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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<TITLE>HTTP Server Directive finder</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
<!-- // Hide script from older browsers
var message1 = "Enter something and then click Go."; //Message that displays when user clicks go without entering any info
var wrongchar = "The SRC you entered contains a character that is not valid. SRCs consist of numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. Re-enter a valid SRC.";
var cookieMess = "This finder uses cookies to function. Ensure that you have are using a browser that supports cookies and that cookies are enabled.";
var notext = "zzzz";
var cookieName = "httpdir";
//Standard function - do not change
function getCookieData(label) {
var labelLen = label.length;
var cLen = document.cookie.length;
var i=0;
var cEnd;
while (i < cLen) {
var j = i + labelLen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i,j) == label) {
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if (cEnd == -1) {
cEnd = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(j+1,cEnd));
//if they reach this point, no cookie data was found
function loadhidden() {
input = getCookieData(cookieName); //load stored data, use a unique cookie name
if (input != notext && input != "*") {
if (input.substring(0,3) == "mod") {
document.srcfindermod.searcher.value = input.substring(3,input.length);
} else {
if (input.substring(0,3) == "dir") {
document.srcfinderdir.searcher.value = input.substring(3,input.length);
function storeValue(input) {
var exp = new Date();
var oneHourFromNow = exp.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000); //save data for one hour
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + input + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); //use same unique cookie name
//Find by module
function valFindMod() {
tstring = document.srcfindermod.searcher.value;
if (tstring == "") { //nothing entered
} else {
storeValue("mod" + tstring); //store string in cookie
input = getCookieData(cookieName); //load stored data, using same unique cookie name
if (input == notext) { //cookie did not work, probably disabled
window.location = "rzaiedirectivefinder10.htm"; //jump to results page
//Find by directive
function valFindDir() {
tstring = document.srcfinderdir.searcher.value;
if (tstring == "") { //nothing entered
} else {
storeValue("dir" + tstring); //store string in cookie
input = getCookieData(cookieName); //load stored data, using same unique cookie name
if (input == notext) { //cookie did not work, probably disabled
window.location = "rzaiedirectivefinder10.htm"; //jump to results page
//Show all
function valFindAll() {
window.location = "rzaiedirectivefinderall.htm"
function detectEnterDir(e) {
var charCode = (navigator.appName == "Netscape") ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (charCode == 13) {
return false;
function detectEnterMod(e) {
var charCode = (navigator.appName == "Netscape") ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (charCode == 13) {
return false;
////////// -->
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<body onload="loadhidden()">
<h2>HTTP Server Directive finder</h2>
<strong>Important:</strong> This finder uses JavaScript, but JavaScript is either
not available or enabled in your browser. If you do not have access to a browser
that supports Javascript, you can still view the <a href="rzaiedirectivefinderall.htm">complete
list of HTTP Server (powered by Apache) directives</a>.
<p>Use the HTTP Directive finder to find information about HTTP Server (powered
by Apache) directives.</p>
<form name="srcfinderdir">
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" border="0" WIDTH="85%" ALIGN="CENTER">
<TD COLSPAN=2><BR></td>
<TD colspan="2" class="finderbar"><font size="+1"><STRONG><label for="searcherdir">Find by directive name</label></strong></font></TD>
<TD colspan="2">Search by name for individual directives.</TD>
<TD width="15%"><BR><BR></TD>
<TD><FONT SIZE=-1>Example: Enter <EM>ImapDefault</EM> or <EM>imap default</EM>.</FONT><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="searcher" id="searcherdir" onKeyPress = "return detectEnterDir(event)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Go" VALUE="Go" onclick="valFindDir()">
<FORM NAME="srcfindermod">
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" border="0" WIDTH="85%" ALIGN="CENTER">
<TD colspan="2" class="finderbar"><font size="+1"><STRONG><label for="searchermod">Find by module name</label></strong></font></TD>
<TD colspan="2">Search by module for individual directives.</TD>
<TD width="15%"><BR><BR></TD>
<TD><FONT SIZE="-1">Example: Enter <EM>mod_access</EM> or <EM>mod access</EM>.</FONT><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="searcher" id="searchermod" onKeyPress = "return detectEnterMod(event)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Go" VALUE="Go" onclick="valFindMod()">
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" border="0" WIDTH="85%" ALIGN="CENTER">
<td colspan="2" class="finderbar"><font size="+1"><STRONG>Find by list</strong></font></td>
<td colspan="2">Click the <strong>Show all</strong> button to display a complete
list of directives and modules supported in this release.</td>
<td width="15%"><BR><BR></td>
<FORM NAME="srcfinderall">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Show common IPL SRCs" VALUE="Show all" onclick="valFindAll()">