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<toc label="Troubleshooting" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzahb/rzahb.xml" topic="rzahbrtrbshoo1.htm">
<topic href="rzahbrtrbshoo1.htm" label="Troubleshooting">
<topic href="rzahbwhatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzahbprintablepdf.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rzahbrtrbshmngprbsco.htm" label="How your server manages problems"/>
<topic href="rzahbdetect.htm" label="Detect problems">
<topic href="rzahbsrc.htm" label="System reference codes"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsc.htm" label="Messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbmessageconcepts.htm" label="Message queues"/>
<topic href="rzahblog.htm" label="Logs"/>
<topic href="rzahb_eventfunction.htm" label="Watch for event function">
<topic href="rzahb_useeventfunction.htm" label="Use the watch for event function"/>
<topic href="rzahb_scenario.htm" label="Scenario: Use the watch for event function with an exit program"/>
<topic href="rzahb_exitprogramexample.htm" label="Exit program for watch for event scenario"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa0.htm" label="Analyze and handle problems">
<topic href="rzahbflowchart.htm" label="Problem analysis procedures">
<topic href="rzahbflowchart2.htm" label="Start problem analysis"/>
<topic href="rzahbcollectsrc.htm" label="Collect system reference codes"/>
<topic href="rzahbsymptom.htm" label="Symptom and recovery actions"/>
<topic href="rzahbpowerprocedure.htm" label="Recover from a system power problem"/>
<topic href="rzahbopsconsoleprocedure.htm" label="Recover when the Operations Console remote control panel feature is not working correctly"/>
<topic href="rzahbcontrolpanelprocedure.htm" label="Recover when the control panel push buttons or lights are not working correctly"/>
<topic href="rzahbiplprocedure.htm" label="Recover from IPL or system failures"/>
<topic href="rzahbworkstationprocedure.htm" label="Recover from a workstation failure"/>
<topic href="rzahbtapeprocedure.htm" label="Recover from a tape or optical device problem"/>
<topic href="rzahbdiskprocedure.htm" label="Recover from a disk or disk drive problem"/>
<topic href="rzahbcommunicationprocedure.htm" label="Recover from a communications problem"/>
<topic href="rzahbhangprocedure.htm" label="Recover from system hang or loop condition"/>
<topic href="rzahbintermittentprocedure.htm" label="Recover from an intermittent problem"/>
<topic href="rzahbvaryonprocedure.htm" label="Recover when the console does not vary on"/>
<topic href="rzahbsrclist.htm" label="System reference code list"/>
<topic href="rzahbmainstoragedump.htm" label="Perform a main storage dump">
<topic href="rzahbperform_msd.htm" label="Perform an automatic main storage dump"/>
<topic href="rzahbmanual_msd.htm" label="Perform a manual main storage dump"/>
<topic href="rzahbmanlog_msd.htm" label="Perform a manual main storage dump on a logical partition"/>
<topic href="rzahbcopy_msd.htm" label="Copy a current main storage dump"/>
<topic href="rzahbreport_msd.htm" label="Report a main storage dump"/>
<topic href="rzahbdelete_msd.htm" label="Delete a main storage dump"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa1.htm" label="CL commands"/>
<topic href="rzahbbmn.htm" label="Problem-handling menus"/>
<topic href="rzahbapr.htm" label="Use authorized program analysis reports"/>
<topic href="rzahbrparzahbrpb.htm" label="Report problems: Overview">
<topic href="rzahbgatherinfo.htm" label="Gather information with the problem summary form">
<topic href="rzahbform1.htm" label="Problem summary form for single partition (Model 270 and 8xx)"/>
<topic href="rzahbform2.htm" label="Problem summary form for single partition (except Model 270 and 8xx)"/>
<topic href="rzahbform3.htm" label="Problem summary form for multiple partitions (Model 8xx)"/>
<topic href="rzahbform4.htm" label="Problem summary form for multiple partitions (except Model 8xx)"/>
<topic href="rzahb_report.htm" label="Contact IBM support"/>
<topic href="rzahbrpa.htm" label="Report problems detected by the system"/>
<topic href="rzahb_track.htm" label="Track problems">
<topic href="rzahbrph.htm" label="Query problem status">
<topic href="rzahbrphmethod1.htm" label="Method 1"/>
<topic href="rzahbrphmethod2.htm" label="Method 2"/>
<topic href="rzahbrpi.htm" label="Find a previously reported problem"/>
<topic href="rzahbrpf.htm" label="Add notes to a problem record"/>
<topic href="rzahbsupportinginfo.htm" label="Reference information">
<topic href="rzahbmessagedetails.htm" label="Details: Messages">
<topic href="rzahbmsy.htm" label="Types of messages">
<topic href="rzahbemc.htm" label="Error messages">
<topic href="rzahbema.htm" label="Use error messages">
<topic href="rzahbemb.htm" label="Examples: Use error messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsgqueue.htm" label="Messages in a Message Queue"/>
<topic href="rzahbalr.htm" label="Alerts"/>
<topic href="rzahbala.htm" label="Display alerts"/>
<topic href="rzahbmanagemessages.htm" label="Manage messages">
<topic href="rzahbmsf.htm" label="Display messages">
<topic href="rzahbmsw.htm" label="Display message details"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsg.htm" label="Display messages in the QSYSMSG queue"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsa.htm" label="Send messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbmss.htm" label="Respond to messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsb.htm" label="Remove messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsm.htm" label="Print messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsh.htm" label="Details: Message queues">
<topic href="rzahbmsq.htm" label="Types of message queues"/>
<topic href="rzahbqueuesman.htm" label="Manage message queues">
<topic href="rzahbcreatequeue.htm" label="Create message queues"/>
<topic href="rzahbseverequeue.htm" label="Create message queue QSYSMSG for severe messages"/>
<topic href="rzahbattributequeues.htm" label="Change the attributes of message queues"/>
<topic href="rzahbchangequeue.htm" label="Change the message queue for a printer"/>
<topic href="rzahbprintqueue.htm" label="Print all messages in the message queue"/>
<topic href="rzahblogdetails.htm" label="Details: Logs">
<topic href="rzahbloa.htm" label="Job logs">
<topic href="rzahblob.htm" label="Control the content of the job log">
<topic href="rzahbglvl.htm" label="Details: Control the content of the job log using the message level value"/>
<topic href="rzahblogmsgsvrty.htm" label="Details: Control the content of the job log using the message severity value"/>
<topic href="rzahblogmsgtxt.htm" label="Details: Controlling the content of the job log using the message text level value"/>
<topic href="rzahbloh.htm" label="Display job logs"/>
<topic href="rzahbloc.htm" label="History logs">
<topic href="rzahbloj.htm" label="Display the list of history log files"/>
<topic href="rzahbmsi.htm" label="Display the contents of the QHST history log"/>
<topic href="rzahbloe.htm" label="Problem logs">
<topic href="rzahblof.htm" label="Print error logs"/>
<topic href="rzahbbloi.htm" label="Display error logs"/>
<topic href="rzahbcldetails.htm" label="Details: CL commands">
<topic href="rzahbpa3.htm" label="Use the Analyze Problem (ANZPRB) command">
<topic href="rzahbanalyzeproblem.htm" label="Analyze a problem with opened status"/>
<topic href="rzahbaddmethanaprob.htm" label="Additional method to analyze a problem with opened status"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa8.htm" label="Examples: Analyze Problem (ANZPRB) command"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa5.htm" label="Use the Verify Communications (VFYCMN) command">
<topic href="rzahbpaa.htm" label="Examples: Verify Communications (VFYCMN) command"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa6.htm" label="Use the Verify Tape (VFYTAP) command"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa4.htm" label="Use the Work with Alerts (WRKALR) command">
<topic href="rzahbpa9.htm" label="Example: Work with Alerts (WRKALR) command"/>
<topic href="rzahbpa2.htm" label="Use the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command">
<topic href="rzahbpa7.htm" label="Examples: Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command"/>
<topic href="rzahbrunworkprblm.htm" label="Run the Work with Problems (WRKPRB) command"/>
<topic href="rzahbproblemmenudetails.htm" label="Details: Problem-handling menus">
<topic href="rzahbmne.htm" label="Use the GO NETPRB menu"/>
<topic href="rzahbmnf.htm" label="Use the GO NETWORK menu"/>
<topic href="rzahbmna.htm" label="Use the GO PROBLEM menu"/>
<topic href="rzahbmnb.htm" label="Use the GO PROBLEM2 menu"/>
<topic href="rzahbmnc.htm" label="Use the GO TECHHELP menu"/>
<topic href="rzahbmnd.htm" label="Use the GO USERHELP menu"/>
<topic href="rzahb-aparpd.htm" label="Details: Authorized program analysis reports"/>
<topic href="rzahb_determine_console.htm" label="Determine the primary or alternative consoles"/>
<topic href="rzahbreplace_battery.htm" label="Replace the battery power unit on Models 5xx and expansion units FC 507x and FC 508x"/>
<topic href="rzahbrelated.htm" label="Related information for troubleshooting"/>