The SET CONNECTION statement establishes the current server
of the activation group by identifying one of its existing connections.
This statement can only be embedded within an application program or issued
interactively. It is an executable statement that cannot be dynamically prepared.
It must not be specified in Java™ or REXX.
SET CONNECTION is not allowed in a trigger. SET CONNECTION is not allowed
in an external procedure if the external procedure is called on a remote application server.
None required.

>>-SET CONNECTION--+-server-name-+-----------------------------><
- server-name or
- Identifies the connection by the specified server name or the server
name contained in the variable. If a variable is specified:
- It must be a character-string variable with a length attribute that is
not greater than 18.
- It must not be followed by an indicator variable.
- The server name must be left-justified within the variable and must conform
to the rules for forming an ordinary identifier.
- If the length of the server name is less than the length of the variable,
it must be padded on the right with blanks.
Let S denote the specified server name or the server name contained in
the variable. S must identify an existing connection of the application process.
If S identifies the current connection, the state of S and all other connections
of the application process are unchanged, but information about S is placed
in the SQLERRP field of the SQLCA. The following rules apply when S identifies
a dormant connection.
If the SET CONNECTION statement is successful:
- Connection S is placed in the current state.
- S is placed in the CURRENT SERVER special register.
- Information about the application server is placed in the connection-information-items in the SQL Diagnostics Area.
- Information about application server S is also placed in the SQLERRP field of
the SQLCA. If the application server is an IBM® relational database product, the information
has the form pppvvrrm, where:
- ppp identifies the product as follows:
- ARI for DB2® for VSE and VM
- DSN for DB2 UDB for z/OS
- QSQ for DB2 UDB for iSeries
- SQL for all other DB2 products
- vv is a two-digit version identifier such as '04'
- rr is a two-digit release identifier such as '01'
- m is a one-digit modification level such as '0'
For example, if the application server is Version 4 of DB2 UDB for z/OS, the value
of SQLERRP is 'DSN04010'.
- Additional information about the connection is available from the DB2_CONNECTION_STATUS
and DB2_CONNECTION_TYPE connection information items in the SQL Diagnostics
The DB2_CONNECTION_STATUS connection information item indicates the
status of connection for this unit of work. It will have one of the following
- 1 - Commitable updates can be performed on the connection for this unit
of work.
- 2 - No commitable updates can be performed on the connection for this
unit of work.
The DB2_CONNECTION_TYPE connection information item indicates
the type of connection. It will have one of the following values:
- 1 - Connection is to a local relational database.
- 2 - Connection is to a remote relational database with the conversation
- 3 - Connection is to a remote relational database with the conversation
- 4 - Connection is to an application requester driver program.
- Additional information about the connection is also placed in the SQLERRD(4)
field of the SQLCA. SQLERRD(4) will contain a value indicating whether the application server allows
commitable updates to be performed. Following is a list of values and their
meanings for the SQLERRD(4) field of the SQLCA on the CONNECT :
- 1 - Commitable updates can be performed and either the connection uses
an unprotected conversation, is a connection established to an application
requester driver program using a CONNECT (Type 1) statement, or is a local
connection established using a CONNECT (Type 1) statement.
- 2 - No commitable updates can be performed; conversation is unprotected.
- 3 - It is unknown if commitable updates can be performed; conversation
is protected.
- 4 - It is unknown if commitable updates can be performed; conversation
is unprotected.
- 5 - It is unknown if commitable updates can be performed and the connection
is either a local connection established using a CONNECT (Type 2) statement
or a connection to an application requester driver program established using
a CONNECT (Type 2) statement.
- Additional information about the connection is placed in the SQLERRMC
field of the SQLCA. Refer to Appendix B, "SQL Communication Area" for a description
of the information in the SQLERRMC field.
- Any previously current connection is placed in the dormant state.
If the SET CONNECTION statement is unsuccessful, the connection state of
the activation group and the states of its connections are unchanged.
(Type 1) statements does not prevent the use of SET CONNECTION, but the statement
either fails or does nothing because dormant connections do not exist.
Status after connection is restored: When a connection
is used, made dormant, and then restored to the current state in the same
unit of work, the status of locks, cursors, and prepared statements for that
connection reflects its last use by the activation group.
Local connections: A SET CONNECTION to a local connection
will fail if the current independent auxiliary Storage pool (IASP) name space
does not match the local connection's relational database.
Execute SQL statements at TOROLAB1, execute SQL statements at TOROLAB2,
and then execute more SQL statements at TOROLAB1.
(Execute statements referencing objects at TOROLAB1)
(Execute statements referencing objects at TOROLAB2)
(Execute statements referencing objects at TOROLAB1)
The first CONNECT statement creates the TOROLAB1 connection, the second
CONNECT statement places it in the dormant state, and the SET CONNECTION statement
returns it to the current state.
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