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<meta name="abstract" content="The Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command creates a new output queue for spooled files. An entry is placed on the output queue for each spooled file. The order in which the files are written to the output device is determined by the output priority of the spooled file and the value specified on the Order of files on queue prompt (SEQ parameter). Use the character-based interface to create an output queue." />
<meta name="description" content="The Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command creates a new output queue for spooled files. An entry is placed on the output queue for each spooled file. The order in which the files are written to the output device is determined by the output priority of the spooled file and the value specified on the Order of files on queue prompt (SEQ parameter). Use the character-based interface to create an output queue." />
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Create an output queue</h1>
<div><p>The Create Output Queue (<span class="cmdname">CRTOUTQ</span>) command creates
a new output queue for spooled files. An entry is placed on the output queue
for each spooled file. The order in which the files are written to the output
device is determined by the output priority of the spooled file and the value
specified on the Order of files on queue prompt (<span class="parmname">SEQ</span> parameter).
Use the character-based interface to create an output queue.</p>
<div class="section"><strong>Command</strong>: <span class="cmdname">CRTOUTQ</span> (Create Output Queue)</div>
<div class="example"><strong>Example:</strong> This command creates an output queue named DEPTAPRT
and puts it in the current library. Because AUT(*EXCLUDE) is specified and
OPRCTL(*YES) is assumed, the output queue can be used and controlled only
by the user who created the queue and users who have job control authority
or spooled control authority. Because SEQ(*FIFO) is specified, spooled files
are placed in first-in first-out order on the queue. If users in Department
A are authorized to use this output queue, the Grant Object Authority (<span class="cmdname">GRTOBJAUT</span>)
command must be used to grant them necessary authority. Data contained in
files on this queue can be displayed only by users who own the files, by the
owner of the queue, by users with job control authority, or by users which
spool control authority. By default, no job separator is printed at the beginning
of the output for each job.<blockquote><pre>CRTOUTQ OUTQ(DEPTAPRT) AUT(*EXCLUDE) SEQ(*FIFO)
<div class="p">Example:
The following is another example of how you can create an output queue.<blockquote><pre>CRTOUTQ OUTQ(QGPL/JONES) +
TEXT('Output queue for Mike Jones')</pre>
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzaksmanageoutputqueue.htm" title="Output queues help you manage printer output created when a job ends. It is important to understand how to effectively maintain your output queues so that your printed output processes smoothly.">Manage output queues</a></div>
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