Fixes are either sent to your
the electronic customer support service link or received on distribution media
such as CD-ROM, depending on the size and number of fixes that you ordered.
If the fixes are sent over the electronic customer
support service link, you can select to receive them as save files or as images.
If you receive them as save files, they are stored in library QGPL. You can
use either Management Central or the GO PTF menu to install fixes that you
received as save files. For fixes received as images, refer to Install fixes from an image catalog.
Because Management Central uses inventory for many of its tasks,
the inventory becomes out of date after actions are performed on endpoint
systems that change the state of an item in the inventory. You need to ensure
that your inventory is current before you perform the install fixes task with
Management Central.
Before you install fixes using Management Central,
ensure that your inventory is current. Management Central uses inventory for
many of its tasks. The inventory becomes out of date after actions are performed
on endpoint systems that change the state of an item in the inventory.