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<h3><a name="qshcrtinst"></a>Create an application server instance with the crtwasinst script</h3>
<p>You can use the crtwasinst script from Qshell to create an application server instance. You can create multiple WebSphere Application Server - Express instances that are completely isolated from one another. For example, you can create separate instances for application development and application testing, or you can create one instance with security enabled and one with security disabled.</p>
<p>The crtwasinst script creates a new instance that contains one application server. It also creates the required directories and sets up the correct authorities. For information on running Qshell scripts, see <a href="qshadm.htm">Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server - Express scripts</a>.</p>
<p>To run this script, your iSeries user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.</p>
<p>To create a new instance with the crtwasinst script, follow these steps:</p>
<li><p>On the CL command line, enter the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.</p></li>
<li><p>Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:</p>
<pre>cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE/ASE5/bin</pre></li>
<li><p>Run the crtwasinst script:</p>
<pre>crtwasinst -instance <em>instance</em> -portblock <em>port</em></pre>
<p>where <em>instance</em> is the name of the instance that is created and <em>port</em> is the first of a block of ports.</p></li>
<p>The syntax of the script is shown below.</p>
<pre>crtwasinst -instance <em>instance</em> [ -portblock <em>portblock</em> ]
[ -server <em>servername</em> ] [ -exthttp <em>exthttpport</em> ]
[ -inthttp <em>inthttpport</em> ] [ -admin <em>adminport</em> ] [ -adminssl <em>adminsslport</em> ]
[ -soap <em>soapport</em> ] [ -nameservice <em>nameserviceport</em> ] [ -sas <em>sasserverport</em> ]
[ -csiv2server <em>csiv2serverauthport</em> ] [ -csiv2client <em>csiv2clientauthport</em> ]
[ -verbose ] [ -help ]</pre>
<p>The parameters of the script are:</p>
<br>This is a required parameter. The value <em>instance</em> specifies the name of the instance. The script creates the new instance in the /QIBM/UserData/WebASE/ASE5/<em>instance</em> directory.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>portblock</em> specifies the first number of a block of port numbers that your instance uses. Specify the first port in a group of unused ports on your iSeries server. You can use the Work with TCP/IP Network Status (NETSTAT *CNN) command to display a list of port numbers that are currently being used.</p>
<p><a name="pbnote"></a><strong>Note:</strong></p>
<li><p>A WebSphere Application Server - Express instance uses several ports for various functions. When you create a new instance, ports are assigned based on the following ordered conditions:</p>
<li><strong>Specific port parameters</strong>
<br>If you specify values for specific port parameters, the script uses those values. Specific port parameters are -inthttp, -admin, -soap, -nameservice, and -drsclient.</li>
<li><strong>The -portblock parameter</strong>
<br>Services for which you have not specified a port number are assigned ports sequentually starting with the value of the -portblock parameter. If a script encounters a port that is assigned to a different instance or a port specified by another parameter in the script, it skips that port number and continues with the next unused port.</li>
<li><strong>Default values</strong>
<br>If -portblock is not specified, any services for which you have not specified a port parameter are assigned the default ports. See the specific port parameters for the default port numbers.</li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>servername</em> specifies the name of the application server that runs in your instance. If this value is not specified, the application server name is the same as the instance name.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>exthttpport</em> specifies the number of the TCP/IP port where the external HTTP server listens. The default value is 80. You must configure the external HTTP server through its administrative interface so that WebSphere Application Server - Express also listens on this port.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> The -portblock parameter does not affect the external HTTP port. If you specify the -portblock parameter, but not the -exthttp parameter, your instance uses the default value for the external HTTP port.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>inthttpport</em> specifies the port number on which the Web container listens for requests from the Web server. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -inthttp parameter is specified, the default value is 9080. See the <a href="#pbnote">Note</a> on the -portblock parameter for more information.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>adminport</em> specifies the port number to use for the WebSphere administrative console. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -admin parameter is specified, the default value is 9090. See the <a href="#pbnote">Note</a> on the -portblock parameter for more information.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>adminportssl</em> specifies the port number to use for the secure communications with WebSphere administrative console. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -adminssl parameter is specified, the default value is 9043. See the <a href="#pbnote">Note</a> on the -portblock parameter for more information.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>soapport</em> specifies the port number to use for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -soap parameter is specified, the script assigns the default value. The default value is 8880. See the <a href="#pbnote">Note</a> on the -portblock parameter for more information.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>nameserviceport</em> specifies the port number to use for name service (or RMI connector) port. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -nameservice parameter is specified, the script assigns the default value. The default value is 2809. See the <a href="#pbnote">Note</a> on the -portblock parameter for more information.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>sasserverport</em> specifies the port on which the Secure Association Services (SAS) listen for inbound authentication requests. The default value is 9401. This port is specified by the SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> It is recommended that you specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the application server selects a port at runtime. However, if a client application is connected to the application server and the application server restarts, the server could select a different port number, and the client application would be unable to connect to the server.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>csiv2serverauthport</em> specifies the port on which the Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 (CSIV2) Service listens for inbound server authentication requests. The default value is 9403. This port is specified by the CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> It is recommended that you specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the application server selects a port at runtime. However, if a client application is connected to the application server and the application server restarts, the server could select a different port number, and the client application would be unable to connect to the server.</p></li>
<br>This is an optional parameter. The value <em>csiv2clientauthport</em> specifies the port on which the Common Secure Interoperability Versson 2 (CSIV2) Service listens for inbound client authentication requests. The default value is 9402. This port is specified by the CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> It is recommended that you specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the application server selects a port at runtime. However, if a client application is connected to the application server and the application server restarts, the server could select a different port number, and the client application would be unable to connect to the server.</p></li>
<br>This optional parameter turns on verbose messages, which can be helpful if you need to debug the script.</p></li>
<br>This optional parameter displays the help message. If you specify this parameter, the script ignores all other parameters.</p></li>
<p>In this example, the script creates an instance named devinst.</p>
<pre>crtwasinst -instance devinst -portblock 10320</pre>