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<h2>National Language Support-related APIs</h2>
<p>The national language support-related APIs work with the national language
support (NLS) functions.</p>
<p>The NLS-related APIs that work with UCS2 (Universal Multiple-Octet Coded
Character Set with 16 bits per character) character sets are:</p>
<li>Advance to Next Composite Character Sequence (UniNextCompChar()) API</li>
<li>Composite Character Sequence Code Element Count (UniQueryCompCharLen()) API</li>
<li>Convert Case (QLGCNVCS, QlgConvertCase) API</li>
<li>Number of Composite Character Sequences (UniQueryCompChar()) API</li>
<li>Retrieve Locale Information (QLGRTVLC, QlgRetrieveLocaleInformation) API</li>
<li>Transform UCS Data (QlgTransformUCSData()) API</li>
<p>The NLS-related APIs are:</p>
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<li><A HREF="UNCC.htm">Advance to Next Composite Character Sequence</A> (UniNextCompChar()) locates the next non-combining character in a string.</li>
<li><A HREF="UQCCL.htm">Composite Character Sequence Code Element Count</A> (UniQueryCompCharLen()) computes the number of code elements in a composite character sequence.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGCNVCS.htm">Convert Case</A> (QLGCNVCS, QlgConvertCase) provides case conversion to either uppercase or lowercase.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGCNVSS.htm">Convert Sort Sequence Table</A> (QLGCNVSS) converts a sort sequence table from one coded character set identifier (CCSID) to another.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGCVTTDD.htm">Convert Text Descriptor</A> (QlgCvtTextDescToDesc) converts a descriptor of text from one type (CCSID, for example) to another type (IANA name, for example).</li>
<li><A HREF="UQCC.htm">Number of Composite Character Sequences</A> (UniQueryCompChar()) computes the number of composite character sequences in a code element array.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGRTVCD.htm">Retrieve CCSID Data</A> (QLGRTVCD) retrieves different subsets of CCSIDs based on the selection type.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlgrtvct.htm">Retrieve CCSID Text</A> (QLGRTVCT) retrieves different subsets of CCSIDs' values and their descriptions, if available.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlgrtvci.htm">Retrieve Country or Region Identifiers</A> (QLGRTVCI) retrieves a list of country or region identifiers and their descriptions.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGRTVDC.htm">Retrieve Default CCSID</A> (QLGRTVDC) retrieves the default CCSID given a language ID.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGRTVLI.htm">Retrieve Language IDs</A> (QLGRTVLI) retrieves a list of language identifiers.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGRLNGI.htm">Retrieve Language Information</A> (QLGRLNGI) returns a selected national language version (NLV) based on the specified product, option, and language identifier.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGRTVLC.htm">Retrieve Locale Information</A> (QLGRTVLC, QlgRetrieveLocaleInformation) retrieves one or all categories of a locale.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGRTVSS.htm">Retrieve Sort Sequence Table</A> (QLGRTVSS) retrieves a specified sort sequence table.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGSCNMX.htm">Scan String for Mixed Data</A> (QLGSCNMX) tests a mixed input string for double-byte characters.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGSORT.htm">Sort</A> (QLGSORT) provides a generalized sort function.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGSRTIO.htm">Sort Input/Output</A> (QLGSRTIO) provides a set of records to be sorted or returns a set of records that have already been sorted.</li>
<li><A HREF="qlgtrans.htm">Transform UCS Data</A> (QlgTransformUCSData()) transforms, through a formula as compared to a mapping, data from one form of Unicode to another.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGTRDTA.htm">Truncate Character Data</A> (QLGTRDTA) truncates a CCSID-tagged string of character data to a specified length.</li>
<li><A HREF="QVCCSID.htm">Validate CCSID</A> (QtqValidateCCSID()) determines whether the specified CCSID is supported by the iSeries.</li>
<li><A HREF="QLGVLID.htm">Validate Language ID</A> (QLGVLID) ensures that a language identifier is supported.</li>
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<a href="#Top_Of_Page">Top</a> |
<a href="nls1.htm">National Language Support APIs</a> |
<a href="aplist.htm">APIs by category</a></td>