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<h2>head - Copy the first part of files</h2>
<p><strong>head [-n</strong> <em>count</em><strong>]</strong>
[<em>file ...</em>]</p>
<p>The <strong>head</strong> utility displays the first <em>
count</em> lines of each of the specified files, or of standard
input if no files are specified. If <strong>-n</strong> is not
specified, then the first 10 lines of the file are displayed.</p>
<p>If more than one <em>file</em> is specified, each <em>file</em>
is preceded by a header consisting of the string "==&gt; XXX
&lt;==" where XXX is the name of the file.</p>
<dd>Display <em>count</em> number of lines.</dd>
<p><strong>Exit Status</strong></p>
<li>0 on success</li>
<li>&gt;0 if an error occurs.</li>
<p><strong>Related information</strong></p>
<li><a href="cat.htm">cat - Concatenate and print files</a></li>
<li><a href="tail.htm">tail - Copy the last part of a file</a></li>
<li>To display the first 20 lines in the file "myfile".
head -n 20 myfile
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