How can I determine if a message description is defined with *CCHAR?
You can use the Work with Message Description (WRKMSGD) command to determine if a message description is defined with *CCHAR data. You can also use the Retrieve Message (QMHRTVM) API to return the replacement data format fields.
Can I correct the CCSID of a message queue?
You might have a message queue that has a CCSID that does not match the CCSID of the messages on it. This typically results from sending messages with a message-level CCSID of 65535 to a message queue with a CCSID that is not 65534 or 65535.
Can I correct the CCSID of a message file?
You might have a message file that has a CCSID that does not match the CCSID of the message descriptions in it. This typically results from adding message descriptions with a message-level CCSID of 65535 to a message file with a CCSID that is not 65534 or 65535.
Can I correct the CCSID of a message?
You cannot correct the message-level CCSID of a message. You can change the message queue CCSID to match the message-level CCSID. You can also delete the message and send it again with the correct message-level CCSID.
Can I correct the CCSID of a message description?
You can use the Change Message Description (CHGMSGD) command to change the CCSID of a message description. If you do not change the first- or second-level text at the same time that you change the message description CCSID, the text remains unchanged. Only the CCSID changes.