same scope. For more information, see Labels.
Specifies the labelled statement where processing is to continue. The labelled statement and the GOTO statement must both be in the same scope:

If label2 is not defined within a scope that the GOTO statement can reach, an error is returned.


Using a GOTO statement: Use the GOTO statement sparingly. This statement interferes with the normal sequence of processing, thus making a routine more difficult to read and maintain. Often, another statement, such as IF or LEAVE, can eliminate the need for a GOTO statement.


In the following statement, the parameters rating and v_empno are passed in to the procedure. The time in service is returned as a date duration in output parameter return_parm. If the time in service with the company is less then 6 months, the GOTO statement transfers control to the end of the procedure and new_salary is left unchanged.

CREATE PROCEDURE adjust_salary
  (IN v_empno CHAR(6),
   IN rating INTEGER,
   OUT return_parm DECIMAL(8,2))
       DECLARE new_salary DECIMAL(9,2);
       DECLARE service DECIMAL(8,2);
            SELECT salary, CURRENT_DATE - hiredate
               INTO new_salary, service
               FROM employee
               WHERE empno = v_empno;
            IF service < 600
              THEN GOTO exit1;
            END IF;
            IF rating = 1
             THEN SET new_salary = new_salary + (new_salary * .10);
             ELSEIF rating = 2
             THEN SET new_salary = new_salary + (new_salary * .05);
            END IF;
            UPDATE employee
               SET salary = new_salary
               WHERE empno = v_empno;

       EXIT1: SET return_parm = service;

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