Scenario: Key Management and File Encryption Using the Cryptographic Services APIs
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for information pertaining to code examples.
Prior to reading this article, you may want to review the information
in the following articles:
Briana is writing an application that handles customer data and accounts receivable. Because of recent privacy legislation, she needs to store the customer data encrypted.
Briana will store customer data encrypted in a database file. Each record will represent a different customer. Each record includes a customer unique number which is used as the database key field, an initialization vector which is used in the encrypt/decrypt operations, the accounts receivable balance, and the encrypted customer data.
The following is Briana's DDS for the customer file, which she names CUSDTA.
A R CUSDTAREC TEXT('Customer record')
A CUSNUM 8 0 TEXT('Customer number')
A IV 16 TEXT('Initialization vector')
A CCSID(65535)
A ARBAL 10 2 TEXT('Accounts receivable balance')
A CUSDTA 80 TEXT('Encrypted customer data')
A CCSID(65535)
A* 20 Name
A* 20 Address
A* 20 City
A* 2 State
A* 5 Zip Code
A* 10 Phone number
A* 3 Pad
Briana has several choices for an encryption key (which we will call the file key).
- A clear key
- A key store key
- A key encrypted under a clear key
- A key encrypted under a master key
- A key encrypted under a key store key
- A key encrypted under a certificate store key
- A key derived from PKCS5 parameters
- Combinations of the above
Briana carefully thinks through the requirements of her application and the security implications. Her decision is to use a key encrypted under a key store key. She will store the encrypted file key in a separate file
called CUSPI. Although the file key is encrypted, Briana is
still careful to restrict authority to CUSPI.
In addition to the encrypted file key, Briana needs to store the
last used customer number. Following is Briana's DDS for the customer
processing information file, CUSPI.
A R CUSPIREC TEXT('Customer processing info')
A KEY 16 TEXT('Encryption key')
A CCSID(65535)
A LASTCUS 8 0 TEXT('Last customer number')
Briana's application includes a program to setup and intialize the files and
keys, a program that writes customer data to the CUSDTA file, and a program
that bills customers. These programs are described below. Code examples for
these programs are also provided.
The Setup_Cus program performs the following steps:
- Create CUSDTA and CUSPI files.
- Create key store file CUSKEYFILE using the
Create Key Store API.
- Generate a KEK in CUSKEYFILE with a label of CUSDTAKEK using the
Generate Key Record API.
- Create a key context for CUSDTAKEK using the
Create Key Context API.
- Create an AES algorithm context for CUSDTAKEK using the
Create Algorithm Context API.
- Generate a file key encrypted under CUSDTAKEK using the
Generate Symmetric Key API.
- Write a record containing the encrypted file key and last customer number
(set to 0) to file CUSPI.
- Erase the encrypted file key value from program storage.
- Destroy key context using the
Destroy Key Context API.
- Destroy algorithm context using the
Destroy Algorithm Context API.
Here are example programs for Setup_Cus.
The Write_Cus program performs the following steps:
- Create an AES algorithm context for CUSDTAKEK
using the Create Algorithm Context API.
- Create a key context for CUSDTAKEK using the
Create Key Context API.
- Open the customer processing information file, CUSPI. (Return an error if
the file does not exist.)
- Read the first (and only) record from CUSPI to retrieve the encrypted file
key and last customer number. (Return an error if record not found.)
- Create a key context for the file key using the
Create Key Context API.
- Erase the encrypted file key value from program storage.
- Open the customer data file, CUSDTA, for update.
(Return an error if the file does not exist.)
- Call Get_Customer_Info to retrieve customer information and customer number.
(If customer number = 0, it is a new customer.
If customer number = 99999999, end the application.)
- While customer number != 99999999.
- Generate an IV using the
Generate Pseudorandom Numbers API.
- Encrypt the customer data using the
Encrypt Data API.
- If customer number = 0 (new customer)
- Add one to last customer number.
- Set customer number to last customer number.
- Write the new record to CUSDTA file.
- Read CUSDTA record using customer number as the database key.
(Return error if record not found.)
- Update record.
- Call Get_Customer_Info.
- Update last customer number in CUSPI.
- Erase any customer plaintext data still in program storage.
- Destroy key contexts using the
Destroy Key Context API.
- Destroy the algorithm context using the
Destroy Algorithm Context API.
- Close CUSDTA and CUSPI files.
Here are example programs for Write_Cus.
The Bill_Cus program performs the following steps:
- Create an AES algorithm context for CUSDTAKEK
using the Create Algorithm Context API.
- Create a key context for CUSDTAKEK using the
Create Key Context API.
- Open the customer processing information file, CUSPI. (Return an error if
the file does not exist.)
- Read the first (and only) record from CUSPI to retrieve the encrypted file
key. (Return an error if record not found.)
- Create a key context for the file key using the Create Key Context API.
- Erase the encrypted file key value from program storage.
- Close CUSPI file.
- Open the customer data file, CUSDTA, for sequential read.
- Setup the algorithm description.
- While not EOF
- Read next record.
- If accounts receivable balance > 0
- Decrypt customer data using the Decrypt Data API.
- Call Create_Bill, passing in the decrypted customer data and balance.
- Erase any customer plaintext data still in program storage.
- Destroy the key contexts using the
Destroy Key Context API.
- Destroy the algorithm context using the
Destroy Algorithm Context API.
- Close CUSDTA file.
Here are example programs for Bill_Cus.
Other Considerations
To backup file CUSDTA, you must backup files CUSPI and CUSKEYFILE as well.
A perpetrator should not be able to use these files on another system because
CUSDTAKEK is encrypted under a master key, and master keys should never
be shared between systems. However, if the perpetrator has the ability to
restore these files onto the orignal system and has access to the Decrypt
Data API, he will be able to hack the customer data.
It is a good idea to periodically change the value of the master key.
Whenever the master key is changed, CUSDTAKEK must be re-encrypted under the
new master key value. You can do this with the
Translate Key Store API. Remember to backup
a key store file whenever you re-encrypt the key values under a new master