Determine how to apply Licensed Internal Code fixes without an IPL.
You may be operating from either storage area to temporarily install an immediate Licensed Internal Code fix without doing an IPL. You must be operating from the B storage area to permanently install a temporarily installed Licensed Internal Code fix without doing an IPL.
To immediately
apply a delayed Licensed Internal Code fix without doing an IPL, you must
be operating from the A storage area. If you are on the B storage area, see Advanced fix installation: Apply fixes at the next unattended IPL.
To determine the storage area you are currently operating from:
On the Display PTF Status display, the storage area is identified in the IPL source field. ##MACH#A is the A storage area and ##MACH#B is the B storage area.
If you are not running on the correct storage area, do the following steps:
where IPLSRC(X) is A if you want to apply them temporarily or B if you want to apply them permanently.
To apply Licensed Internal Code fixes immediately, do the following steps:
APYPTF 5722999 APY(xxxxx) DELAY(*NO)where where xxxxx is *TEMP or *PERM.