Tables are logical structures maintained by the database manager. Tables are made up of columns and rows. There is no inherent order of the rows within a table. At the intersection of every column and row is a specific data item called a value. A column is a set of values of the same type. A row is a sequence of values such that the nth value is a value of the nth column of the table.
There are three types of tables:
A base table has a name and may have a different system name. The system name is the name used by i5/OS. Either name is acceptable wherever a table-name is specified in SQL statements.
A column of a base table has a name and may have a different system column name. The system column name is the name used by i5/OS. Either name is acceptable wherever column-name is specified in SQL statements. For more information see CREATE TABLE.
A materialized query table is used to contain materialized data that is derived from one or more source tables specified by a select-statement. A source table is a base table, view, table expression, or user-defined table function. The select-statement specifies the query that is used to refresh the data in the materialized query table.
A partitioned table is a table whose data is contained in one or more local partitions (members). There are two mechanisms that can be specified to determine into which partition a specific row will be inserted. Range partitioning allows a user to specify different ranges of values for each partition. When a row is inserted, the values specified in the row are compared to the specified ranges to determine which partition is appropriate. Hash partitioning allows a user to specify a partitioning key on which a hash algorithm is used to determine which partition is appropriate. The partitioning key is a set of one or more columns in a partitioned table that are used to determine in which partition a row belongs.
A distributed table is a table whose data is partitioned across a nodegroup. A nodegroup is an object that provides a logical grouping of a set of two or more systems. The partitioning key is a set of one or more columns in a distributed table that are used to determine on which system a row belongs. For more information about distributed tables, see the DB2® Multisystem book.
A key is one or more columns that are identified as such in the description of an index, unique constraint, or a referential constraint. The same column can be part of more than one key.
A composite key is an ordered set of columns of the same base table. The ordering of the columns is not constrained by their ordering within the base table. The term value when used with respect to a composite key denotes a composite value. Thus, a rule such as "the value of the foreign key must be equal to the value of the primary key" means that each component of the value of the foreign key must be equal to the corresponding component of the value of the primary key.
A constraint is a rule that the database manager enforces. There are three types of constraints:
A unique constraint is the rule that the values of a key are valid only if they are unique. A key that is constrained to have unique values is called a unique key and can be defined by using the CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement. The resulting unique index is used by the database manager to enforce the uniqueness of the key during the execution of INSERT and UPDATE statements. Alternatively:
A unique key that is referenced by the foreign key of a referential constraint is called the parent key. A parent key is either a primary key or a UNIQUE key. When a base table is defined as a parent in a referential constraint, the default parent key is its primary key.
For more information on defining unique constraints, see ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE.
Referential integrity is the state of a database in which all values of all foreign keys are valid. A foreign key is a key that is part of the definition of a referential constraint. A referential constraint is the rule that the values of the foreign key are valid only if:
The base table containing the parent key is called the parent table of the referential constraint, and the base table containing the foreign key is said to be a dependent of that table.
Referential constraints are optional and can be defined in CREATE TABLE statements and ALTER TABLE statements. Referential constraints are enforced by the database manager during the execution of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The enforcement is effectively performed at the completion of the statement except for delete and update rules of RESTRICT which are enforced as rows are processed.
Referential constraints with a delete or update rule of RESTRICT are always enforced before any other referential constraints. Other referential constraints are enforced in an order independent manner. That is, the order does not affect the result of the operation. Within an SQL statement:
The rules of referential integrity involve the following concepts and terminology:
The insert rule of a referential constraint is that a nonnull insert value of the foreign key must match some value of the parent key of the parent table. The value of a composite foreign key is null if any component of the value is null.
The update rule of a referential constraint is specified when the referential constraint is defined. The choices are NO ACTION and RESTRICT. The update rule applies when a row of the parent or dependent table is updated. The update rule of a referential constraint is that a nonnull update value of a foreign key must match some value of the parent key of the parent table. The value of a composite foreign key is null if any component of the value is null.
The delete rule of a referential constraint is specified when the referential constraint is defined. The choices are RESTRICT, NO ACTION, CASCADE, SET™ NULL or SET DEFAULT. SET NULL can be specified only if some column of the foreign key allows null values.
The delete rule of a referential constraint applies when a row of the parent table is deleted. More precisely, the rule applies when a row of the parent table is the object of a delete or propagated delete operation (defined below) and that row has dependents in the dependent table of the referential constraint. Let P denote the parent table, let D denote the dependent table, and let p denote a parent row that is the object of a delete or propagated delete operation. If the delete rule is:
Each referential constraint in which a table is a parent has its own delete rule, and all applicable delete rules are used to determine the result of a delete operation. Thus, a row cannot be deleted if it has dependents in a referential constraint with a delete rule of RESTRICT or NO ACTION, or if the deletion cascades to any of its descendants that are dependents in a referential constraint with the delete rule of RESTRICT or NO ACTION.
The deletion of a row from parent table P involves other tables and may affect rows of these tables:
If rows of D are deleted, the delete operation on P is said to be propagated to D. If D is also a parent table, the actions described in this list apply, in turn, to the dependents of D.
Any base table that may be involved in a delete operation on P is said to be delete-connected to P. Thus, a base table is delete-connected to base table P if it is a dependent of P or a dependent of a base table to which delete operations from P cascade.
A check constraint is a rule that specifies which values allowed in every row of a base table. The definition of a check constraint contains a search condition that must not be FALSE for any row of the base table. Each column referenced in the search condition of a check constraint on a table T must identify a column of T. For more information on search conditions, see Search conditions.
A base table can have nore than one check constraint. Each check constraint defined on a base table is enforced by the database manager when either of the following occur:
A check constraint is enforced by applying its search condition to each row that is inserted or updated in that base table. An error is returned if the result of the search condition is FALSE for any row.
For more information on defining check constraints, see ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE.
An index is a set of pointers to rows of a base table. Each index is based on the values of data in one or more table columns. An index is an object that is separate from the data in the table. When an index is created, the database manager builds this structure and maintains it automatically.
An index has a name and may have a different system name. The system name is the name used by i5/OS. Either name is acceptable wherever an index-name is specified in SQL statements. For more information, see CREATE INDEX.
The database manager uses two types of indexes:
Binary radix tree indexes provide a specific order to the rows of a table. The database manager uses them to:
Encoded vector indexes do not provide a specific order to the rows of a table. The database manager only uses these indexes to improve performance.
An encoded vector access path works with the help of encoded vector indexes and provides access to a database file by assigning codes to distinct key values and then representing these values in an array. The elements of the array can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes in length, depending on the number of distinct values that must be represented. Because of their compact size and relative simplicity, encoded vector access paths provide for faster scans that can be more easily processed in parallel.
An index is created with the CREATE INDEX statement. For more information about creating indexes, see CREATE INDEX.
For more information about accelerating
your queries with encoded vector indexes
, go
to the DB2 UDB for iSeries webpages.
A trigger defines a set of actions that are executed automatically whenever a delete, insert, or update operation occurs on a specified table or view. When such an SQL operation is executed, the trigger is said to be activated.2
The set of actions can include almost any operation allowed on the system. A few operations are not allowed, such as:
For a complete list of restrictions, see CREATE TRIGGER and the Database Programming book.
Triggers can be used along with referential constraints and check constraints to enforce data integrity rules. Triggers are more powerful than constraints because they can also be used to cause updates to other tables, automatically generate or transform values for inserted or updated rows, or invoke functions that perform operations both inside and outside of the database manager. For example, instead of preventing an update to a column if the new value exceeds a certain amount, a trigger can substitute a valid value and send a notice to an administrator about the invalid update.
Triggers are a useful mechanism to define and enforce transitional business rules that involve different states of the data (for example, salary cannot be increased by more than 10 percent). Such a limit requires comparing the value of a salary before and after an increase. For rules that do not involve more than one state of the data, consider using referential and check constraints.
Triggers also move the application logic that is required to enforce business rules into the database, which can result in faster application development and easier maintenance because the business rule is no longer repeated in several applications, but one version is centralized to the trigger. With the logic in the database, for example, the previously mentioned limit on increases to the salary column of a table, the database manager checks the validity of the changes that any application makes to the salary column. In addition, the application programs do not need to be changed when the logic changes.
For more information about creating triggers, see CREATE TRIGGER.
Triggers are optional and are defined using the CREATE TRIGGER statement or the ADDPFTRG (Add Physical File Trigger) CL command. Triggers are dropped using the DROP TRIGGER statement or the RMVPFTRG (Remove Physical File Trigger) CL command. For more information about creating triggers, see the CREATE TRIGGER statement. For more information about triggers in general, see the CREATE TRIGGER statement or the SQL Programming and the Database Programming books.
There are a number of criteria that are defined when creating a trigger which are used to determine when a trigger should be activated.
The statement that causes a trigger to be activated will include a set of affected rows. These are the rows of the subject table that are being deleted, inserted or updated. The trigger granularity defines whether the actions of the trigger will be performed once for the statement or once for each of the rows in the set of affected rows.
The trigger action consists of an optional search condition and a set of SQL statements that are executed whenever the trigger is activated. The SQL statements are only executed if the search condition evaluates to true.
The triggered action may refer to the values in the set of affected rows. This is supported through the use of transition variables. Transition variables use the names of the columns in the subject table qualified by a specified name that identifies whether the reference is to the old value (prior to the update) or the new value (after the update). The new value can also be changed using the SET transition-variable statement in before update or insert triggers. Another means of referring to the values in the set of affected rows is using transition tables. Transition tables also use the names of the columns of the subject table but have a name specified that allows the complete set of affected rows to be treated as a table. Transition tables can only be used in after triggers. Separate transition tables can be defined for old and new values.
Multiple triggers can be specified for a combination of table, event, or activation time. The order in which the triggers are activated is the same as the order in which they were created. Thus, the most recently created trigger will be the last trigger activated.
The activation of a trigger may cause trigger cascading. This is the result of the activation of one trigger that executes SQL statements that cause the activation of other triggers or even the same trigger again. The triggered actions may also cause updates as a result of the original modification, which may result in the activation of additional triggers. With trigger cascading, a significant chain of triggers may be activated causing significant change to the database as a result of a single delete, insert or update statement.
The actions performed in the trigger are considered to be part of the operation that caused the trigger to be executed. Thus, when the isolation level is anything other than NC (No Commit) and the trigger actions are performed using the same commitment definition as the trigger event:
A trigger has an attribute that specifies whether it is allowed to delete or update a row that has already been inserted or updated within the SQL statement that caused the trigger to be executed.
All triggers created by using the CREATE TRIGGER statement implicitly have the ALWREPCHG(*YES) attribute.