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<toc label="APIs" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#apiref/api.xml" topic="api.htm">
<topic href="api.htm" label="APIs">
<topic href="new.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="apiprnt.htm" label="Printable PDFs"/>
<topic href="../apifinder/finder.htm" label="API finder"/>
<topic href="../apis/aplist.htm" label="APIs by category"/>
<topic href="../apifinder/name_finder.htm" label="Alphabetic list of APIs"/>
<topic href="concept.htm" label="API concepts">
<topic href="aboutapis.htm" label="About application programming interfaces (APIs)"/>
<topic href="apiterminology.htm" label="API terminology"/>
<topic href="genericlibname.htm" label="Generic library names"/>
<topic href="conVerbs.htm" label="OPM and ILE API verbs and abbreviations"/>
<topic href="lang.htm" label="Language selection considerations"/>
<topic href="conEnvironment.htm" label="API environments">
<topic href="opmOverview.htm" label="APIs for the Original Program Model environment"/>
<topic href="ileOverview.htm" label="APIs for the Integrated Language Environment"/>
<topic href="ileCEE.htm" label="APIs for the ILE Common Execution Environment"/>
<topic href="opmIlecompare.htm" label="OPM and ILE API differences">
<topic href="opmLoggingILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Logging software error (OPM API without pointers)"/>
<topic href="opmLoggingCOBOL.htm" label="Example in OPM COBOL: Logging software error (OPM API without pointers)"/>
<topic href="opmLoggingRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Logging software error (OPM API without pointers)"/>
<topic href="opmLoggingILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Logging software error (OPM API without pointers)"/>
<topic href="opmReportingILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Report software error (ILE API with pointers)"/>
<topic href="opmReportingILECOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Reporting software error (ILE API with pointers)"/>
<topic href="opmReportingILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Reporting software error (ILE API with pointers)"/>
<topic href="unixType.htm" label="APIs for the UNIX-type environment">
<topic href="Unixapiex.htm" label="Examples: UNIX-type APIs"/>
<topic href="cmnCommon.htm" label="API information format">
<topic href="cmnDesc.htm" label="API description"/>
<topic href="cmnFormat.htm" label="API format"/>
<topic href="cmnField.htm" label="API field descriptions"/>
<topic href="cmnError.htm" label="API error messages"/>
<topic href="cmnExtract.htm" label="Extracting a field from the format"/>
<topic href="cmnProcessList.htm" label="Processing lists that contain data structures"/>
<topic href="conParameter.htm" label="API parameters">
<topic href="conPassParm.htm" label="Passing parameters"/>
<topic href="conIOParm.htm" label="Input and output parameters"/>
<topic href="conOffset.htm" label="Offset values and lengths"/>
<topic href="conOvD.htm" label="Offset versus displacement considerations for structures"/>
<topic href="error.htm" label="Error code parameter">
<topic href="errorcodeformat.htm" label="Error code parameter format"/>
<topic href="errorexceptions.htm" label="Examples: Receiving error conditions"/>
<topic href="errorjoblog.htm" label="Using the job log to diagnose API errors"/>
<topic href="conQSYSINC.htm" label="Include files and the QSYSINC library"/>
<topic href="conObject.htm" label="Internal object types"/>
<topic href="data.htm" label="Data types"/>
<topic href="conInternalID.htm" label="Internal identifiers"/>
<topic href="conUSRV.htm" label="User spaces and receiver variables">
<topic href="usf.htm" label="User spaces">
<topic href="usfgeneral.htm" label="General data structure"/>
<topic href="usfcommonstructure.htm" label="Common data structure formats"/>
<topic href="usfexample.htm" label="Example: User space format"/>
<topic href="usflistsection.htm" label="List sections"/>
<topic href="conReceiver.htm" label="Receiver variables">
<topic href="receiverbytes.htm" label="Bytes available and bytes returned fields"/>
<topic href="receiverkeyed.htm" label="Keyed interface"/>
<topic href="receiverusr.htm" label="User space alternative"/>
<topic href="conContinuation.htm" label="Continuation handle"/>
<topic href="listOverview.htm" label="List APIs overview">
<topic href="listGeneral.htm" label="List Object API general data structure"/>
<topic href="listUserSpace.htm" label="User spaces for list APIs">
<topic href="listLogicFlow.htm" label="Logic flow of processing a list of entries"/>
<topic href="listUserPointer.htm" label="Manipulating a user space with pointers"/>
<topic href="listUserWOPointer.htm" label="Manipulate a user space without pointers"/>
<topic href="listChangeUser.htm" label="Examples: Change a user space">
<topic href="examplechgus.htm" label="Example: Change a user space"/>
<topic href="exampleusilerpg.htm" label="Example: Changing a user space with an ILE RPG program"/>
<topic href="exampleopmrpg.htm" label="Example: Changing a user space with an OPM RPG program"/>
<topic href="listAdditionalinfo.htm" label="Additional information about list APIs and a user space"/>
<topic href="listDBFileMembers.htm" label="Example: List database file members with a CL program"/>
<topic href="listRPG.htm" label="Example in RPG: List Object API"/>
<topic href="listILECL.htm" label="Example in ILE CL: List Object API"/>
<topic href="listILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: List Object API"/>
<topic href="listILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: List Object API"/>
<topic href="listCOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: List Object API"/>
<topic href="conDomain.htm" label="Domain concepts"/>
<topic href="conExitProg.htm" label="Exit programs"/>
<topic href="conIndexCons.htm" label="User index considerations"/>
<topic href="conPerformance.htm" label="Performance considerations"/>
<topic href="conInternalObj.htm" label="APIs and internal system objects"/>
<topic href="oli.htm" label="Open list information format"/>
<topic href="pns.htm" label="Path name format"/>
<topic href="apiUse.htm" label="Using APIs">
<topic href="opmScenario.htm" label="Scenario: Original Program Model (OPM) API">
<topic href="cmnHoldRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (exception message)"/>
<topic href="cmnHoldCOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (exception message)"/>
<topic href="cmnHoldILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (exception message)"/>
<topic href="cmnHoldILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (exception message)"/>
<topic href="cmnRetrieveRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (error code structure)"/>
<topic href="cmnRetrieveCOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (error code structure)"/>
<topic href="cmnRetrieveILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (error code structure)"/>
<topic href="cmnRetrieveILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Retrieving the HOLD parameter (error code structure)"/>
<topic href="cmnAccessRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Accessing the HOLD attribute"/>
<topic href="cmnAccessCOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Accessing the HOLD attribute"/>
<topic href="cmnAccessILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Accessing the HOLD attribute"/>
<topic href="cmnAccessILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Accessing the HOLD attribute"/>
<topic href="cmnFieldRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Accessing a field value (initial library list)"/>
<topic href="cmnFieldCOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Accessing a field value (initial library list)"/>
<topic href="cmnFieldILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Accessing a field value (initial library list)"/>
<topic href="cmnFieldILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Accessing a field value (initial library list)"/>
<topic href="cmnKeysRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Using keys with List Spooled Files API"/>
<topic href="cmnKeysCOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Using keys with List Spooled Files API"/>
<topic href="cmnKeysILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Using keys with List Spooled Files API"/>
<topic href="cmnKeysILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Using keys with List Spooled Files API"/>
<topic href="ileScenario.htm" label="Scenario: Integrated Language Environment (ILE) APIs">
<topic href="ileRegisterILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Register exit point and add exit program"/>
<topic href="ileRegisterCOBOL.htm" label="Example in OPM COBOL: Register exit point and add exit program"/>
<topic href="ileRegisterILECOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Register exit point and add exit program"/>
<topic href="ileRegisterRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Register exit point and add exit program"/>
<topic href="ileRegisterILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Register exit point and add exit program"/>
<topic href="ileRemoveILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Remove exit program and deregister exit point"/>
<topic href="ileRemoveCOBOL.htm" label="Example in OPM COBOL: Remove exit program and deregister exit point"/>
<topic href="ileRemoveILECOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Remove exit program and deregister exit point"/>
<topic href="ileRemoveRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Remove exit program and deregister exit point"/>
<topic href="ileRemoveILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Remove exit program and deregister exit point"/>
<topic href="ileRetrieveILEC.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Retrieve exit point and exit program information"/>
<topic href="ileRetrieveCOBOL.htm" label="Example in OPM COBOL: Retrieve exit point and exit program information"/>
<topic href="ileRetrieveILECOBOL.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Retrieve exit point and exit program information"/>
<topic href="ileRetrieveRPG.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Retrieve exit point and exit program information"/>
<topic href="ileRetrieveILERPG.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Retrieve exit point and exit program information"/>
<topic href="ExTaskAPIs.htm" label="Performing tasks using APIs">
<topic href="ExTaskPackprog.htm" label="Examples: Packaging your own software products">
<topic href="expackcreate.htm" label="Creating the example product"/>
<topic href="expackcl.htm" label="Example: CL program for creating objects and library for packaging a product"/>
<topic href="expackrpg.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Program for packaging a product"/>
<topic href="expackilec.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Program for packaging a product"/>
<topic href="expackilecobol.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Program for packaging a product"/>
<topic href="expackilerpg.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Program for packaging a product"/>
<topic href="ExTaskRetfile.htm" label="Examples: Retrieving a file description to a user space">
<topic href="exretilec.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Retrieving a file description to a user space"/>
<topic href="exretilecobol.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Retrieving a file description to a user space"/>
<topic href="exretilerpg.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Retrieving a file description to a user space"/>
<topic href="ExTaskDataque.htm" label="Examples: Using data queues or user queues">
<topic href="exdqdetermine.htm" label="Determining whether to use data queues or user queues"/>
<topic href="exdqilec.htm" label="Example in ILE C: Data queue"/>
<topic href="exdqilecobol.htm" label="Example in ILE COBOL: Data queue"/>
<topic href="exdqopmrpg.htm" label="Example in OPM RPG: Data queue"/>
<topic href="exdqilerpg.htm" label="Example in ILE RPG: Data queue"/>
<topic href="exuqilec.htm" label="Example in ILE C: User queue"/>
<topic href="apiexmp.htm" label="Examples: APIs">
<topic href="apiexchnjob.htm" label="Example: Changing an active job"/>
<topic href="apiexchnent.htm" label="Example: Changing a job schedule entry"/>
<topic href="apiexcremac.htm" label="Example: Creating a batch machine"/>
<topic href="apiexcreind.htm" label="Example: Creating and manipulating a user index"/>
<topic href="apiexcredir.htm" label="Example: Creating your own telephone directory"/>
<topic href="apiexdefque.htm" label="Examples: Defining queries"/>
<topic href="apiexdelsp.htm" label="Example: Deleting old spooled files"/>
<topic href="apiexdirep.htm" label="Example: Diagnostic reporting"/>
<topic href="apiexgenalt.htm" label="Example: Generating and sending an alert"/>
<topic href="apiexlisdir.htm" label="Example: List directories"/>
<topic href="apiexlissub.htm" label="Example: Listing subdirectories"/>
<topic href="apiexsavdev.htm" label="Example: Saving to multiple devices"/>
<topic href="apiexsavvar.htm" label="Example: Saving and restoring system-level environment variables"/>
<topic href="apiexscapat.htm" label="Examples: Scanning string patterns"/>
<topic href="apiexusapi.htm" label="Example: Using COBOL program to call APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexusdev.htm" label="Example: Using the control device (QTACTLDV) API"/>
<topic href="apiexusque.htm" label="Examples: Using a data queue"/>
<topic href="apiexusvar.htm" label="Example: Using environment variables"/>
<topic href="apiexusdata.htm" label="Examples: Using ILE Common Execution Environment data APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexusterm.htm" label="Examples: Using the generic terminal APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexushand.htm" label="Example: Using profile handles"/>
<topic href="apiexusfac.htm" label="Example: Using registration facility APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexusmem.htm" label="Examples: Using semaphores and shared memory"/>
<topic href="apiexustra.htm" label="Example: Using SNA/Management services transport APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexusdeb.htm" label="Example: Using source debugger APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexuspro.htm" label="Examples: Using the spawn process and wait for child process APIs"/>
<topic href="apiexustran.htm" label="Example: Using the user-defined communications programs for file transfer"/>
<topic href="apiexwofil.htm" label="Example: Working with stream files"/>
<topic href="apiexcrepro.htm" label="Example: Creating a program temporary fix exit program"/>
<topic href="apiexusback.htm" label="Example: Using the operational assistant exit program for operational assistant backup"/>
<topic href="MIpgmg.htm" label="Machine interface programming">
<topic href="MIintro.htm" label="Machine interface instructions"/>
<topic href="MIwritprog.htm" label="Example: Writing an MI program"/>
<topic href="MIcompprog.htm" label="Compile an MI program"/>
<topic href="MIcrever.htm" label="Creating an MI version of CLCRTPG"/>
<topic href="MIenhver.htm" label="Enhanced version of the MICRTPG program"/>
<topic href="MIcrepro.htm" label="Create the MICRTPG2 program"/>
<topic href="MIcompro.htm" label="Examples: Common MI programming techniques"/>
<topic href="MIprosto.htm" label="Program storage"/>
<topic href="pgmerr.htm" label="Common API programming errors">
<topic href="pgmerr_errorco.htm" label="Use the error code parameter"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_datas.htm" label="Define data structures"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_receive.htm" label="Examples: Define receiver variables"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_liste.htm" label="Define list entry format lengths"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_null.htm" label="Use null pointers with OPM APIs"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_bytea.htm" label="Define byte alignment"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_offusrs.htm" label="Using offsets in a user space"/>
<topic href="pgmerr_lobjp.htm" label="Code for new function"/>
</toc> |