Use CCSID support for handling messages and message catalogs on i5/OS™.
You can send messages tagged with one CCSID to users with a different CCSID. You can use CCSID support to handle messages by using commands and application programming interfaces.
For example, if you do not set CCSID support on, the following message, encoded in CCSID 00037:
Joe, I need to see you right away!
appears to a user with CCSID 00500 as
Joe, I need to see you right away]
Instead of seeing an exclamation mark (!), Joe sees a right square bracket (]). If you set CCSID support on, the text in a message encoded in CCSID 00037 is converted to CCSID 00500. Both the person sending the message and the person receiving the message see identical text.
CCSID support helps preserve data integrity in messages. As you read through this information, you will see other advantages to using CCSID support for messages.
Object-level CCSIDs
The following topics provide detailed information about message support:
The following message handling commands support CCSIDs: