The SIGNAL statement signals an error or warning condition. It causes an
error or warning to be returned with the specified SQLSTATE and optional condition-information-items.
This statement can only be embedded in an application program. It is an
executable statement that cannot be dynamically prepared. It must not be specified
in REXX.
None required.

V |
|--SET----+-MESSAGE_TEXT-------+-- = --+-variable-------------------+-+--|
+-CONSTRAINT_CATALOG-+ '-diagnostic-string-constant-'
- Specifies the SQLSTATE that will be signalled. The specified
value must not be null and must follow the rules for SQLSTATEs:
- Each character must be from the set of digits ('0' through '9') or non-accented
upper case letters ('A' through 'Z').
- The SQLSTATE class (first two characters) cannot be '00' since this represents
successful completion.
If the SQLSTATE does not conform to these rules, an error is returned.
- sqlstate-string-constant
- The sqlstate-string-constant must be a character
string constant with exactly 5 characters.
- sqlstate-string-variable
- The sqlstate-string-variable must be a character,
UTF-16 graphic, or UCS-2 graphic variable. The actual length of the contents
of the variable must be 5.
- Introduces the assignment of values to condition-information-items. The condition-information-item values can be
accessed using the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement. The only condition-information-item that can be accessed in the SQLCA is MESSAGE_TEXT.
- Specifies a string that describes the error or warning.
is used,
- the string is returned in the SQLERRMC field of the SQLCA
- if the actual length of the string is longer than 70 bytes, it is truncated
without a warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of the database that contains
a constraint related to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of the schema that contains
a constraint related to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of a constraint related to
the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of the database that contains
a table or view related to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of the schema that contains
a table or view related to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of a table or view related
to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of a column in the table
or view related to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the name of a cursor related to the
signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the origin of the SQLSTATE class related
to the signalled error or warning.
- Specifies a string that indicates the origin of the SQLSTATE subclass
related to the signalled error or warning.
- variable
- Identifies a variable that must be declared in accordance with the rules
for declaring variables (see References to host variables). The variable contains
the value to be assigned to the condition-information-item. The variable must be defined as CHAR, VARCHAR, UTF-16 or UCS-2 GRAPHIC,
or UTF-16 or UCS-2 VARGRAPHIC variable.
- diagnostic-string-constant
- Specifies a character string constant that contains the value to be
assigned to the condition-information-item.
SQLSTATE values: Any valid SQLSTATE value can be
used in the SIGNAL statement. However, it is recommended that programmers
define new SQLSTATEs based on ranges reserved for applications. This prevents
the unintentional use of an SQLSTATE value that might be defined by the database
manager in a future release.
SQLSTATE values are comprised of a two-character class code value, followed
by a three-character subclass code value. Class code values represent classes
of successful and unsuccessful execution conditions.
- SQLSTATE classes that begin with the characters '7' through '9' or 'I'
through 'Z' may be defined. Within these classes, any subclass may be defined.
- SQLSTATE classes that begin with the characters '0' through '6' or 'A'
through 'H' are reserved for the database manager. Within these classes,
subclasses that begin with the characters '0' through 'H' are reserved for
the database manager. Subclasses that begin with the characters 'I' through
'Z' may be defined.
For more information about SQLSTATEs, see the SQL Messages
and Codes book in the iSeries Information Center.
Assignment: When the SIGNAL statement is executed,
the value of each of the specified string-constants and variables is assigned (using storage assignment
rules) to the corresponding condition-information-item. For details on the assignment rules, see Assignments and comparisons. For
details on the maximum length of specific condition-information-items, see GET DIAGNOSTICS.
Processing a SIGNAL statement: When a SIGNAL statement
is issued, the SQLCODE is based on the SQLSTATE value as follows:
- If the specified SQLSTATE class is either '01' or '02', a warning or not
found is signalled and the SQLCODE is set to +438.
- Otherwise, an exception is signalled and the SQLCODE is set to –438.
Example 1: Signal SQLSTATE '75002' with a descriptive
message text.
SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Customer number is not known';
Example 2: Signal SQLSTATE '75002' with a descriptive
message text and associate a specific table with the error.
SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Customer number is not known',
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