The DESCRIBE TABLE statement obtains information about a table or view.
This statement can only be embedded in an application program,
SQL function, SQL procedure, or trigger. It is an executable statement that
cannot be dynamically prepared. It must not be specified in Java™.
The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include
at least one of the following:
- For the table or view identified in the statement:
- The system authority of *OBJOPR on the table or view
- The system authority *EXECUTE on the library containing the table or view
- Administrative authority

>>-DESCRIBE TABLE--variable------------------------------------->
.-SQL-. .-LOCAL--.
| '-GLOBAL-' |
- variable
- Identifies the table or view to describe. When the DESCRIBE TABLE statement
is executed:
- The name must identify a table or view that exists at the application server.
- The variable must be a character-string or UTF-16
or UCS-2 graphic-string variable and must not include an indicator variable.
- The table name that is contained within the variable must
be left-justified and must be padded on the right with blanks if its length
is less than that of the variable.
- The name of the table must be in uppercase unless it is a delimited name.
When the DESCRIBE TABLE statement is executed, the database
manager assigns values to the variables of the SQL descriptor or SQLDA as
- Identifies an SQL descriptor.
- Specifies the scope of the name of the descriptor to be local to program
- Specifies the scope of the name of the descriptor to be global to the
SQL session.
- SQL-descriptor-name
- Names the SQL descriptor. The name must identify a descriptor that already
exists with the specified scope.
- INTO descriptor-name
- Identifies an SQL descriptor area (SQLDA), which is described in Appendix D. SQLDA (SQL descriptor area). Before the DESCRIBE TABLE statement is executed, the following
variable in the SQLDA must be set.
- Specifies the number of SQLVAR occurrences provided in the SQLDA. SQLN
must be set to a value greater than or equal to zero before the DESCRIBE TABLE
statement is executed. For information on techniques to determine the number
of occurrences requires, see Determining how many SQLVAR occurrences are needed.
The rules for REXX are different. For more information, see the Embedded SQL Programming book.
When the DESCRIBE statement is executed,
the database manager assigns values to the variables of the SQLDA as follows:
- The first 6 bytes are set to 'SQLDA ' (that is, 5 letters followed by
the space character).
The seventh byte is set based on the column described:
- If the SQLDA contains two, three, or four SQLVAR entries for
every column of the table, the seventh byte is set to '2', '3', or '4'. This
technique is used in order to accommodate LOB or distinct type result columns,
labels, and system names.
- Otherwise, the seventh byte is set to the space character.
The seventh byte is set to the space character if there is not
enough room in the SQLDA to contain the description of all columns.
The eighth byte is set to the space character.
- Length of the SQLDA in bytes.
- The number of columns in the table.
- If the value of SQLD is 0, or greater than the value of SQLN, no values
are assigned to occurrences of SQLVAR.
If the value of SQLD is n, where n is greater than 0 but less than or
equal to the value of SQLN, values are assigned to the first n occurrences of SQLVAR so that the first occurrence of SQLVAR contains
a description of the first column of the table, the second occurrence of SQLVAR
contains a description of the second column of the table, and so on. For information
on the values assigned to SQLVAR occurrences, see Field descriptions in an occurrence of SQLVAR.
- Specifies what value to assign to each SQLNAME variable in
the SQLDA. If the requested value does not exist or if the length of a name
is greater than 30, SQLNAME is set to a length of 0.
- Assigns the name of the column. The column name returned
is case sensitive and without delimiters. This is the default.
- Assigns the system column name of the column.
- Assigns the label of the column. (Column labels are defined by the LABEL
statement.) Only the first 20 bytes of the label are returned.
- Assigns the column label. If the column has no label, the column name
is used instead.
- Assigns both the label and name of the column. In this case,
two or three occurrences of SQLVAR per column, depending on whether the table
contains distinct types, are needed to accommodate the additional information.
To specify this expansion of the SQLVAR array, set SQLN to 2*n or 3*n(where n is the
number of columns in the table or view). The first n occurrences
of SQLVAR contain the column names if they are different from the system column
name. Either the second or third n occurrences contain
the column labels. If there are no distinct types, the labels are returned
in the second set of SQLVAR entries. Otherwise, the labels are returned in
the third set of SQLVAR entries.
- Assigns the label, column name, and system column name. In this case
three or four occurrences of SQLVAR per column, depending on whether the table
contains distinct types, are needed to accommodate the additional information.
To specify this expansion of the SQLVAR array, set SQLN to 3*n or 4*n (where n is
the number of columns in the table). The first n occurrences
of SQLVAR contain the system column names. The second or third n occurrences contain the column labels. The third or fourth n occurrences contain the column names. If there are no distinct types,
the labels are returned in the second set of SQLVAR entries and the column
names are returned in the third set of SQLVAR entries. Otherwise, the labels
are returned in the third set of SQLVAR entries and the column names are returned
in the fourth set of SQLVAR entries.
Allocating the SQL descriptor: Before
the DESCRIBE TABLE statement is executed, the SQL descriptor must be allocated
using the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement. If the number of descriptor items
allocated is less than the number of columns in the table or view, a warning
(SQLSTATE 01005) is returned.
Allocating the SQLDA: Before the DESCRIBE TABLE statement
is executed, the value of SQLN must be set to a value greater than or equal
to zero to indicate how many occurrences of SQLVAR are provided in the SQLDA
and enough storage must be allocated to contain SQLN occurrences. To obtain
the description of the columns of the table or view, the number of occurrences
of SQLVAR must not be less than the number of columns. Furthermore, if USING
BOTH or USING ALL is specified, or if the columns include LOBs or distinct
types, the number of occurrences of SQLVAR should be two, three, or four times
the number of columns. See Determining how many SQLVAR occurrences are needed for more information.
If not enough occurrences are provided to return all sets of occurrences,
SQLN is set to the total number of occurrences necessary to return all information.
Otherwise, SQLN is set to the number of columns.
For a description of techniques that can be used to allocate the SQLDA,
see Appendix D. SQLDA (SQL descriptor area).
In a C program, execute a DESCRIBE statement with an SQLDA that has no
occurrences of SQLVAR. If SQLD is greater than zero, use the value to allocate
an SQLDA with the necessary number of occurrences of SQLVAR and then execute
a DESCRIBE statement using that SQLDA.
char table_name[201];
.../*code to prompt user for a table or view */
.../*code to set SQLN to zero and to allocate the SQLDA */
EXEC SQL DESCRIBE TABLE :table_name INTO :sqlda;
... /* code to check that SQLD is greater than zero, to set */
/* SQLN to SQLD, then to re-allocate the SQLDA */
EXEC SQL DESCRIBE TABLE :table_name INTO :sqlda;
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